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The Skeleton.

The Skelton Army

Since 1880

June 26, 2015

Vol. 1 Issue 1

A Call to WAR
By: Supreme Commander

It is time to rise up my fellow

soldiers against the atrocities of this
world. To long have we sat idly by
observing and not acting, listening not
shouting out loud our disgust for our
world. The Army is now under the
opinion that it is the organization of
Religion, the corruption of Governments
and the large influence that big
corporations have on the decisions that
rule our lives. It becomes our duty to
rise up and stand in protest against
these obscenities that cause the mass
to live in means that has it base in
the opposition of humanity. What makes
us human is our right to free will and
choice, and it is the organizations
previously reported that take away this
unique individual quality that stands
us apart from all others in creation.
We need to come together and organize
to make a force worth reckoning with so
that the powers against us can hear our
displeasure with how this world has
been handled poorly and now lays in
disarray. It is our charge to stand up
for our god given right to choose for
ourselves and live in means that suits,
not theirs. It is our mission to become
as god would have intended, not in a
world strewn in anarchy and unruliness,

but in a world that is fairly ruled and

governed. Together we can stand,
together we can fight, and together we
will win for together is our might!
These Criminals need to be brought to
light about their lawlessness against
humanity, their own criminality is
causing others to be brought to crime
out of necessity of lack of
expressions. If we allow this to
continue then we become accessories to
the crime and then criminal ourselves,
this too cannot be allowed. We must be
the loud voice, the shining light for
our fellows of the human family and go
to war.
This call to war and action is not
intended to lead you into the notion
that we should raise to violence but
rather rise up in the means that is
civil and will gain the most ground. If
we are to learn anything from our
history that no one today responds to
violent measures taken; better is it
that we protest and petition to within
the laws and guides set forth by our
respective governments. This means will
benefit our ends and keep to greater
traction in our mission.
So my Soldiers rise up, shout loud
and start the war!

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