Rubric For Cambridge Writing Pieces

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All points are made clearly and concisely in the students

own words. The answer is strongly focused on the reading
and the question.


Most of the essay is concise and well focused even if there

are inappropriate uses of examples or structures. Own
words are used consistently.

There are concise points, but may have occasional lack of

purpose or focus. Own words are used. Some structural
flaws or examples. Grammar and spelling have minor flaws.


The answer is mostly focused, but there may examples of

comment, repetition, or unnecessarily long explanation.
There may be copying of text instead of summary in own
words. Some structural flaws or inappropriate examples,
but not enough to distract the reader.

The answer has many examples of comment, repetition, or

unnecessarily long explanation. There is frequent use of the
text in place of own words. Several structural flaws or
examples distract from meaning.


The answer frequently loses focus and is underdeveloped or

too wordy. There are frequent mistakes in structure and
examples. Grammar and spelling are inaccurate or
distractingly incorrect (misused homophones, incorrect use
of apostrophes, capitalization, etc.)

Insufficient focus or development to be placed at a 1.5.

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