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Teacher Observation
Activity: I was not an official mentor to a new teacher who was hired in our academy;
however, she was on my team, and I was able to observe her and help her with classroom
management issues she was having.
Description: The teacher observation that was conducted was in reference to her first class
because she was struggling with the behavior of the boys in that class being a new teacher.
a. What went well?
I thought it was really great of her to come to her team and explain that she was having a
difficult time with these students. She wanted our help, and being that I am one of the
lead teachers, I felt I needed to help her. She and I spoke first to discuss the issues, and I
gave her some of my classroom management tricks I have accumulated over the years.
The biggest issue was students going to the restroom a lot, so I told her about the
bathroom passes I use.
I also visited her room, and upon being there, I realized that there were several things she
could do to help alleviate some of the behavioral issues. We met and I explained that
seating charts are a great tool, but I also told her to document all the issues and not to be
afraid to call parents. I explained that being proactive in any behavioral issue is far
greater than being reactive.
b. What did not?
The biggest thing that did not go well was that I believe she wanted help, but she also did
not want to be viewed as a bad teacher, so she took some advice but decided she could
handle it on her own. I understand that it is difficult to take advice from a colleague if the
thought is that perception is unfavorable. However, what I learned by observing her was

that she had not established a line as a teacher and not friend. She really wanted to help
her students with their issues and problem, and that is not a bad thing; however, her
kindness was being taken for granted, and her lessons were not being taught.
c. Given the chance to do it again, how would you do it better?
The biggest thing I learned is to not be afraid to have a difficult conversation as a leader
within my academy. I know that as an administrator or teacher leader, there will be times
where those conversations are necessary for me to have to avoid a bigger issue in the
future. I cannot make excuses that I have no power or authority because there are some
situations as an academy leader where I do when it comes to a new teacher who needs
and asks for help.

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