Golgi Apparatus

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Homework #1

Davis 1

Diamond Davis
BIOL 140
June 26, y
Golgi Apparatus
The Golgi apparatus was first reported by the physician Camillo Golgi in 1898
while studying the nervous system (1). Camillo Golgi first named it the internal reticular
apparatus and as time went on it was referred to as various names including the Golgi
Holmgren apparatus and "GolgiHolmgren ducts (2). Camillo Golgi also determined the
function of the Golgi apparatus.

Homework #1

Davis 1

Homework #1

Davis 2
Works Cited

1. Bentivoglio, M. (1999). The discovery of the Golgi Apparatus. Rev. 8(2):202-8.

2. Davidson, Michael. (2004). The Golgi Apparatus. Available: http://micro.mag

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