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Volleyball Drill-Book: Beginner (Level)

- 3.9 SettingDrills for game-like situations

Teaching Points:


Three players - one ball

The players should first start with performing

really high overhand passes in order to have
more time for the adjustment of their body
position towards the ball
A sturdy and neutral stand right before every
pass (overhand- or overhead) is important in
order to avoid a backward-bending body-position

Drill Objective:
Overhand-pass over the head

Drill Description:
A, B and C are standing next to each
other at the net (approximately one
meter in front of it). A performs an
overhand pass to B, B performs
another overhand pass (backwards,
overhead) to C. Now C passes to A
who in the meantime took the
central position of B, and so on.

Drill Variations:


Perform the same drill without

changing positions. In
consequence B has to constantly
rotate (180) after every
overhead pass
A and B are standing next to
each other close to the net. At
the level of B, approximately
three meters further into the
court, is standing C. Now A and B
are passing alternately the ball
to each other. In the moment of
B performing an overhead pass C
runs to the descending ball and
passes it back to B. Now B and C
are passing the ball to each
other and A takes the position of


2012 Dr. Christian Krger FIVB Instructor I/II- GER

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