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Charlotte Noelle/Mormon Insights Article 4/page 1

Mormon Insights Article

Title (8 words)
Keep Walking, with Patience as God Works Out the Details
Kicker (145 characters)
Sometimes life throws you for an unexpected turnan answer is withheld or everything seems
to be falling apart. But dont give up; maybe God just needs you to learn patience.

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 16:03

Comment [1]: Maybe Move Forward with

Charlotte Noelle 26/5/2015 12:25

Comment [2]: Right now the kicker is at 145
characters; I think it has to be cut off at 125. Im
playing with the idea of changing it to something
like, Sometimes life throws you for an unexpected
turnan answer is withheld or things fall apart.
Dont give up; maybe God just needs you to learn
patience. This would make it 126 characters.

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:11

Possible Kicker (124 characters, no spaces)

When life throws you for unexpected turnswithheld answers, or times when everything falls
apartdont give up! God may be teaching you patience.

Comment [3]: Or is or is just (still within

125 char.)

Synopsis (291 words)

In our young-adult lives, we face a lot of course-changing life choices. Seeking answers from
Heavenly Father can become daunting when answers are delayed. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
[] speaks of the importance of
having patience even when things dont seem to be falling into place in his April 2010 General
Conference talk Continue in Patience. []

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:00

Patience is healthy, but its a difficult attribute to develop. Usually patience comes slowly, even
painfully. Having patience is especially difficult in those times when we truly want something.
Putting our own feelingsthe desires of our hearts, those things we want with every fiber of our
beingon Gods pedestal is more than difficult; it can be tear-wrenchingly frustrating, heartwrenchingly painful. Yet putting everything at his feet and accepting the need for us to be patient
makes things work out the way they were meant to at the time they were meant to.

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:03

Comment [4]: Sounded like were referring to
Heavenly Father when this was at the beginning.
Deleted: sometimes ecome rather aunting
... [1]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:45

Comment [5]: Checked Link and spelling

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:04

Deleted: [

Comment [6]: Sounded like were referring

... to

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:47

Comment [7]: Checked date and talk. There
... [4]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:03

Deleted: .

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:13

Deleted: always eant to as well as t the...right

Charlotte Noelle 26/5/2015 12:34

Comment [8]: Either this link or

Yet patience does not mean giving up. In fact, it is more closely related to dedicating ourselves
to a purpose and promising ourselvesand Godthat we will not give up, that we will
persevere until the end, riding out whatever storms
[] may come.
President Uchtdorf says, It means staying with something and doing all that we can. When
answers are being withheld, we can ease our fears as we try to understand that patience is an
important virtue that God wants us to develop. Realizing this creates understanding as we
recognize that things may still work out. Being patient blesses us and can actually lead to the
fulfillment of the very desires of our hearts; accepting Gods timing and doing our part to
continue moving forward will eventually lead us to that fulfillment.
Read more (90 words)
When we actively practice patience, we show our Heavenly Father what things we deem
important enough to wait for. If something does not really matter, we will give up on it right
away if it does not work out effortlessly. If, however, something matters to us greatly, we will
continue forward, persisting in our efforts until at last it comes to pass. This persisting, this
persevering patience, makes us grow and become more like God. And that, in Gods plan, is one
of the greatest blessings of all.

... [2]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:03

... [6]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:25

Comment [9]: I love this song! Of those two,
... [7]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:05

Comment [10]: Moved hyperlink to first

... [8]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:49

Comment [11]: Checked quote

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:26

Deleted: As

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:04

Deleted: [
... [9]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:04

Formatted: Font:Not Bold
Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:27
Deleted: fear comes from nswers are being
... [10]

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:53

Comment [12]: Or "we dont care enough... about

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:52

Deleted: for us

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:54

Comment [13]: This phrasing seems awkward
... [12]

Charlotte Noelle/Mormon Insights Article 4/page 2

Read President Uchtdorfs talk, Continue in Patience. []

Source: []

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:56

Additional Information:
Watch a short clip about a marshmallow experiment, where little children were given a
choice to wait or not to. []

Comment [14]: Checked links and names

Possible Quotes for Memes:

Patience is a purifying process that refines understanding.
Our Heavenly Father knows what good parents come to understand over time: if children are
ever going to mature and reach their potential, they must learn to wait.
Patience . . . means staying with something and doing all that we can.
Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself.

Comment [15]: Checked link

Charlotte Noelle Champenois, Mormon Insights

Comment [16]: Checked quotes. Quote 3 could

also read [Patience] means staying because the
original says, It means staying with something
and doing all that we can

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 15:56

Mac Lab User 27/5/2015 16:02

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