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Name _________________________________

You and you partner will recreate one of the following scenes. Also, each of you will complete and turn
in the accompanying organizer.
Cinderella runs from the prince after the ball
Or, stepsister tries on shoe with the prince
Rapunzel and prince meet for the first time
Or, witch confronts Rapunzel (or the prince)
Queen guesses Rumpelstiltskins name
Hades kidnaps Persephone
Or, Demeter goes to Zeus and demands that Persephone be found
Narcissus falls in love with his reflection while Echo pines for him
Pandora and Epimetheus open the box the second time

Points Possible

Completed planning organizer


Accurately identified plot structure, mood, and theme in the

planning organizer


Created a movement-based script in planning organizer


Accurately portrayed scene (followed your script)


Accurately identified characteristics and movements in

planning organizer


Applied movements to portray character traits, reactions, and

emotion in scene


Followed Ground Rules for Mask


Used class time appropriately to plan scene & contributed

equally to your scene with your partner.




Your Points

Name _________________________________

Neutral Mask Recreation of Fairy Tales & Myths

1. Which character are you portraying?

2. Which character is your partner portraying?

3. What are the characteristics (personality traits) of each character, and how might you portray these
qualities through movement (body language or gesture)?






Name _________________________________

4. What scene will you and your partner portray?

5. What is the theme of the story your scene is from?

6. Consider the plot structure diagram. Is the scene you are portraying part of the exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action, or denouement (resolution)?

7. What conventions of fairy tales or myths can be found in your scene?

8. What is the mood of your scene?

9. Plan a script for your scene. Remember, you will not use any sound or facial expressions. Your script
should include a detailed sequence of events in the scene and notes about specific gestures or body
language to go along with each event.

Gestures/Body Language

(Prince presents slipper to the stepsister)

(Prince waves hand over slipper like Vana White; Stepsister puts her
hands to her heart and bows her head, as if she were sweet and coy)

Name _________________________________

Neutral Mask Opt-Out Activity

You will create a poster analyzing the plot and one character from one of the stories that we have read:

The Robber Bridegroom

Demeter & Persephone
Echo & Narcissus
Pandoras Box

Your poster should include:

a visual representation of the character of your choice

a list of character traits of that character
an illustrated plot structure diagram
a list of conventions of fairy tales or myths included in that story

Creativity, neatness and effort count! Consider how you will include all of these things on one poster.
You may use both sides of your poster board, or you may plan a layout that includes all things on one
side. Poster board will be provided.
You will work on this independently. You will be held to high standards of quality for the finished

Points Possible

Completed planning organizer


Accurately identified plot structure, mood, and theme in the planning



Illustrated plot structure on poster based on plan


Included fairy tale/myth conventions on your poster


Accurately identified characteristics in planning organizer and

incorporated them into poster.


Illustration or other visual representation of character on poster


Poster is neat, creative, and demonstrates effort!


Used class time appropriately to plan and create poster.




Your Points

Name _________________________________

Poster Analysis of Fairy Tales & Myths

1. Which story will your poster illustrate?

2. What is the theme of the story?

3. What is the mood of your story?

4. Consider the plot structure diagram. Plan it in the space below. What small illustrations might
accompany each plot point?

Name _________________________________

5. What conventions of fairy tales or myths can be found in your story?

6. Which character will be featured?

7. What are the characteristics (personality traits) of each character, and how might you portray these
qualities visually? (You may illustrate the character or you may illustrate objects that represent the


Visual Representation

Name _________________________________

Please evaluate your work during the Neutral Mask Story Recreation for Fairy Tales and Myths. Circle
the number that describes your work. Honesty is crucial for self-evaluations to be effective!
5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Neither Agree or Disagree

Positive Behaviors

I listened actively to my partner.

I focused on the project the entire time Ms.
Muse gave my group to work.
When my mind wandered, I tried to bring it
back to the project.
I was open to new ideas from my partner.
I participated in coming up with ideas for our
I did not distract others from working on
their projects.
I did not introduce unrelated topics.
I contributed CONSTRUCTIVELY to my partner
work with the mask.
I did not use class time for private chats with
If my family had been silent witnesses to
these English classes, they would probably
have been quite proud of my work.

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree


Add up the numbers you circled. Total self-evaluation score: ______________

Describe one thing that you did well in English class during this project.

Name _________________________________

Group Evaluation
Please evaluate your work during the Neutral Mask Story Recreation for Fairy Tales and Myths. Circle
the number that describes your work. Honesty is crucial for self-evaluations to be effective!
5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Neither Agree or Disagree

Positive Behaviors

My group worked very efficiently and

All of the group members participated
equally and took equal responsibility for
the project.
All of the group members listened politely
and respectfully.
All of the group members encouraged
new ideas and creative ways to approach
the project.
My group maintained a positive attitude
throughout the project.

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree


Add up the numbers you circled. Total self-evaluation score: ______________

If you have any specific positive remarks to make about any individual group members or your group
as a whole, please write them below.

If you have any specific concerns about your group as a whole or individual group members, please
write them below.

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