Path Loss

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Lp = Lp0 + Lrts + Lmsd

for Lrts + Lmsd > 0

Lp = Lp0

for Lrts + Lmsd 0

Lp0 = 32.4 + 20 logD + 20 log fc

Lrts = 16.9 10 logw + 10 log fc + 20 log(DeltaHm) + Lori

w is width of street in meters

DeltaHm = Hroof Hm


10 + 0.354a

for 0 a 35

2.5 + 0.075(a 35)

for 35 a 55

4.0 0.114(a 55)

for 55 a 90

Lmsd = Lbsh + ka + kd log d + kf log fc 9 logb

Deltahb = hb hRoof and hb is the height of the BS.


distance between two building(in meters)

18 log(1 + Deltahb)

for hb > hRoof

for hb hRoof


for hb > hRoof

54 0.8Deltahb

for d 0.5 km and hb hRoof

54 0.8Deltahb * d/0.5 for d < 0.5 km and hb hRoof




for hb > hRoof

18 15Deltahb/hRoof

for hb hRoof

4 + 0.7(fc/925 1)

for medium-size cities suburban areas with average vegetation



1.5(fc/925 1)

for metropolitan areas

Shall be used for the big indoor sport hall with the height of antenna beyond 20 meters and the distance
between Antenna and Receiver between 20 meter to 500 meters with the carrier frequency fc from 800
Mhz to 2000 Mhz.


w = 10

Lori = 3

Lrts = 16.9 10 logw + 10 log fc + 20 log(DeltaHm) + Lori

= -16.9 10 + 10 log fc + 20 log(DeltaHm) + 3
= -23.9+ 10 logfc + 20 log(DeltaHm)

Lbsh = 0

Ka = 54

Kd = 18

Kf = 4 + 0.7(fc/925 1)

b = 50

Lmsd = Lbsh + ka + kd logD + kf logfc 9 logb

= 0 + 54 + 18logD + (4 + 0.7(fc/925 1) )logfc 15.3
= 38.7 + 18logD - (4 + 0.7(fc/925 1) )logfc
= 38.7 + 18logD 4.7logfc + (0.7fc/925)logfc

The formula will be

Where D as point to point distance between Transmitter and receiver instead of location distance.
Reference 3GPP 25.996 3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio
Access Network;Spatial channel model for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) simulations

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