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New Testament Survey

Notes to Reader
Student: Karina Loayza


Traditionally, this gospel has been dated toward the end of the first century. But recent textual
evidence has indicated an earlier date, since the gospel was very well known in the first part of
the second century which makes necessary an earlier date in order to have a more ample period
for its circulation in this period. The weight of evidence suggests its writing around A.D. 80-85.
Regarding authorship, we find evidence in the book itself, the writer claims to have been a close
witness of the events recorded about Jesus. Moreover, the testimony of the early church
identified this disciple as John, son of Zebedee.
The dominant themes found in this gospel point to Jesus as the Son who reveals the Father.
There is an emphasis in the relation Father-Son from the beginning of the book. This first section
(1:1-8) is of particular importance to understand how the book is going to portrait Jesus. Here we
find a full statement about the divinity of the Son. On the one hand, he is the Word who came
from the Father to reveal Him, he is coexistent with the Father, the creator and sustainer of all
things. On the other hand, he is also the Son who fulfills his Fathers will in order to bring glory
to Him. In this account of John, we will hear more vividly the voice of Jesus through dialogues
and speeches who seems to report the very words of the Lord in his personal encounters with
people from radically different backgrounds, a respected teacher of the Law as Nicodemus and
right after in the next chapter, a Samaritan woman of a dubious reputation. Also, John uses a
variety of metaphors to convey the complexity of the person of Christ, he is: the Lamb of God,
the bread of life, the light of the world, the gate for the sheep, the good shepherd, the way, the
truth and the life, the resurrection and the life, the true vine.

New Testament Survey

Notes to Reader
Student: Karina Loayza

In the gospel of John, salvation comes from knowing the Father (17:3), from a close relationship
with him which Jesus himself depicts at its highest expression. This knowing God intimately is
eternal life, also depicted as the kingdom of God.
In the gospel of John, the reality and expression of the Holy Spirit is emphasized. It is the very
presence of Jesus, the Helper who Jesus sends to his church to bear witness of Him to the world.

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