Aknowledgement Letter

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Complaints Allocation Hub

Lunar House

Mr A Mohiuddin


HO Reference: 100200627519
25 June 2015

Dear Mr Mohiudden,
Your claim for redress from UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) in the matter of your flight
ticket, has been passed to our team to consider.
We consider claims for redress in accordance with the guidance in Managing Public
Money standards issued by the Treasury, which emphasises that we should attempt to
return the individual to the position they would have enjoyed in cases where it is accepted
that there has been maladministration on the part of the UK Border Agency.
However, when considering claims we have to ensure that they are fully supported by
documentary evidence, ie. receipts, to show that all the costs being claimed were actually
and necessarily incurred. Although you have provided receipts, further information is
required as follows:

Please provide the receipts for your cancelled flight on 22 May 2015.

This claim has been placed in a queue awaiting consideration. We will correspond further
with you on receipt of your response to this letter and once we have considered this claim.
For other information about contacting the Home Office, or further details about the
complaints process, please visit our website at: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ukvisas-and-immigration/about/complaints-procedure.
Yours sincerely

Mrs J Wright
Customer Service Unit

UK Visas and Immigration is an operational command of the Home Office

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