J&knathan-Gifted With The Journey V1i3

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Verse for the Month

Gifted With the Journey

1 Samuel 3:10
Then the Lord came and
stood and called as at
other times, Samuel!
Samuel! And Samuel
said, Speak, for Your
servant is listening.


Volume 1, Issue 3

Our Last Months in a Nutshell

Josh has continued to work on making upgrades to the computer

systems at the dorms at on the difference campuses. He was able to
track down a problem with a server servicing 4 dorms to improve
their Internet, and hes been continuing to research how to best be
able to handle the influx of more mobile devices.

Prayer - Praises & Requests

* for connections with the students
* for our home, car, food, freedom
* Housing worked out for ACSI
conferenceto keep cost down
* Praise for approval of Joshs extension
of his required HMA year.we are
staying at BFA through next year and
then are planning to take our HMA
year 16-17
* Parents coming to visit in April
* Computer Conference went well!
*The flu has been running rampant in
our communityKatie has been sick
pray for health

*Pray for HIS strength as this next
month is SO busy

*Preparations for the upcoming events
*HS Retreat - students hearts, be open

There was also a meeting between the academic and IT departments

about going forward with technology at the school. It was a good first
meeting, and the school is currently forming a team that to research
and make decisions regarding future changes in regard to technology.
Katie took over for the choir director after she left in December and
has therefore added the Middle School and High School Choirs to her
weekly schedule as well as an Advanced Band, Middle School Guitar
Class, and morning ACSI Choir and Band rehearsals. She is really
enjoying being in the classroom more, but is concerned because the
schedule is very demanding. She is feeling favor and strength coming
from Him, though, and is therefore trusting that He is equipping her
for this time.
This last month marked being in this apartment one year for me and
six months for Josh. We are making it a home and enjoying it. We
currently have some empty picture frames on the wall that we are
planning to fill, but it is all a process right? At least they are up. :)

Looking Ahead
Feb.27 - March 1 HS Retreat
March 11-16 BFA is hosting the
European ACSI Honors Music
March 20th 3rd Music Recital
March 27th- April 13 - Spring Break,
Missions Trips
April 24-30 Music Festival at BFA
May 3 - Maiwecken, Waking of
Spring with the Kandern City Band

Josh and Katie are looking forward to this Spring and all of the
activities. Even though it will be busy, this is some of the last time
that they will have with the Senior Class that they have been with for
several years now. This includes Joshs Small Group, Joyce, Tyler,
Davidand about seventy others. Pray that times with them will be
orchestrated, special and sweet. Graduation will be here before we
know itmany of them are ready but they feel that they are not.a
challenging transition is coming soon for these dear TCKs. Pray that
if they do not know Jesus as their Savior yet, that thy will open their
hearts to Him before they leave. Pray that in the midst of this
transition that they will ask the questions that they need answers to.
Pray that we would love and see them off well.
Address: Hauptstrasse 54, 79400 Kandern, GERMANY
Website: www.giftedwiththejourney.com
E-Mails: jknathan14@gmail.com jnathan@teachbeyond.org klnathan88@gmail.com

Joshs Highlights
ICCM (International
Conference on Computing and
Mission) 2015 went extremely
well. The keynote speaker did
an excellent job of encouraging
everyone to invite God into
their work and decisions.
Joshs HS small group has
started a mini-study about
Truth. Theyre watching a
few videos from Focus on the
Familys The Truth Project,
and the guys are all excited
about the study.
Katies Highlight
Basketball season is always a fun time
to rally as a school. I was in charge of
the Mascot this year, and there were
dress up daysfun to participate
in.Can you guess what Josh and I
were below? (hint: it was pun day) picture belowHowever, my
FAVORITEDuring the last game
their is Senior Recognitionhonoring
the Senior Athletes of the Semester.
David Crouch, a wrestler, and a band
guy, who is also a part of Joshs Small
Group asked us to be his escorts.
Who..us? Really? David said Josh
and I have been the most like parents
to him. Wow! Josh was at his
conference at the time, so I escorted
him and I was honored. You never no
what you mean to who I guess. PTL!

German Culture
Featured Pictures Below
1-Tylers Music Recital
2-Davids Senior Night
3-Joyce in the Studio recording CD
4-Phil the Falcon/Basketball
5-Game Night

We are actually soon to hear the bands

marching by our house. I am sitting in the
rocking chair typing this so I can see out
the window at the same time. This is
Fasching season. I do not fully understand
all of it but there is a Witches ball, ugly
costumes, parades and carrying on until the
we-morning hoursand since we live on
Main Streetyes that is what Hauptstrasse
meanswe get to fully hear itlike it or
It is not so much the bands of course that I
do not care for, as much as an evil
oppression of sorts that seems to come
over the town. I do not think it fully
coincidence that BFA is very sickly at the
momentincluding me.

Circle of Friends
We were not home for the holidays
but we did gather with a group of
friends to celebrate Christmas and
herald in the New Year. We do not
have family here, but we have a
Christian community and a circle
of friends to do life with and we are
thankful for that! (pixs below)

1 - Tylers Music Recital- Tyler Kramlich gave his Senior composition, cello, and piano recital. He involved most
of the Performing Arts Faculty in the performances of his pieces. It was fun to participate in and see this young
musicians work. He is the same one who wrote Veritas that we performed in the BFA Concert last Spring. He is in
Joshs Senior Small Group. Like some students said, Wed better get his autograph while its still free.


2 -Davids Senior Recognition

3- Joyce in the Studio recording her CD - Joyce is a gal that have mentored. She recorded a CD this past

4 - Phil the Falcon, Basketball, Pep Band - The Mascot was a new addition this year. Our teams are going to
tournament this week. The Pep Band cheered them on!


5 - Game Night- We host it at our house every Sunday night 7-9 for whomever to come. It is fun! It is growing


Circle of Friends - Christmas and New Years

Pun Day at BFA

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