Medication Card Lisinopril

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Tracey Spanbauer 1

Medication Card

Name of drug: Lisinopril

Classification: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE Inhibitors)

MOA: ACE Inhibitors block conversion of angiotensin I to vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. ACE
inhibitors prevent degradation of bradykinin & other vasodilatory prostaglandins. ACE inhibitors
↑ plasma renin levels & ce aldosterone levels.

Onset: 1 hour Peak: 6 hours Duration: 24 hours

Dosage: PO Adults: HTN- 10 mg 1X daily (can ↑ up to 20-40 mg/day) Begin w/ 2.5 mg/day in
pts w/ hyponatremia.

PO Children > 6yo :HTN- 0.07 mg/kg 1X daily (up to 5 mg/day)

Side Toxin Effects:


CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, insomnia, vertigo, & weakness

Skin/Integumentary: flushing, purities, & rashes


Respiratory: Cough & dyspnea

Cardiovascular: hypotension, chest pain, edema, & tachycardia

Musculoskeletal: back pain, muscles cramps & myalgia

GU/Reproductive: ED, proteinuria, renal dysfunction, & renal failure

Hematopoietic: agranulocytosis



Drug Interactions: Diretics, lithium, NSAIDs, pain & inflammation meds, herbal & K+
supplements, K+ salts

Client Instructions: Take medication as directed; avoid salt subs & ↑ K+ foods, change
positions slowly to ↓ hypotension, possible taste disturbances

Nursing Considerations: Monitor BP, wt fl. overload & labs

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