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Nama :M Khanif Khafidli

Kelas :1 D4 Elin B
NRP: 1310141031

The program is an instruction set that is arrange in accordance with a

procedure to solve a problem that is in around us automatically combination with
software and can be operated the support hardware.A good program will perform a task

that makes life easier for the user. Look at the software that is currently available for the task you
want to perform, and see if there are ways that the process could be easier or smoother. A
successful program is one that users will find a lot of utility in.

Examine your daily tasks on your computer. Is there some way that you could automate a
portion of those tasks with a program?

Write down every idea. Even if it seems silly or outlandish at the time, it could change
into something useful or even brilliant.

There are many material need to make program there are : application is a software that
holds and run the program such as: CV AVR, C++, JAVA then, komputer to read and make
program conjugation the software with hardware and then programmer: to solve the problem
and the last ia cable connection usb to help manage the program and hardware to
implementation the instruksi on program.

To make program there are many instruction must be follow:

The First is Defining the problem The problem to be solved and further analysis
through a program or application look from the standpoint of needs,Example: One
day there is a matter of mathematical calculations can be completed in a long time.
create a program that can solve the math problem quickly?. The second is Planning
solve the problem with flowchart system, System design usually used Flowchart
System or symbol program flow to take easily resolve the issue.

The third is Implementation In this step the programmer can implementation desain the code
programmer language on your computer

After do implementation that program was until 80 % and than the fourth is make

documentation or comments on the program, the aim is case of debugging or

problem we can correct it easily and other people can correct the program that we
created . and the last is Testing, in part testing devide 2 point. The firt point is Validation
Testing to test the input given to the program. Any input should be able to finish the
program properly.

Right test

false test

and the second is Sistem Testing, At this stage of testing the performance of the
program, when the program is run on a minimum system

This program can use to minimum system (minsis) hardware

minimum system

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