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An Old Man and His Pets

Once, there was an old man named Uncle Jimmy. He had four pets named Doggie,
Moddy, Chubby and Catty. He lived with his pets happily. He played with his pets everyday.
One day, all of his pets were kidnapped by a young man named Jacky. Uncle Jimmy asked
for help from his neighbour but they couldnt help him because Uncle Jimmy couldnt tell
them what pet he had. He could only show them the sound his pets made. Can we help
Uncle Jimmy to find out what are his pets?
Uncle Jimmy started his journey to find his pets. Along his way, he met Pak Abu.
Uncle Jimmy

Pak Abu, did you see a young man with four animals?

Pak Abu

Yes. I have seen them under the big tree over there. I have seen a cat. It
is grey. It eats fish. It has four legs and paws. It can jump, run and climb
trees. Is it your pet?

Uncle Jimmy

Yes, it is Catty. Could you tell me more?

Pak Abu

I have seen a dog. It is white. It has four legs and paws. It eats bones
and chicken. It runs very fast.

Uncle Jimmy

It is Doggie. Could you tell me more?

Pak Abu

Let me think first. Ahhhhha.. I have seen a rabbit. It is grey. It has long
ears and short tail. It eats carrot and vegetables. It can hop.

Uncle Jimmy

It is my dear Chubby. Could you tell me more?

Pak Abu

I have seen a Monkey. It is brown. It has fur and long tail. It eats banana
and papaya. It can swing.

Unlce Jimmy

It is Moddy. Oh, my dear pets. Thank you, Pak Abu. I wanted to find
them now.

Uncle Jimmy run towards the big tree. He saw the young man and his pets. He
shouted: Catty, Doggie, Beauty and Moddy, come to papa. All of his pets ran towards him
and the young man run away because he did not want to get caught.

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