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(Samy is my friend)

One day while you were playing with your friends, you noticed Samy calling out to
you as he was sitting on the green bike. So you ran over to him, sat in the drivers
seat and took him around the playground. I followed you around and heard you
talking to him in Arabic, saying things like ( Samy is my friend) and
( Do you like this toy?). What a nice thing you did !
What is happening here?
Samera is teaching Samy how to play with other children. This is called playing
together which is the next step after parallel play, which is what babies do.
MashaAllah, you are being a great role model by showing him how to play with
Whats next for Samera?
Although Samera is quite shy, she quickly opens up when given some direction.
Encouraging her to interact with all others her age will allow her to learn and still
have fun. She can also show others to share and take turns because of how generous
she is. Through interactions with others, children learn other points of view, to
empathise with others, to ask for help, to see themselves as a help for others, and to
discuss or explain their ideas to adults or to other children.
Written by T. Nourah.

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