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June 24, 2015

The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-2305
Dear Senator Klobuchar:
As representatives of farmers and food manufacturers in Minnesota, we believe the time is now for
Congress to craft a voluntary, federal non-GMO standard for industry and the supply chain. The
undersigned companies and organizations look to you for leadership on this important issue as it will
fundamentally change the future of farming, agriculture, food production and global food security.
At $74 billion in output, Minnesotas agricultural and food sector ranks second only to manufacturing in
terms of overall economic impact to the state. Biotechnology plays a vital role in Minnesota, representing
93 percent of all corn, 94 percent of all soybeans, and nearly 100% of all sugar beets grown in the state. In
fact, GMO crops generate $10.6 billion in cash receipts annually for Minnesota farmers.
Despite the scientific consensus of regulatory and scientific authorities in the U.S. and throughout the
world that these ingredients are safe, we have seen attempts at the state level to mandate labels for foods
that contain ingredients grown with biotechnology. In fact, the state of Vermont has adopted such a law
requiring companies to label beginning in July, 2016. A state-by-state approach to labeling is not only
confusing to consumers, but also creates an enormous functional challenge to food companies with
national supply chain distribution systems. Further, such an approach would result in higher food prices
for hard working American families as much as $500 a year for a family of four, according to a study by
Cornell University Professor William Lesser.
We believe there can be a better way forward for consumers, farmers and food manufacturers to gain
access to information while maintaining a workable and reliable system for delivery of agricultural
products to the marketplace. Specifically, a bipartisan bill introduced in the House, H.R. 1599, the Safe
& Accurate Food Labeling Act would establish a voluntary USDA-administrated certification and labeling
program for non-GMO food products. The legislation would also reaffirm and strengthen FDAs role in
assuring the safety of food derived from biotechnology and ensure that labeling is science-based, national
and uniform across state borders. This legislation would provide a reliable way to deliver consistent
information to consumers across the country.
In the Senate, we understand that Senator Hoeven intends to introduce similar bipartisan legislation that
would put in place a federal standard for voluntary non-GMO labeling. We ask that you play a role in
bringing our voice to the table and work to achieve a legislative product that could provide a national
framework for a voluntary non-GMO label. We seek your leadership on this critically important policy
We appreciate your consideration and look forward to working with you to advance this important
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American Crystal Sugar Company

Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative

Bongards Creameries

Minnesota AgriGrowth Council

Cargill, Inc.

Minnesota Beverage Association

Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota

Minnesota Corn Growers Association

CHS Inc.

Minnesota Crop Production Retailers

ConAgra Foods, Inc.

Minnesota Grain and Feed Association

Davis Family Dairies

Minnesota Milk Producers Association

First District Association

Minnesota Pork Producers Association

General Mills, Inc.

Minnesota Soybean Growers Association

GNP Company

Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association

Hormel Foods Corporation

Minnesota Turkey Growers Association

Kraft Foods Group Inc.

Minnesota Wheat Growers Association

Land O' Lakes, Inc.

Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative

Michael Foods, Inc.

The Schwan Food Company

Midwest Food Processors Association

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