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The second class Wednesday, February

6th, went to the museum to learn
about Antonio Canova

First, the children followed a guided tour of the works of Canova in

the museum of Bassano.

Children have discovered that Antonio

Canova was a famous Italian sculptor
and painter, born in 1757 in Possagno

In a second time, children took part in a workshop that made

them experience the procedures followed by the artist to
create his works in marble


The design was the first idea of the work that would have done
then, that Canova had


Drawing in pen and pencil

Hercules and Licia

Canova attributed importance to the practice

of drawing, he compared the pencil to the

3.Shaping the clay comp

carved with a
stick in the
block of clay,
molded the
subject they
had chosen.
They thus
created the

In this phase, Canova provided for the creation

of the statue in clay. On the statue was then
poured the gypsum to create the "form".

4. Gypsum model

5. Repre
On the gypsum model Canova inserted the tacks of bronze (Repre) used to
transfer, using a compass (pantograph), proportions from the gypsum model of the
statue of marble.

6. Sculpture on marble
The realization of the sculpture on
blocks of Carrara marble was very
delicate and it was one of the last
phases of work

7. Polish
Canova was polishing his statue
with pumice stone and with the
bathwater when kept immersed his

In the days after the children in the

class have revised the findings on the
sculptor and created posters and a work
written in the notebook .

The kids in the fourth class viewing a

photo exhibition on the works of
The forty sevenprinted images were
taken by the photographer Mimmo
Jodice. They were taken in major
museums around the world that are
home to sculptures by Canova.

Among the first major works of the young Canova's just a sculpture mythology, Daedalus and
Icarus. Canova represents the moment in which the father alloy wings on the shoulders of his
son looks like a sad scene, because we know the sad ending, the Fall of Icarus.

In class, the students have also observed more

photos of this sculpture because it represents a
theme in classical art Greek revival by Canova.
Pupils have admired the beauty of proportion
and the skill of the sculptor to make the details
on the stone.
We then read some of the myths associated with
legendary figures of Greek civilization as the guys
are just studying this civilization.

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