Week 5 Web Final

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Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Differentiated instruction is becoming the norm in todays classroom.

Differentiated instruction has been defined as philosophy that enables to plan accordingly
to meet the needs of all the diverse learners in todays classroom (De Jesus, O. N., 2012).
Differentiated instruction is to modify curriculum to meet the needs of all learners within
the classroom. In todays classroom the teacher is not the sole information provider, but
the guide to education through lessons and technology. Teachers today have the ability to
help differentiate the instruction delivered to the students to meet the needs of all within
the classroom setting.
When looking at differentiated instruction it does not come without the pros and
cons. When you differentiate instruction with the use of technology you do run the risk of
the basic issues such as, problems with the technology and Internet. The academic
advancement for the students is how effective it works for students on the high-ability to
the students with mild severe disabilities. Students can be given different options and
how they learn the material and take ownership of their own learning and the biggest
advantage is that students seem to be more engaged and have fewer discipline problems
where teachers use differentiated instruction. The instructional issue, with this, is that the
teachers have more put on them to come up with adequate lessons in a differentiated
manner. There can be a steep learning curve throughout the classrooms that without
resource it would not make a big difference and there is not enough research to support
the benefits when adding the added prep it would take (Weselby, 2015).
A teacher should only use technology to differentiate instruction that they are

familiar with. Technology takes time to learn and understand so a teacher would not want
to create something they were not real familiar with and broadcast to your class until you
understand how it works. Learning to effectively differentiate with technology takes time.
To be an effective teacher technology should not be the only way you differentiate your
classroom instruction. You need to reach all types of learners and both differentiated
instruction and the use of technology tools are vital to the 21st Century learners (Throne,
S., & Smith, G., 2007). When differentiating education the teacher should create a
learning environment that has clear guidelines, routine, options on learning, tiered
activities and other concepts. True differentiation takes time to get to know your students
and time to create what works best for them. Teachers get better at this when they have
supports from the school and time (Reading Rockets, 2015).
When technology is used to differentiate instruction it can impact the
students success. Differentiating instruction through technology allows the
teachers to put some of the learning process back on the students. Students
success is best when technology is integrated into the curriculum. There are studies
that show group collaboration with technology offers a greater performance and
shares the academic process with the students (Throne, S., & Smith, G., 2007).
This shows that through differentiated instruction, technology integration and
instructional support for both teachers and students the classroom will be more
successful. Teachers have to be willing to learn to grow with the students.
Student centered classrooms allows the students multiple perspectives in
how to adapt skills in problem solving and critical thinking. Teachers classroom
position is shifting from being the owner of the knowledge to the consultant of

knowledge to foster the students. Teachers are there to empower the students,
organize lessons and classroom skills, adopt different technology within the
classroom, holds the students responsible for their own learning. Through
technology students are offered the abilities to gather great information on their
own and through collaboration with other peers. They learn to seek the knowledge
to understand what is to be learned and for teachers technology allows the creation
of real world education (Saxena, S., 2013).
Technology is here and education needs to embrace it and all it offers.
Creating student-centered classrooms allow teacher to reach all students and
embrace everyones learning abilities. Students will learn to empower themselves
academically and collaboratively through technology. There are pros and cons
about using technology, but through instruction on good digital citizenship, rules
and guidelines to be followed and the ability to learn the technology as well
teachers will be armed to foster the 21st Century learner.

De Jesus, O. N. (2012). Differentiated Instruction: Can Differentiated Instruction Provide
Success for All Learners?. National Teacher Education Journal, 5(3), 5-11.
Reading Rockets. (2015). Retrieved June 25, 2015 from
Saxena, S. (2013, November 6). Using Technology to Create Stuedent-Centered Learning
Environment EdTech Review (ETR). Retrieved from http://edtechreview.in/trendsinsights/insights/743-using-technology-for-student-centered-learning-environment
Throne, S., & Smith, G. (2007). Overview and Principles of Differentiated instruction. In
Differentiating Instruction with Technology for K5 Classrooms,. Eugene, Oregon: ISTE
(International Society for Technology in Education).
Weselby, C. (2015). What is Differentiated Instruction? Examples of How to Differentiate
Instruction in the Classroom. Retrieved June 24, 2015, from http://education.cuportland.edu/blog/teaching-strategies/examples-of-differentiated-instruction/

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