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NAME: _______________________________________________

FORM: ______________




Time: Two hours and thirty minutes

This question paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C. Answer all the questions in Section A, four
questions from Section B and two questions from Section C. Give only one answer/solution for each question. All the working
steps must be written clearly.
Section A
[40 marks]



1 Given that (m, 3n) is the solution to the simultaneous equations x2 + y2 = 13 and 3x + 5y = 9, find the value of integers m and n.
[5 marks]

2 Given f : x | x - 4 |, x


(a) Find the value of f(3).

(b) Calculate the value of f 1(5).
[6 marks]

3 One of the roots of the equation 4x2 + px + 15 = 33 is one third the value of the other. Find the possible value of p.
[7 marks]

4 f(x) = 0 is a quadratic equation with roots 5 and h.

(a) Write f(x) in the form of ax2 + bx + c.
(b) The curve y = kf(x) intersects the y-axis at point (0, 5). Given that h = 3, calculate
(i) the value of k,
(ii) the coordinates of the maximum point of the curve.
[7 marks]
5 (a) Given that log2 16 = x, find the value of 5x. Then find the value of 3y if y = x + 2.
(b) Solve the following equations.
(i) log2 x = log4 (2x 1)
(ii) 3x + 3 = 9 5 3x
[7 marks]

6 A straight line y = 9 3x intersects the y-axis and the x-axis at the points P and Q respectively. The gradient of the line QR is 2
and the line PR is perpendicular to line PQ.
(a) Find the coordinates of P and Q.
(b) Find the equations of the line PR and QR.
(c) Calculate the area of the PQR.
[8 marks]




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