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According to mUvUq Msm x

Sit facing East. Put white rice powder in WqMhQq and level it. Draw six lines in the

WqMhQq in the sequence 1-2-..6 and with the following six qls offer Ai s on
lines from start to end of arrows


(7) = Lq q q Lq Ysq x Lq
1. (7)
oh lq
2. " "
rqr lq
3. " "
xqr lq
4. " "
Sr lq
5. " "
uwhu lq
6. " "
ClSr lq
Do Aalrxq in your body


xWxcw WSrr lq
xuxi mhr vUx xuW


E mwr vZr uwO

kqurml Mucr Wq
xmier lrr uwO
klkUr Axr TO
ppuxxuUqi Saolk

Offer Ai in the WqMhQq at places indicated (

- qkr-S c qh)

xWxcw WSrr lq (SE)

xuxi mhr vUx xuW (NE)
E mwr vZr uwO (SW)
kqurml Mucr Wq (W)
xmier lrr uwO (Center)
klkUr Axr TO (Clockwise: E, S, W, N)
ppuxxuUqi Saolk

Preparation of WqMhQq
Draw in the WqMhQq an AMhq Acq (qskU c), wOMhq (xukl

c) Mhq (A c) each within the preceeding one. Organize Wq sticks in a

pattern of triangle. Place a lump of camphor in the center. Keep one wick dipped in b on
top of camphor, and another on the east edge of triangle of sticks.
Starting from the direction where you are sitting and going clockwise within the central
triangle in the WqMhQq, offer Ais with the following qls:


mir lq
Ahr lq
Mwhr lq
kqr lq
iur lq


xTsalr lq
cUr lq
Offer Ais in the center while chanting the following:


euslr lq
i iqx lq
U Uex lq
x xiur lq
A Aiql lq
A AliUiql lq
m mUqiql lq
liql lq

uaU uaUprq lq
Visualize union of
and xUxui in the triangle.
Bring fire from Sun (with a magnifying glass) or from a ohs home.
Join two wicks and place them beside a single wick in an earth or brass vessel to lUi
(SW). Light all three wicks. Keep the single lighted wick down on the ground saying this
belongs to s.
Do the following to the joined lighted two wicks in the vessel.
Look at it saying qs ql of chosen main deity. Sprinkle on it with qs

ql. Take two incense sticks and beat the light saying TO, keep them to two sides of
lamp. Protect it with right palm facing down, saying .
kl rl qS mSvr
Show kl and rl to the light.
(7) ulU U eiuS CWuW sWi xu xuW

Saying this, imagine a lighted wick rising up from base of your spine, going out of your
third eye to merge with the external light. The external lighted wick thus becomes the
rl of xUxui who combines inside with outside with her knowledge.

Mucr Wq Check that the two incense sticks are on two sides of lighted wicks. Stand
up holding the incense sticks and the light. Say
(7) Aal meusi ulS

ui qZq
Saying this, keep the lighted wick on top of the rl of WqMhQq (a place shaped like
rl between you and WqMhQq ) put the sticks on either side. Stand up.
(7) E mw WUimaV sWi xu xkr q SW xuW ,
Saying thrice, take only the light, rotating it thrice in the WqMhQq, light the two
wicks in the WqMhQq with it. The camphor in the center of the triangle gets lighted
automatically. Pour the remaining b from brass/earthen pot on the edges of central
triangle. Sit down.
(7) ci maV Wl Wl SW SW mc mc xu mr xuW
Put some thin, light weight dry sticks on the fire and make the fire glow bright. Show
eusl as fingers opening up like a blossoming flower. Imagine that the rl of
Saraswati is filled with nectarine b.

r mU, ixq o c o c Ar Mi me S
Axr Wqal mxulMq Msmrq lq
Offer Ais into the WqMhQq with the following s:
(7) Axr Wqal mxulMq Msmrq lq
xqi Mq Msmrq lq
ei Mq Msmrq lq
lqMUh Mq Msmrq lq
Name the Aal now as ___ ssial clQMal ahmiral, etc depending upon who
the main deity is.

" " Axr _ Aal

Mq Msmrq lq

cs Mq Msmrq lq
Emlrl Mq Msmrq lq
aSl Mq Msmrq lq
uuW Mq Msmrq lq


Place 3 mUk sticks around WqMhQq. Stout and short one on West edge on ground,
thinner and medium length on South, then thinnest and longest on North.

Aal krlq
(7) lrlqh ok qs xvYsq
Msmqpe xxjq
xuxiMpi Wxiq
lqi MlM qssMi x Mwlq

Aal qhQs
Invoke the Gods with Ai in the AMhq in the fire starting with nearest triangle
and proceeding in the clockwise direction.

(7 + )

eiuSx lq
xmier lq
Wur uWlr lq
ASUr lq
ulUr lq
MqUiex lq
uqZr lq
Su qZr lq

Offer Ai in the six triangles of WqMhQq starting with nearest triangle and
proceeding in the clockwise direction.


xWxcw WSrr lq
xuxi mhr vUx xuW


E mwr vZr uwO

kqurml Mucr Wq
xmier lrr uwO
klkUr Axr TO

In the triangle, invoke the God of Fire with

(7) Aal

xuh uhqqs ui qZq

Aer xxMUq
To purify the b, recite the following

s 7 times holding the Su grass (or an incense

stick) in the b.

L M L D s W x M W s x M s
At the end of recitation throw the stick or Su into fire, put the pot of b on the rl of

Offer the five EmcUs with qs

given above (or corresponding to main

ak mwm km Sm lu Msmrq lq
Purifying the xM = rl and xuq = sticks:
Wipe and clean the rl and rl sticks with . Fill rl in left hand (or
held by woman) with b from stick in right hand (or held by man), exchange
hands, offer b with rl into without shaking it or twisting it , but letting it
run off by gravity. Thus offer b into each of Aals tongues with the

(7) xuW WUhr CS lqq (NE Dvlr)

(7) MlMr xuW MlMr CS lqq (E mcrq)
(7) Ur xuW Ur CS lqq (SE Aalrq)
(7) Mwhr xuW Mwhr CS lqq (SW lUirq)


(7) xmpr xuW CS lqq (W mq)

(7) AiUr xuW AiUr CS lqq (NW urur)
(7) oWmr xuW oWmr CS lqq (qkr)
Now three more AWis for Aal in center as follows

(7) eiuS CWuW sWi xu Mqh xkr xuW xuW

Aalr CSq lqq
(7) Aal meusi uS eiuS

xuh uhqqs uiqZ xuW

xuW Aalr CSq lqq

(7) E mw WUimaV sWi xu Mqh xkr q SW Smr xuW xuW
Aalr CSq lqq
Invoke the Main deity now into fire

x ssir Aqi cilr qi Msmrq lqq

And do mcmcU .
(7) M L D s W x M W s x M W s (alk, mwm, km, Sm, lu)

Msmrq lq
This completes the Aal qZq


mkl Wqq
Main part of the rq
Offer 4 AWis for ahmi with b
Offer 108 AWis for your chosen main deity with b
Offer AWis according to your xMsmq with b


EU qZq

qWurWi Wqq
Fill the rl stick (xM) with b using the stick (xuq) and offer the b with the
yoni into the fire while chanting the following s:
pu Aalrc mjurc qWic xuW
Aalr mjur qWi CSq lqq
pu qWic xuW
qWi CSq lqq
xuUSirrc Suc qWic xuW
ASirrc Suc qWi CSq lqq
ppu lpr Sapr qWic xuW
clSqx lpr Sapr qWi CSq lqq

omh AWi
While holding the rl stick place it on a plate and put the mhWi offerings on top of
the rl stick. Using the stick offer a drop of b 12 times on the offerings while
counting thus:

LMq h ciuU mlc wO xmi lu Sv LMSv Sv uUh aWil

Sounds of drums, conches, flare up.

mhWiqq eWi mhWi mii

xmii Aal xqk xmieuW
xmi rlUmhxu (xuW)


Ci mu mh o SW kqkMUi eai xuml xwmiruxjx qlx uc

Mqh Wxipr mSprqSUh vvl rlr rixqiq rS riMiq iixu omhq
The mhWi Sur must be offered into the Wqq while chanting xuW.
Having performed mhWi to music and drum sounds,

Hold the and rl sticks together and keep pouring b in a thin, continuous thread
while chanting the following


vcq qr q mr c qlMq q Mq q xqlx q pS c q r q

uxr q rv q pa q Suh c q ri c q ki c q q q ki q
u c q qW q xucc q c q x q mx q xU c q sr q Gi
c qqi c qrq c qlqrcc q eui q Sbriu c qlq c qpr
c q xa c q vrl c qxw c q xSl c q
vli vli vli

Aal Sui Exlq

Go round the fire 3 times saying ar

Wim MhMqkr xjil xuW vMU muwiu q Su xuUuh xW

cSal Suic Aiql Exrq lqq
So saying invoke the fire into yourself, imagining that you are bathing in the fire.
Then you dip the rl stick in ghee and dip that into 8 different corners of Aal and mix
with some more b if necessary. Apply at the following 4 places while chanting the 4

eqSal rrwq (forehead)
Mvrmvr rrwq (heart)

rS Sul rrwq (left shoulder)

ilq Axi rrwq (right shoulder)
At this point, you should offer to the performer of , and take the fruit of the

as the blessings.
This concludes the Wqq.


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