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How To Start Manufacturing Industries Ice Making & Refrigeration Plant Te has been no more than 50 years refrigeration machines was started in Japan, Recently, with developments in the food and chemical industries and changes in the living mode of the peo- ple, epochmaking progress has. been tnade in the mass production of refrig erators In lage cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Kobe and others, reftig- exatore with capacity 38 large as $0,000 tons are being built. Even in smaller Cities throughout the country, such fefrgeratore are being installed, ‘The large refrigerator groups in consumption areas form a centre for the distribution mechanisms to supply fresh foods con stantly at stabilized prices Tn connection with refrigerators of large capacity in consumption areas, numerous medium and small scale plants are linked “with refrigerators of large ‘capacity inthe consumption areas (On the other hand, building of refi erator groups in local production ar Which would become trunk or branches of the distribution mechanism, as well ts relay facilities in large cities, have tecently materialized. ‘As for refrigerators, people a think of them as being used for lng, freezing, sora ing, However, application ranges over many fields, including chemical, nu clear, fishery, medical, energy genera tion’ and linear motor super express train Recently, screw refrigeration com pressors are becoming popular in the Fields of refrigeration and air-condition ing taking the place of high speed recip- rocating, rotary and other old fashioned type compressors, especially in the US.A., Japan, US'S.R. and other devel coped countries. In the U.S.A., screw compressors made in Japan have been accepted by national nuclear labora- and universities for use in the development of the nuclear fusion pro ation industries are ‘ex: ‘ages in the Fld of the tneigy not only for energy conservation bur alto for energy generation. ‘According to. requirements, screw composer has capability to design and complete refrigeration equipment rang ig in size from the smallest to the largest capacities FILE. A7 ISIC 3121 Screw compressors in the machine room conditioning, ete pressure side equipment, (2) Low pressure side equipment, (3) Electic Equipment and (4) Avsiliary equip- ment. The high pressure side equipment consists of compressor unit(s), oil sepa- trator, condenser, receiver and nnoncondensible gat purger. The low fe side equipment consists of tefiigerant evapor late suction trap and aw ‘The electric equipment consists of prime mover, switch board, control panel and auxiliary control equipment, ‘The auxiliary equipment differs depend- ing on the purpose of refrigeration, such as ice making, freezing, cold storage, ai- Conditioning energy generation system, nuclear fusion system, etc. Refrigeration Cycle ‘The principal parts of the system are (1) Evaporator which provides a heat transfer surface through which heat can pass from the refrigerated space or pro- duct into the evaporating refrigerant, such as contact plate freezer, unit coolers, ceiling coils and the like in freezing and cold storage plant, or herringbone coils and shell cube type brine coolers in ice plant; (2) Suction ~ which conveys the low pressure jor from the evaporator to the suc- tion line of the compressor; (3) Com- pressor ~ which removes the vapor from the evaporator and raises the tempera tare and pressute ofthe vapor toa point that the vapor can be condensed with normally vallable condensed media such as water or air. The comptessor offers two types of compressors, one is reciprocating type and the other is crew type compressor; (4) Discharge Tine ~ which del ch pressure and temperature vapor from the discharge of the ‘compressor to the condenser; (5) Condenser - which provides a heat trans- fer surface through which heat passes from the hot refrigerant vapor to the condensing media; (6) Receiver - which eserves the refrigerant liquid that is fied at condenser; (7) Liguid line - ‘which caries the liquid refrigerant from the receiver to the refrigerant flow con- trol, and (8) Refrigerant flow control - whose function is to regulate the proper amount of refrigerant into the evapo- rator and to reduce the pressure of the liquid entering the evaporator s0 that the will vaporize in the evapo- rator at the desired temperature, Block Ice Making Equipment Fig Block ice making equipment consists of an ice freezing brine tank, brine agi- tator, ice cans, wooden frame-work for freezing tank, sit agitation equipment, water pumps, crane and hoist, can dumper, water filling tank, precooling water tank, ete. In design and estima- tion work for sn ice plant, the follow- ing information is required in order to ingall a suitable plant: (1) Weight of each ice block (135 kgs., 50 kgs. or 25 kgs.) and total manu- facturing capacity per day. (2) What kind of raw water is available, ive, well water, river water, city water? (3) Jee usage. Ist for human consump. tion, marine products, vegetable cooling, or other? (4) Ist to be stored as block ice or as crushed ice? (8) What isthe storage capacity? (6) Electric source (voltage, phase, cycle) (7) Water temperature both for raw ‘water and for cooling water. (8) Average outdoor temperature dur- ing warmest season, Fig. 2: Process Flow Diagram for Ice Making Plant Tiga igen xpos ae) FILE: A7 Fig. 3: Plant Layout for Ice Making Plant (Can dumper Fling water tank “Thawing water tank Evaporative condenser ‘Table 1: General Information for Constructing Block Ice Plant with Concrete Flat Building Tez profection Gonsiay) 7 oo 30 30] 00 Tez Rarge (tons) 0 00 —| "1800 [z000—| 800 Tez mang wom a7 ies} aio} aot ST] lee sorage 1785 z4o| 3970/: 5350) 7750 ‘Ante room 436 ga1| saa] 39.7] 99.2 Floor apace | Machine room 196 ws) 662| a9] 1390 n) Power 5 i ei e 198] 334 General office aus| ra | 463] 397] 529] 529 Danch room fe welfare : 7 aoa] 364/628 | Tous gsr | ania | oss] 7934] sasos|_ 19170 “Fhicknem of | Freezing tank 150 me inslation | tee storage 100 mm Comprenor Taya] na] Toa] tee] capacity to2{ 3) 43} aia] a7) 08 wenn Tat B3{ ges 3] sen] stea|_aiss Tiare of eipocating Wikxt 7 Nap x? ompresiot NBAxI Noax2 | NOAx? | obs? Comprenoe | iypecompenor Neat ren (model 347) | satus of screw compressor _| NI2SLUst | NI25LUs1 | N16oSUxi | NiGoLUst | 1G0SU2 |N200SUs2 ‘Number ofcaolrid 5 $ 7 3 7) at tee freesing | Depth (eum) sare | 122s | 1226 | 1226 | Laas | 1.226 tank Number of freezing tank 1 1 1 1 1 2 (cam gid sypey | Wieh of tank (mm) aaso | 47a0 | 5430 | 7920 | 10,860 |s1mx2 Length of tank (ry) sass | 13407_| 15566 | i64i9_| 19684 |20mx2 or pena Tamer Fae of ‘sus | 105,000 | 138,000 | 162,000 | 200,000 | 343,000 | 667,000 ‘ppcox. pice af - ‘ig. conte sus | 105,000 | 138,000 | 162,000 | 200,000 | 243,000 | 667,000 ‘Approx. con of : - | ination sus 21,000 | 28,000 | 32,000 | 40,000 | 69,000 | 133,000 works Best shipment of machineries | Monte afer the dat of 4 4 4 5 5 ‘ GURERRER | coma become fate Cold Storage Plant Equipment ‘The temperature of cold storages varies in accordance with the products stored; -20 to -30°C for frozen products such a meat and fish, +2 to 112°C for fruit and vegetable and -5 to #5°C for short term storage of feesh fish and meat. Generally, 400 to 500 kgs. of boxed frozen products can be stored in one ‘cubic meter, 300 to 350 kgs. for meat, and 200 to 300 kgs. for fruit and vege- able. Storage capacity varies in accordance with product, operation method, ete, ‘There are teveral cooling down systems for cold storages, for instance, refrig- erant. direct expansion system, brine cooling system, etc. The unit cooler sys- tem and hair pin coil system are com- monly applied as evaporators in cold storage facilities. They are termed "direct expansion systems”. Refrigeration equipment should be selected taking consideration of total ‘capacity of the plant, ambient thermal conditions, humidity, kind and size of products, product storing method, pro: uct packing method, quantity of pro- ducts in/out per day, purpose of storing products, storage period, transportation method for products, cooling ‘water (well, sea, river, city, te.), quantity and temperature of cooling water available, extent of automatic control and opera: tion, elettsie power supply available at the plant, soil conditions at the plant site, budget for purchasing equipment, technical and engineering capabilities avilable in area for construction and stallation of the plant equipment, and any other information obtainable. Hair pin coll system Where local conditions or individual pre- ference justify pipe coils, several charac- teristics should be considered in plant design, Ceiling coils have a long life and are simple and economical to operate, requiring no fan maintenance or costs for fan power. Defrosting the coils is more difficult and requires more man- power than unit cooler system however. ‘An automatic defrosting is not suitable with the hair pin coil system because the defrost water falls on stored pro- ducts in the room. Unit cooler system Defrosting time and manpower is mir mized as the automatic defrost air un 4 clears most of the frost. Also there are fewer coils to defrost. Less air move- ment over products and whole space in the storage assures even temperature maintenance with this system, Brine cooling system ‘There are two types of brine cooling systems, one for quick freezing products immersed in the chilled brine and the ‘other for cooling down products using brine heat exchanger type cooler instead of direct expansion type cooler, The later type is almost the same as the direct expansion unit cooler system, ‘except for the heat exchanging medium passing through the unit cooler. Liquid pump system ‘The liquid pump system is commonly used in fully automatic capacity control systems having a comparatively large volume of storage capacity. Recently, most cold storages being built in Japan incorporate liquid pumps and two stage compression systems. Quick Freezing Most products require cooling down before storing in the cold storage in order to maintain freshness and to pro- tect products already in the cold storage from temperature increase resulting from the incoming products, Therefore, cold storages in production areas a equipped with quick feering facilities ‘There are several types of freezing systems available, according to the type, se and kind of products. The type of jeeting equipment to be installed naturally depends on the kind of pro- ducts to be frozen, Most of the cold storage plants of today generally em- ploy a two stage aystem using com. pound compressors. The compressors are the heart of the refrigeration system, and reciprocating or screw-type com. pressore are sclected depending on the application and capacity of the plant as well as buyer's preferences. Compound compressors used for low eemperature applications are suitable for moderate sized plants, ax they contribute savings in several ways on initial investment, among which are floor space and power ‘consumption. ‘Two stage compound compression system for low temperature application (based on combination of two screw machines) 1) Contact plate freezer ‘The contact plate freezer is one of the most populae types of equipment for freezing packed foods or small items. In recent years the manufac ture and use of pressure type multi- plate units has expanded conside ably to meet the demand for a f well formed frozen package that will stack compactly in retail cabinets ‘The product freeting rate in a con- tact plate freezer varies with the size the type of product, ‘material utilized. ‘This system is utilized primarily for quick freezing products of compara- ly large size, It is one of the most popular types of freezing marine foods both on board the fishing vessel and at onshore facilities. “Table 2: Contact Plate Freezer Model No.5 No.15 | _No.20 Refrigerant Capacity (egisifey__| 300 i800 | 3000 Plate sie (mm) 00 x 2400 Number — 3 is 17 ‘Approximate TR 40°C | _i4 a2 55 Overall “Height | 2880, A180 | 4406] dimensions | wideh —| 3300 3300 | 4000 — | (am) Depth | 1830 1830 830 “Approximate weight (kg) | 2500 3500 | 4000 PILE: A? f 3) Ae blast freezing ‘Air blast freezing is used primarily for freering big quantities of large sized products. The system consists of a unit cooler having a large capac. ity with lower evaporative tempera. ture, In case of freezing large sized ‘Alc blast freezing for meats products at slaughter houses, hanging rails are provided in the freezing ring good circulation of chilled air 4) Brine cooling system The brine freezing system is generally used in freezing special products requiring iinmediate freeze, eg bonito, to protect the product from bleaching, Freezing is accomplished by immersing the product in -20 or 25°C brine 5) Continuous freezing The continuous freezing system is used for freezing products at process ing factories, eg. broilers, packed meat, hamburger, ete, Recently, a steel belt freezer system has been Steel belt freezer Fig. 4: Process Flow Diagram for Cold Storage Plane (Un completed for continuous efficient freezing of broilers. 6) Steel bele freezing system ‘The steel belt freezer system, design ed for continuous freezing of vegeta bles, broilers and various kinds of fish, can be easily operated and pro- vides high productivity. Spiral belt continuous freezer cooler system) ann GE, ay an Cet | (section ig) ie it prge do (Contin ter ae) | t i i Table 3: General Information for Constructing Concrete Cold Storage Structures _ _Srorage capacity Wom) = 18 200 30 30 Feesing capacity (onlay) 5 3 ro 70 Cold wage ie | as 735 | eo ‘Ante room 334 4s os | 92 Freeing oom = 232 as | 393 Frecsng ate room B sea | 397 space ng. Machine room sa | 463 ss | 1090 (m=) Procenting room ws | 66a sas | ises Gener office 5 3a 5958 Lunch room & wellare na | 44s ‘Totalspceinm’: | 2478 | aor siz9 | 1297 Tnsalaion Cold norege 150 150 150 150 (thickness mm) | Freezing room 200 200 200 200 materia Ante room 100 100 100 100 100 Seyrfoum Cold warns is [aes | wz|—as| @ Comprenor Freesng room : v6 | 292 Z capacity in US.RT | Ante oom og 25 x Toul capacity 124 569 rons | _ 1267 Teme oftecpto.waaxt | NA? | NOAx2 MBit | noox2 cating compressor : compressor saci" YP JrtooLust | wrastunt | wisosuxt | sizstue2 | wteosuxa | NI69suet | Reigerne : cn a Sa ‘Storage temp. °C ~.30_| 200-30] 20-30 Ce Ee Storing height Apps meter 75 25 zs as] 28 ‘Approx. price of 7 Seemctnon) sus | 14000 | 16900 se3000 | 211000 | 214000 ape sus | 160000 | 287.000 | 37.000 | sse.o0 | 183,000 | 969,000 sus | «4000 | 115000 | 189.000 | 223.000 | 353,000 | 308,000 construction works Approx. total cost sus | 238,000 | 478,000 | 677,000 941,000 1,571,000 = = — 2 = + Best shipment of ‘Months afer the date e machineries and of contract 3 ‘ 4 ‘ a e aupment § Th nfamatin has een repured by the Japan Consulting Institute UCI) and reproduced by UNIDO with special permission from JCl Further reproduction of this docu- ment without permission of JCI is prohibited, ‘Any inquiry about the informa contained should be sent t IO/COOP, Registry file No. ID/ 562/12, UNIDO, P.O. Box 300, ‘A-1400 Vienna, Austria, Contact plate freezer Cold storage room

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