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Volleyball Drill-Book: Beginner (Level)

- 3.8 SettingDrills for game-like situations

Teaching Points:


Two players - one ball

In the beginning the players should be informed

about the necessity of closing (directly before the
contact with the ball) and opening (to accelerate
the ball) the hands while overhand-passing.
Emphasize the thumb movement.
The feedback of the partner is very important

Drill Objective:
Backward overhand-passes with the
support of the thumbs

Drill Description:
A is standing backwards to B and
performs a throw-off. Now, he/she
passes the ball to B (A has to pass
backwards, therefore the hands have
to be held very high in overhead
position). B gives feedback
concerning the pass (too short/long,
too close to the net, too far away
from the net, etc). Afterwards A and
B switch roles.

Drill Variations:


Constantly increase the distance

between the players
A and B are standing closely
behind one another. A performs
an overhand pass forward into
the empty space in front of
him/her, runs after the ball in
order to finally play the
backward overhead-pass to B

2012 Dr. Christian Krger FIVB Instructor I/II- GER

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