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a. What are your personal goals?

Tell me three:
1.- My first goal is finishing the Prepa en lienea SEP
2.- My second goal is to have my own gift shop
3.- My third goal is to regain my health doing sports

b. Are you going to continue your studies? Tell me why:

I will continue my studies because I want to finish what does not end when I was

c. How you identified your goals? Tell me two reasons:

I guess it was the economic factor and the desire to excel

d. How do you see yourself in the next decade?

I will have successful on my goals

e. Tell me five things you will do to achieve your goals.

i will finish the prepa en linea sep
I will be disciplined and constant on my studies
i will work very strong
I guess i will set goals
I will put all my effort and dedication

f. Tell me two things you are doing now to achieve your goals.
I'm studing very hard
I'm being very disciplined

g. What do you think about the perseverance and responsibility related to

achieving your goals?

I think that all reality begins with a dream and to achieve that dream, I will should
be responsible, consistent and disciplined.

h. What role does discipline in achieving your goals?

I think it's very important because it is essential to achieve.

i. Tell me five things you wish to achieve in the next five years

1.-Is to having my own gift shop.

2.-Start a University career.
3.-Teach Electronic courses.
4.-with good physical health
5.- be successful

j. Would you like to learn another language?

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