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The Pedagogical Smoothie

Resources to improve Foreign Language teaching :

mostly presented in French but useful examples to learn English, French, Spanish, German, Italian ...

tags : education teachers tutorials tips tricks MFL language teaching

General introduction on the Raw Carrots programmes presented by JP Palasse

(from the French institute of teachers' trainees – Burgundy, France) in the pedagogical smoothie.

The purpose of this site is to present some original and innovating lesson plan models to introduce computer
technology in pedagogy, with a video projector, oral expression and follow up written activities. These models
for teachers are given as 'skeletons' that will embed teachers' personal data (texts, still pictures, sounds,

The templates were originally created by Jean Pierre Palasse, teacher on information technology for
language teaching at the University of Burgundy, France, within the framework of a European Comenius
project. Their main goal is to facilitate the learning foreign languages. They give teachers and students
framewoks for multimedia resources, access to external links, evaluation tools and presentation of ideas on
various topics.

The templates can be adapted to a non commercial usage in the world of education and any first publication
on the internet network needs an approval by mail.The templates (about 25 computer model plans) are
presented both as individual computer lab activities and as computer assisted lessons for a teacher using a video
projector in his classroom. In that case, only one computer is enough for collective viewing. The size of texts
and images is adapted to the collective project. No specific tools are required to build up a sequence : just the
template and the Internet Explorer browser with normal settings, preferably viewed in a 1024/768 pixel sized


Generally speaking, the Raw Carrots concept is based on the use of an html web page that includes a data
base and javascripts codes. The data base is included in the web page (for easy editing) or fixed in a a separate
file (to hide the data). These javascripts codes, necessary for the management of an interactive presentation,
must not be blocked by the browser settings refusing popup windows and add ons with Internet Explorer (NOT


J.P. Palasse / teachers' tutor / author of Raw Carrots interactive templates

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