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fIgotS cL piu v3 901 55 90 Bo erot System Training Center ‘Aryan Elmosanaat Training Center ate 9 ole cyl atipel tmmege @ Allen-Bradley| IZ SJE ls pciansin Uf jgoT jSy0 Aa Y ciataog pale cesT olla os igo Bauange JS le ean vt jgaT jS 0 92 OBBy Sy JES le prungay y BUSY! 42 Glas ne amas yiiijgcT gle jks aby 9.6590) JET) 995 Caglld 51997 p97 9 CL yam andign le Udy 49 9S eluo 13S ne lo ojay cw AS sy UiLgeT sae she oy otuslgy GSU OS aul tO Sh snSalp Sg? 43 Ui jgeT 9 Spas ae uly de 48 sgl 4 Oy Ly G30 033 9 Sao gg Ab GL > GRY! Sl jose yew slay gle Oi jo aalS « 5 531 GUST Seles ty tanga jT Sate Sly Coe 10 oe Ale JUS 9490 oh gal la 0593 51S ye 59 damage cyl B90 Gyles oy O25 b ABS lescly Siang egal slo jbo jl Gas Sta 9 9S abn > ame SS ph 9 arse sldy 0382 mde jE janes yao 92 lo JSS 8) 9 Bye 9G? 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Sled a9 pans le oye Satie GhelS « 6yl5,y epee 219) J9 eae BUsaY 9 yaelt slay! Che 0S ypSb0 Extio mado 9 Sgate ylyde Cele 9 cular by Uaj19 by 9358 go 1Siloay leisy oy Stuely Ly pet jgoT jS1j0 oy il yas poljicl 9 youd 5 Cag jl Lebo Glo 3219 Gla 1S KF ago jl SY y9iS 4 ini JSIy0 Joo yo SIEMENS jis sla ung oirigaT 05S j|yitul yg ala dybyy oda sly ets 5] UH fT yeSo> « Laan 99 Gustind 13 oijgeT gla 0599 JI Siaee Sul3.e Oyey sali JSly2 UBS te patie stil Uae 4 Gad CUE! aby 9 gu 9 lS 9 Ul 9nb sat la Ody etijgaT sjlostiul by glo glare UnlS gan oy 9 SHdS CsA U Hy jLY 390 ti jpeT sla 0599 tae + Salad IIS ay Jad Jae 2nd oy ody oe8S Ul jugad 9 Cae Iptae Bla jT otal SIEMENS aS SL8 BS Gal ab 9 ceri Jl by a yls Sale] oumuge Gul yas 9 yauadita Gjluli IS cal 453 GL Ld + dled Oly! wSyeslS Wats yguay Hy gd lads gl SIS aba 9 Ody IS, Suga Yao A joa some ee PROFIBUS See meen agro ETHERNET mene aGaE 7 Jur ota re MODEUS 1 Juanes Pics73. r a0 Celute Winee ie sure ne Lae Eaon jy eo ele Ee PLC S7 400 ' Hao- alee pcs74 pean (rodent PLCS OOH : [sy Sete Fe PosT2 Wr jyerseturs PLO ST 400FIH ’ Instrument Too's ' INSTRUMENT Feb : INtoole 4 PLC 88 System! 7 PLC $5 Systom I . PLC $7 Programming | . PLC $7 Programming I © PLC 87 Programming I 0 PLC 87 Soivce ITIA, ® SRNBTICEL Ce: PLC $7 Service II TIA ® PLCS? Savi TIA « PLC $7 400 1 PLC 87 400H © PLC 57 40067 ” PROFIBUS ® NETWORKING ETHERNET ® MoDBus » ‘wince Systom 2” HMUSCADA wince Flexible 2 PROTOOL 2 Pes7i a PROCESSCONTROL =o S ‘ANALYTICS & INSTRUMENTATION Maxum Edltion II Operation & Maintenance Course » ‘SAFETY NONSTOP F&G -ESD @ Allen-Bradley ‘System Training ELOP 11 Enginooting 2 Systom Training ELOP U! aintonance ” PLC-SISLE Fundamentals 2 Advanced Maintananes and Toubleshocting 2 PLC 5 SLC500 SLC £00 Programming ™ RS logix 800 Acanced Programming = 3500 Operation and Maintenance = Dota Implementation 1 = Data Systems Batch Implementation = pes & ESD Dota Implementation it = DetaV 58 implementation « Process Controller (DCS AG 800 F) “ HM Controller 2 Des Ac 800 F ‘Advant Controller 400 Gontiguration and Programming ° ‘Advant Controller 160,Configuration and Operation “ YOKOGAWA ‘Centum CS 3000 FUNDAMENTAL * ‘Gentum GS 3000 ENGINEERING « Des 8 ESD ‘Centum CS 3000 MAINTENANCE 2 ProSafe * ‘nt ue YOKOGAWA ABB DaltaV , Bonty- Nevada, Allen Bradloy , HIMA.SIEMENS wigs jp sysital ly gro aegare cyl soon al gle chad wos saa eap yo WWW, B0IC-C0 i Oy ene al lj QU > 1 Instrument Tools » Fieldbus F INtools Instrument Tools) 1930 clgine gists os Sagal 9 gute By alg clehanSs 9 yt 1S 855 stl ile g Ue! = east Ss pl oatysts B83 jj SloUbue 9 tghiSaue SHiaeg0lS 9 olla aSl Oly ue Hoe aS wiSe gata jl g patina @ a Sete Fieldbus , DCS , PLC J isS lenis jl i paiao 2 pts ssNjel SustS.o0 « sy gAl yl 9 By Oso j 49 abil ai 8 01331 Igual ayy lsat 8 Galas inne abs Jel 9 JS gl aaa ol b lb Jglse Sldsolg Fle Gull yg cllall ewe glasylostinl shid 658 0135 Isao we Jubb glasoly 92 slid ays ous Sate 40 jd 65 0jl351 slaty cicts Fe Ja) la jiesilo 983 099 pSiyals sais pSISb> Jo S98 URS 8 offs! gigas elt ep hbd yy) 59 0S aed gal 9 Julg toa spe8 oj Igual = oes tas yas les glascig eentuo J los 5 pS ojls5l wlatgy one 9 15518 99 sl | So isSoe 09 pay Cangtia al gee Gs e8 1551 gol» tas gh aya SxS ojlI slates pine) ssl odds ain glts Ze AS HSL le Ee Instrument Tools) apg eigas (Pefiao jad 1519 Obge Ls sgl eSetulg sae gle ug hd Fae Sgn ial wie eS yBl Sele Sats S51 gal glo! of slay bes? 5268 oft Jouol bse basse Rate of Flow glzjocia.t yspS ojlssl tay hs Sst otis bao ha ans Fe uas92 (Target meter ) sin 555 ecules eas Segue! 15 hs UE legs pls 03) ante 61933 Flow Nozzle ole Jit Dall Tube | Pitot Tube Annubar Tube Elbow Tap Quantity Flow meter-Volume Measurement (iso) ya22 lexan oly? | PD meter Mass Flow meter 2,2 lea ulus Coriolios Meter Micro Motion eSyim (ai ciate 9 JS sla yas GBS Ip gloslas Ye 1599 gigas US le tinge BIg y gu9y0 + eS LBS sla a DDC pains PLC Jy tuna DCS Uy tus otte (yguulegil joy olie 9 ubahd « sla la acta lst usmilegal py 4 ual absd aSyl> usbalss yo FCS peggio Foundation Fieldbus «3 0 « Foundation Fieldbus a2. H2g H1 Jsiay 93 91 Foundation Fieldbus ysis .S.9 Foundation Fieldbus cules 3 LIje Foundation Fieldbus js Sj aU cstud eSub gle! Jbl Ji olga ats Sub gla 5 jol999? oslidaul Jpl5 LutS gos! Lb 518 tanto Hi soSutto et UT ys Foundation Fieldbus ls 0.0 5 OS! so 9 SaT 9 99 Sam le play LAS Gul 94551 ju oat yy HY sa syst ow Transducer Blocks: Resource Blocks Function Blocks Usha Gals case g gill ol) 9 Caact « Uibaled Sab yo oT ll g jae utils aus ai i ost cual gtiua ahaa ease eas as abl lng GUS. Profibus 5 Hart H1 audio « Hart U esustio Profibus-PA t esuslie ASRS os ds eBS Nel lata IS He oly APS «sla potas 9 abd5I jl & otesiT diaat 9 99Slac pl cSt ys 9 yaad baat Te ue 9 a SisS osinae ou cael Fe —j9) 0 Ye Tutorial) sygelgios ISAS os yt BUY 9 rulayIS S20 4 aa yl jel cua aigo tration Options Instrument Engineering Options + The Administration Module System Administration ots ha Gs8 41jp! eto gla 0493 si! SS ei 08 pay abs jel» ono J cet « SSgHt b athdT « gulls jLjpl Sylae g stu! Entering as System Administrator DCS ¥ qual. PLC & wtaT . Fieldbus y Initializing a Domain and associating it with the INtools Database Setting up INtools Users and Domain Administrator haat Domain Administration Syfaog stu! Cellbl Sy staal glo gy batt Entering as a Domain Administrator G89 el asiga gly citine gla 8a 89 bl Defining a Plant Owner Creating the Plant-Area-Unit Hierarchy cae Users, Groups, and Access Rights Selene rh as + Instrument Engineering Options Opening INtools + The Instrument index Module Defining Instrument Index Supporting Tables and Properties Defining a Loop with Its Tags Duplicating a Loop with ts Tag Numbers Viewing and Editing Data Customizing the Browse window Data Display ‘Searching and Sorting Data in the Browse window Additional Browse Window Features Generate Instrument Index Reports ‘Working with Typical Loops » The Process Data and Calculations Modules Defining Process Data Caloulations as 993 slgiae «The Instrument Specifications Module Viewing Specification Sheets Create a Specification Default Creating and Using a Multi-Tag (See-List) Spec Sheet Creating @ User-Defined Specification Sheet Specification Sheet Revisions + The Spec Binder Module Creating a Technical Specification Creating @ General Specification and General Notes Editing and Revising Specification Sheets from the Technical Specification Printing a Change Summary Report for a Specific Revision + The Wiring Module Overview Creating Default Panels Creating Terminal Strips with a Marshaling Rack Creating a DCS Default Cabinet ‘Copying the Default Panels to the Plant Panel Manager Creating Default Cables Copying Default Cables to the Plant Making Connections DCS Management ‘Cross-Wiring the Signals in the Marshaling Rack ‘Adding a New Instrument to the Existing Wiring Browsing Panels, Cables, and Connections Wiring Design that Includes a Barrier Wiring Design for Other Loop Types. = The Loop Drawings Module Displaying Loops and Setting the Loop Generation Type Indi Using Smart Loops Viewing a Smart Loop Drawing and Making Some Basic Changes Modifying the Appearance of a Smart Loop Drawing by Changing the Settings 223 ob Tutorial) taygoclgins Adding Annotations to a Smart Loop Drawing ‘Working with CAD Loops Defining Block Types and Drawing Blocks Associating Blocks with Instrument Types Defining the General Blocks Editing the Title Block for a Specific Loop Understanding Macros String Manipulation for Loop Drawings Generating Loop Drawings «The Hook-Ups ((nstaliation Details) Module Creating Hook-Ups and Attaching Them to Tag Numbers Creating Hook-Up Items . Assigning Items to the Hook-Up Drawing Generating a Bill of Material (BOM) ¥ PLCSS System! A PLO SS System I 4 PLC ST Programming | = PLC S7 Programming I -- NETWORKING ———_______ 15 PLCS7400H -- HMI\SCADA ——____ 1 WinCC System FF WinCC Flexible FF WinGC Workshop For SCADA Professionals rm PROTOOL ve pcs7I rr Pos7il FA Maxum Edition il Operation & Maintenance Course Analytics & Instrumentation a | Ss eyga gigas = Powering up and operating the programmer and programmable controller. « Representation of STEP 5 operations in the form of control system flowchart (CSF), ladder diagram (LAD), or statement list (STL) + Logic operations, result of the logic operation, memory functions, counter functions comparison functions, timer functions, arithmetic operation. PG functions for program documentation = Absolute and symbolic addressing = PG functions for tests, diagnostics and troubleshooting. - Action in case of faults in the RUN status and faults leading to the stop status + Starting characteristics, organisation blocks for cold restart and warm restart «Configuration, addressing facilities and performance characteristics of the CPUs = Programming of program blocks, function blocks, organisation blocks and data blocks and linking with the program structure. ISAS os yt Bae glaaaly 42 ELE tay 10459 cul bbls Oy soils oS autho aituo ygaslogt 9 $:83j1 1 abu Lous > JaldeS PLC $5 einen s8aly sl Simatic $5 9 ST-S5SYS2 j1 ostéial | adil go PLC apis 9 tS gual 5sSo je isng0lS 9. Al Sis! sauslgts 4b glaSl ys 0499 glly> ing gone sl igh Baliye jt Stl shy 9 justine daliyy Sus ely wiliu! olsiny 918 ailge 3 Sloe gles yg an8 aol! Gaby cae {gla JS . siswtisiely PLC Simatic SSL ytS Jguel ildsl ly 9 eat oye aise oat fino JS = ASS alluol 1 0267 aay lathd gakas plait Ly PLC wists Ly Step 5 hel yang aot y ob IS jb 998098 la US eg -dtyursLS ooly gil 9 088 Sty Simatic S5 5s aot», Jot8 PLC saz0 tsi oly WAT hal glans yyS ly. 1S igs CUE jt Guy Ly SiS pallid ae yo UgT jg aby Sel Fo = jay o i Ole: ST-SESYS2) system Il_) wa 19.993 gl gions GBS os yd «Set-up of various SIMATIC $5 programmable controllers juga « giSsuiS yan « gl yylS 0495 cel uibldo (practical exercise). + SubL 40 Simatic SS glug oolsy 9 yas + Structured programming with STEP 5 programming language. cy! ys ST-SSSYS1 lus! lgige 9 te oust = Generating user function block with supplementary operations. la jai aura 318 ul uSIy8 9 0249 8 JunS0599 « Systematic analysis and remedying of program errors. 90313 ash Ly Simatic S5 loys gue 9 - Error diagnostics with ISTACK< BSTACK, program check and ®49 cul 42 -atsla) slau! gy7 oaytasS le ool y error OB ( practical exercise). eB PLC & qolae phe cused y ube! 3SLi = Analysing of program structures,structured programming, jump BL Go Eglo wlarjay Oop instructions, paramaterizable function blocks, numerical conversion, datablocks. 3 sia, ST-SSSYS1 0495 y> oS yh sila! sls Sey ol nS 0489 oe! ObL 32 oly IJ PLC Simatic $5 agSvs8 eigit Zahn diced dsb y 9 ims audi oat slats 1 oT polit aot yy stl 9 PLC .t lay ca8tsS jlo 9 00 )5T Cassy Ly SgILT pw L.sioas Sys 9 Sytial Sloy BalJel wlgiay Ly ange Baldy. eS Slag ly Odapay SIO Bali aiildy ody tly Hee BAS Eat 9 Stamygiy + 03900 rly tS gle JS sila ec 9 alas 5 au 6, Hays jl Ly ys1S gla ook y aiglas oe Sick Fo = jg) PLCS sayga glgins «= Introduction to the $7 family of controllers and concepts of TIA. Project creation and operation using Simatic Manager. = Hardware configuration of S7 300 systems. Application and use of the Symbol Editor. «Programming using the LAD/STLIFBD Editor. Binary operations — N/O, NIC, Set, Reset, edge detection. + Digital operations — Accumulators, timers, counters, comparators. Tools for troubleshooting and debugging. «Introduction to Profibus DP. «Configuration and application example using ET200S remote V/O. Configuration and application example using TP170 HMI «Configuration and application example using Micromaster MM420. «Storing process Data in Data blocks «The role of functions and function blocks. = Configuration and application of organisation blocks. «Analogue value processing = Documentation facilities including archive & retrieve options. STS t) Sais ss yt ea) Sot yp ay jf edna oT 10489 cl ubblea asSb98 (plue J> oy ainille 0S sims yo uSiis iypiay UirjgsT 4593 ely iim Simatic S7 bss 39 Ge plait ule Stayed 9 Sygih Aig aT Ob pling Sl jugad jt oslaial bla oi cpa 0393 cl 25 yo pas! PL S7 300 594 2 p93) plSaa yo PLC S7 400 ctegiogo de oly PLC tail _ pigauolS 9 yy Liicl> Sisal L 29) ately 438 GlnSS 0499 cl Oly 12 UL PLC S7 300 69, S7 41-81 ps jl ootaiat dims Yass Leth g Sianysiy tol yyPLC S7 400 ous Siete — Jay 6 PLC S7Prog .S7PRG2) 10.93 gine « Using structograms as a method for program design. + Functions, function blocks and multi-instances (with examples using IEC Timer/Counter) «Jump commands and Accumulator operations. + Configuration of Breakpoints as a debugging tool. «Memory Indirect addressing « Integration of a drive (MM420) using PROFIBUS DP. = Monitoring and controlling the drive with the "Starter" software. + Using Error organization blocks to evaluate Profibus slave downtime. + Error management with error organisation blocks. = Analysing synchronous errors with organisation blocks. +» Analysing S7 diagnostic data = Writing user messages in the Diagnostic Butter. «= Troubleshooting and error messages with an HMI device (P1708). ISS oss yh 1510 5 Usia yl yl jl S27)4e 0599 uel obbLso 53 esta GLa! & sualgs po 6S usiga 1) S88 9 .sigds WAT Simatic S7 ug aot y ty S7 oti piy gla ooty sjlw qo oabeT 1y Step 7 Ly s390)15 9 5 gid 9 wants Ly asian J a Cede 9 lad Sy lel tolae Sta yas 98.9) j! 0599 oul 49 -ajlu sieligs -9h go onl Sosa hs alge Cat shy 3 ST-S7 PRG1 yuiayj 9599 59 OS ph Slat sla aby 96 sel 318 yl Sls 9589.04! Obk 998 Came ly ladl BLD ji scaaasiy Oa ay S1BI ey jl onli! Lath yards 9 aay JS - S85 eatéiue! $7400 g S7 300 sto PLC ys $7 icln Fo = jay Paes ssyga glgins « Functions, function blocks and multi-instances (with the ‘example of an execution line) + Creating and applying complex data structures. «= Indirect addressing and address register instructions, = Parameter passing using complex data. «= Error handling for Synchronous and Asynchronous Errors, = Administration of a recipe database with HMI. = MPI Global Data Communications. + MPI Communications using SFC’s. + $7 Communication via SFB. «= Introduction to Industrial Ethernet. « Overview of Engineering Tools in Step 7 e.g S7 Graph SCL, CFC. St OBS os yb coumsige la pie oly 6399 el ublda toys daly Oaguy OLY Saalgs oS Sita gle 0493 jl ly 295 vtols 9 oat Wil Simatic S7 99 ue 59 ila Yun 9 Cy ola ou Boye 608s ge Cts Sige plas Ciba 98.95 jl 90h aeolian bgt She lg ST-S7 PRG2 (uiasj oj93 3 CS yh last gle colyy doy S819 915 Gy yuS149 0499 ul OLY I> 1 se JIS 9 0398) lS 9 wate ,ta5tw Ly ST omssige jb Geyb GT jl 9 oxdbu pesto |, Step 7 SBS sialigS Ly cael Fe = 590 ww PLC S7 Service | TIA _ (Course Code: ST-S7SERV1) 29s glgine = SIMATIC $7 System Family overview. «= Installation and maintenance of a PLC. «The SIMATIC Manager software package. « Hardware configuration. « Hardware commissioning, «Block architecture and Program Editors. = Symbols. « Binary Operations. « Digital Operations. «= Introduction to HMI and Profibus DP. + Rewiring «= Introduction to Drive Systems. «Program documenting, saving and archiving. «Troubleshooting Each of the above topic areas are backed up by practical exercises using a conveyor model and simulator. Working ‘examples are provided and tested out during the course, BiB os yo Saisie Gataas 9 Sl pans ayy 0593 oul obbldo Ly GT 9123 isla oti 9 gaislog gto aan Vy Sod 0499 cl - 0S yo GylaeSs 9 yon ly cana ES py 235 wo tatT gol> gaulogh cut am . nats jlasl oly 49 1) 295 la ylge yas HMI, PLC y 0S jgausogsl aia Caumg 9 25:97 1 998 G2 Juss guls9 9 ubuIy! Ble aSu 9 ISTEP 7 08. cd 8 sielg3 3b yl wSly3 25 jlo otaol 9 oalitnl yIS57 cabthS Ij jt. cua 9 Profibus DP sit .ssi8 1yol 1y Seam sat 99> oly jl JyBS VO jl oatitiwl Jol ool cae 1038 «2948 30 Drive pou g puna oly Suites Saul id Slain ya 9 anil ois jl aS 7 093 Ute ciletzsgola 389 yo ojt>l OLASLS oy Ieee gig jt estéul g aula 5 SAI. ya 4S utute fT SS ya 905 Hy aly use he uly PLC v atesil— sisal 9 ayy Uf lsat seule aaalgs glySipS 093 oul lait & Iypl lal asiyis 9 1pel uylw ts PLC pian ones. SIMATIC PLC S7 300-400 eathiaal 1/0 tb iS pa 9 iS tS Jol SSI U948 (maT Cig Gay sT aslo gloat jl 9 Shay lg? gill oly 9 BSL Baby « S20 9 Goll . (ful dob yy 9 JyTS pou ols ue Sldne jt stl Cela 9 le Souris ba Sb lad. We yost «999 eel HE 8 U8US at» oatyy SletLel Sy JSylur tl ue. JES pata Drive g HMI tense - Profibus DP ysis GIB! Ce US he oa mee YA ya tere PY 10999 cline « Hardware and Software Commissioning - review. + Data Storage in Blocks. « Functions and function blocks. = Organization Blocks. + Analogue processing and programming. = Troubleshooting. « System information. « MPI Network Commissioning. » Tags and HMI Messages. Drive to PLC Configuration Each of the above topic areas are backed up by practical exercises using a conveyor model and simulator. Working examples are provided and tested out during the course. St) Satis ess yb 4 0S aan oA0n5 9 yo aay 0399 ol CLBIAD sie aSUe SIMATIC S7 site pluo y>45 > Uta) jl sata S7 SER V1 099 jtlg3 9 ae wigs ge gle 7 Sugit ge Hand-on ciee aga jt 9S oat las dlbg S85 yo onl 1) $7 300 goat gyjgs Profibus Sith. ilu sunt tees gly 019 uel sgt ge yl ong Simatic: puma cieubi Simatic S7 300 - 400 Uy sap la ashy 9 usuulogt lei 0S Satay 88 Sle 0589 Oe by ye AS yo SyhaeS § as 205 lhe! 9 uel cue 49 I oauags 9 eh pay 2181p de jlo ySyS a9 go oes! JSS pian welt cue See Ble USh9 Yalu cage stop 7 208 saelgS cath! boy J of. 69) Stbls yl 2 as jl la Sg! osha § oot y age 49 SLU eS 9 QE lo Spl. ana la LS Fie JED op oe al Ly SGT Use y9T 8 Usb 2S io jag 4 HMlg drive pau cytagey Ny JotS Sg RS as O49 Ses aS S 15a 93 9 all sins Jol 0493 cand. a3jbe 9 ej ISA ele Jil jh 35h ge Hanon 9 Sig aby ot oly 0998 Yel ag> e ite l9 998 sual saldul aga ju oaigay Sle Quye Sly PLC S7 Service 1 0,99 59 5 Slat Yon GAT + causlgs sialgs olySib 0953 pled ys (FC, FB,OB,DB) itso Spl loi! esti! lgaly oS BSS. SIT Ut5y! S18 pel Wont LT SS . a5 CPU 94S ghd cael aS Jj pyr loth + eaSay Uilig ale Gio 8) ye lad 02 8 cl 0nd pbst aS Silo aby lads 9 055, 9 cousins «cael! Solp Clas jf aatdsal <0 5,518 SIT pati oss PLC S7 Service Ill TIA || (Pourse Code: ST-S7SERV3) 298 glgios OBaiis os yh « Hardware and Software Commissioning, fy oSssaae A005 & Sl pans up 0599 Gul ble « Statistical Storage of Data on a TP170B. SbiY yo stable kine SIMATIC $7 aytss 435 > _sstuse S7 SERV1 5 ST SERV2 la 093 jtlg>9 S19 Bp cysts Sage Hand-on ylae vg, loslitul lac Ll 9 28S yo oats! joa Se = Use of System Blocks including IEC Timers and Counters. = Use of the Multi Instance model in Data Blocks. » Writing User Messages in the Diagnostic Buffer. 9 oad: ays Profbus gia « Simalation oa te io ji labs 9 52 . 998 go CP sslgting alo lad. aby oy pam gle Solr ua4S gla Soh jl oslatiul ly profibUS DP hs jaldT og case Sjlool oy xe ce gly PROTOOL |} eal! pata 38 57 11381 9 6 MM 420 ous ela He = Jas @ Ar PLC S7 400 OT SEMENS 19999 Glisten OBIS os yd «Introduction to the $7 400 Family and differences with $7 400 H Upia S chau! 0 ol olay Sly 0599 cel (Advantages, using....). PLC 400 aug 5ylag8> 9 jansd 9 ypmys? oobyy «Introduction of Rucks and Expansional Racks in S7 400 and General. PLC S7 400 jt eaticaal y pianyas oolsb guano 9 ««Cofiguration of $7 400 with Expansional Rack, Vsing RIO(Remote ae NO) of (ET-200 M/S). jit oke «Introduction to the $7 400, CPU Parameters and space of its Memory PLC S7 llaygs and differences with S7 300. «Sychronize function to several S7 400 CPU Computing and its using, he Oy boise lama? OalS laeSl 8 0499 cel OLY J> ISSN lS cab tad gjTSON oly «aad «ys? ay 223s op Cuma Lyease aby 9 wAruse ;PLE S7 400 «Programming with $7 struetural orders with FC,FB and General. «Introduction main SFC, FSB and Programming «Introduction Jump order and Programming with example. «Introduction of Multi Instans in function block and using. eas «Introduction to OB in $7 400 specific sychron and Asychron OB,S cela Fe =j9s 0 of OB12X & OBBX with temp parameters. «Configuration and Programming of Master /slave in profibus net DP in S7 400. «Configuration and programming of Master/I-slave in Profibus Net DP in S7 400. 0392 Glgins « heory of redundancy. « Operating System » Programming and Diagnostics. = Periphery Options. « STEP 7 Options. « Failure and Replacements. = Communication «= Practice Units. GS ais os yb OS eslysIS jl a3 yLee 0599 Ue! yloblis AIS oy Sia jlb 9 2455 yo 4S SIMATIC S7 400H Ua RIS AS lal leislae sey ayo 495 SAL oe eb He § Jt ot PROFIBUS & ST-S7 PRG3yuiasjog> yoCaS yt Stal GIISGI oly Gud gla ably e857 Candy PLC S7 400H pata cue @8) 9 uA oe aclu PE jay PL (Course ¢ «Redundancy Overview. Theory of operation of S7- 400H. «Programming the S7 400-H. «Configuration in RUN. Failsafe Systems. «Risk Consideration AK/SIL. = S7-400F/FH Architecture. «Theory of operation of S7-400F/FH. Hardware Configuration (HW-Config). Graphical Programming with CFC. «Creating failsafe programs. «Fault Simulation. «I/O Redundancy. «Exercises. RN as 19593 Glgios ST t a ETHERNET & PROFIBUS (sia, j0j92 9 35 yb PLC S72 laa base gle abla UL SI8 6399 ue! OLY 1S 9 ota Baliye yg aie «630 Sy OY PLCS7 400 FH glopian laneyene gy saygTgocaunyly Ciel Fo = jay 0.999 sl gions Communication Techniques Used in Automation Engineering. «Technology of Profibus. «Transmission media for Profibus. «Testing Copper Bus Cables using the BT200. += Configuration of a CPU as a Profibus DP Master. «Profibus DP Slaves. Troubleshooting in a Profibus DP System. Extended Functions of Profibus. «Configuration of a Profibus DP/DP Coupler. Configuration of Intelligent Slaves and Slave to Slave Communication, = Configuration of a CP342 - 5 as a DP slave and DP Master Data Communication with Profibus using S7 Connections and FDL Connections. OS ahis os yt 9 oumaige Guy jl twa of 0193 owl obble + oA Cue Sto js OS situs Sl yars 9 Bulag las y1S Slat 9 ants los y,1S jl estat _ Stl ie PofIbUS ©Uuas! gigi jl aati basa a ysT Samay Sly ulse Stat jI 9499 eH! 12 s3pib a oatial Ged le Gublyy 3 oy -S7-PRG1 0499 53 25 Saat {512 0Ssb 997 stag? ja18 Gl uS8 9499 Gul OLY J sagas ily ue 9 cues |y Profibus DP 9 \uai ly ET200S 9 ET 200M Profibus 1/5 & DP jpyu qlgin, Ly CPU Sy .aigles ool ue Se mS Bay Sadie DP guar olan satrap DP 94 & DP y9,y0 wlgiay Ly CP342-S Se 9 1 9898 ends 381 ye wlySob. ass ly DP/DPoasis Junto Sy 2585 plésl 9290 aot JESS, oy PIOfMDUS Ufitine BS 99 GJS hog bts y| lallast gly Ly CP342-S .aiylad gain Say wal ue 9 ESS |) ST GUbail styled pie Say fas ile cae Hy GabL)S 9 Jl! UUs sa38 pee a a 10993 Glgiae «Introduction to Simatic Net ~ Industrial Ethernet. Network Components and Installation Guidelines. « Overview of Industrial Twisted Pair Networks. + Industrial Twisted Pair Network Components. = Communications Processors. = TOPIP Protocol. = Network/Project Variants. + Project Planning and Configuration of the Ethemet CP. « Data Communication with Industrial Ethernet using S7 Connections and ISO-on-TCP Connections. = NCM $7 Ethemet Diagnostics. « Information Security in Industrial Communications. - Industrial Wireless LAN « Tools for Bus Analysis and Troubleshooting. + OPC Basics. “y SSS OSs os ys eae 9 cluaig j eciaa of 0499 ot giablbo 9 ital oly « cal Y oS Sata gyldeS 9 yaans siglo busy! S7 ginuo Ethernet oS olutiby Supid lyy obae Sy 9 94-5495 j1 0399 uel 39 39h «58 Oaldiau! i jgeT 5 hd le Oi> ST-PRG1 095 cS last sap sialgs stb yl Sl Se,99 cd oaslayoll ol Solel g Gio wjln aSath yoSt9S slut Sut Suisiviad vinagi S7 buae yo 1 gif oy bgey0 sie Je 9 s1581 wy 9 PC gigi sIS ols oat le 5 5595 4nd cThiknet gle JAS) CP lglg SUES G9 py jleriglas Gauat Ly (qpinve ooazey pe 1 Softnet 1351 p2,u8 eotinu! IP 5 OS! ols cue 1y Ethernet oath Sy 9 aisas sai Say MAS pani g Cael PE = jg) MODBU ‘(Course Code: MODBUS) 0.99 cl yine BSS as yb = Modbus position in Industrial Automation and usages, ey sojls 05 ylogSs 9 jams Jury 9 ybusigo = All Kinds of Modbus and its differentoes, MODBUS ash ais sSuy 9 ata? daly 2b = Configuration and Programming of Modbus RTV/ASKI as a stl Ge MASTERISLAVE. = Configuration and programming of Modbus as a MASTER/MASTER. jh oh = Configuration and programming as PTP(Point To Point). PLC $7 I 090 yo cS ph + Overview of REDUNDANCY in Modbus and Usage. iss! SS lott walle? oLS13 a9 cul ably & 3y8T ye Camay 1 MODBUS aS anys aot» 9 ys REDUNDANCY glasys15 43 wigan 5 syst ye Sausy Ly pi 1999 Glgios « System overview. « Microsoft Windows 2000 adjustments and operating for the use ‘of WinCC. « WinCC project management with PLC integration. « Tag Editor — creation of single and structured tags. «= Graphics Designer— configuration of static and dynamic pictures. « Script Eitor — example of C and VB scripting functionality, Alarm Editor ~ Presentation and archiving of alarms. « Archive Editor — Presentation and archiving of measured values. « Report Editor — Pre-defined and user generated printer reports, « Introduction of background processing, Wis os (enige ol sia ol pS jlaniyaeogo el obblaa outygh doy 45 vsyuS OUI! | analgs wo 0S (ste boly, SIG youl 81,8. Sigih tis Simatic S7 Y sige J 9 5 BIE 9 ganytistuly S7 oi py ign Bus way 9 Sula wy otSal Ly Step 7 tele Sttyya S49) jl ogg oul 99 salu saabgS Ly oo Oot LB jgeT 8s Slg> Cat gh jie ists Sao ils 9 any 993 al 49 JSS io Sa81 8 ole ylgatinan NT \; 2000 jgateg cau! @jU PLC S7 Loygo asl s8S guia gaily 9S Cane gly lads BLE jl acuagiy 028, JIS eye jl ooldsial Y Laths Gags g aobyy JIS “AUS oalatil S7 400 5 S7 300 gla PLC 53 S7 Sel Fe = jay = Software Overview. « Project Creation. = Using the Workbench. = Compilation and Transfer Settings. «= Integration into Step 7. = Using Tags. + Working with Layers. = Creating Faceplates « Language Settings. « Passwords and User Administration. « Message Configuration. + Data/Alarm Logs. + Version ManagementChange Control. « Runtime Communication Options. 0. )98 slyins Jkt ut ST sls last Jey lla ou LASTS ay S148 0499 oy! plat S35 yo Huy cas Win acl PE = jay WinCC Workshop For SCADA Professionals _/ Suceato as Pee cn UCR eres Bee Beene a} Bee eos ety Bae cane cae ane) St uly SCADA posiungi ainygs ali yy Oy p25 — piguaal sil PLC canis yssla~ Cg VB tals las! LIEBE 9 Ol Uisls ay SL ogo cul lal L S35 ya ln Cass Win Gael PE = jg) (Course Code: ST-PROT-MP) foo ays glginw ISS OS yh To achieve the aims of the course the following iterns will be covered : unl joj dylge 025 ost! out Protool 9,99 Getting Started on Protool AISI pS 9 eaieSwy Ul — Jguara oagaae Syo « Setting up the Control Panel of the HMI to facilitate Stale abt uatiles — (Run Time) oles oto} downloadng and backup procedures. Waplhag S/S 9 GIS = bjay Adee why utes «Creating screen formats to perform Multi-Panel Control and ishesy CAlegeed. staal § S52 — yjtosy slo ‘System Monitoring. «Interfacing the Mult-Panel with an $7 PLC and Programming Device. Jey Understanding Control and Data Tags. M18 pk oy cable Sar WS 0492 ol Usa wylgiay PLE $7 300 jt cant asst gals sles leo Gi « LihgaoT so 99 wg 95 oo oan! Ukiigy C3 cul pU PLC agaa0 ust cole «Creating Bar Graphs and Trending & Jats petal) pigaolS UBsI GEIS 95.8 Goylss « Description and creation of Alarm and Event Messages. Sal 5 4942 0999 el JCS xb gly ( WINDOWS «Creating Input and Output Fields using control and data tags between the PLC and the OP. .. Understand the principles and creation of a simple recipe. «Control of the Multi-Panel via the PLC. aftsst dagaae 39) aialg3 318 yl uSly8 0493 oe! Ob JS 9 SSH BlOyI SBI pp Siyes Yabo |) Jpuane trdiosss yay JS oy Ly iT 03900 Syo Ly Run Time a sSe « Ubjloyy alas jt 928 Muir ly 1y 96313 4158 guyz ib 3490 1) Protool s1j6t os sistas ales S85 (ful ug 1) 05.8 Cauats Protool 41381 3 SuSiS)3 1) Protool 9 Step 7 415-81 ey yuo = Creating Security Passwords. «Creating a report via the scheduler function. = Generating PLC global messages using Alarm_S. lplae Soly jt aati! Y Ly SS LBS gla add Cael FE — jg Ww - PCS vd PROCESS CONTROL ‘ode: ST-PCS7APPS1) 0.999 sl gions + Components of the PCS7 system Hardware : Automation System (AS) Controller OS/ES Communi cations (Ethemet and PROFIBUS), remote 1/0 Engineering System (ES) SIMATIC Manager including CFC,SCL,SFC, WinCC + SIMATIC Manager Description of toolkit Building an application + Continuous Control - CFC Definition of a control loop/control scheme Motor Actuator valve Analogue and digital inputs Control valve Interlocksitrips User FB's + Structured Control Language ~ SCL Building your own function blocks + Sequential Control - SFC Definition of an SFC Steps, transitions Example of an SFC ‘SFC Visualisation tools Example of sequence control including the following Charge reactor Temperature profile Parallel branch Operator step control allowedinot allowed Action on step failure ‘Step watchdog timers + Operator Station - OS (WinCC HMI) Single/muiti OS and AS Building plant hierarchy Building plant mimics Hardware and software watchdogs ‘Security and authorisation levels = Alarming Inhibits Zones Different types OSS as yb OS situa Yip y jf ods yt 090 uel obbl ao glsil gluzl3 PCS 7 jI ostdial od b sialss oo al yall 258) yb Ly Aye Gausign lal> oly Sle3SET AS LI J3.9 cunt VE.O j1381 9p 0399 2181 0 Gl hs gle Aas Y OS alu sly Ly JIS Supa, 9 903 ue Uiktgy ba2 U at 0558 Go JIS -39p Salgds obs gla dans Uh jae 059 sty (Jets yqias WINDOWS b istT) sigalS fils oss yg Ja jl plac 2% 9 gal yb AIS cell .SCADA Sia! Sy dg stalgs Jol uLaSIS e490 cal Obl I> ibel easy URS 3 2)15 ly Ly 29290 pata oT jt uaz 9 PCSTAPPS1 093 “tas ans Sy oS GSLs jf ottws oT uly PCSTAPPS2 9 0 095 AS 0 digo 9.2L JolS 03957 ne TS See eyga gigas » Trending Operator designed trends, On scan/off scan Indication of faulty values «System failurefrecovery Input failure /unreliable Fault propagation to Operator Station Recovery after power failure ‘Automatic start-up on power on Management of redundancy Display of racks, cards and faults to aid diagnosis, Watchdogs = Typical project development Database input of project data Default features + Implementation of solutions PID control Remote SP control Discussion of new features included in Version 6.0 Windows 2000 Configuration in Run: add/remove ET200M or modules Multiproject Engineering for teams Process object view allows editing without changing tools AS runtime can be reduced by up to 30% New SFC type for CFC VXC Version Cross Checker to compare CFC/SFC. Microsoft SQL server increases performance up to 100% Alarm priorities Visual Basic scripts for WinCC Number of loops per plant increases to approx 60,000 Mixed configurations are permitted, e.g, with V5.x and ‘V6.0 automation systems and V6.0 OS/ES stations. Discussion of new features included in Version 6.1 Windows XP New OS maintenance station Gigabit Ethemet Central Lot id (Course Code: ST-PCS7APPS2) PROCESS CONTROL 298 glgine « Structuring a PCS7 project. Plant hierarchy structure (implications of SIMATIC Batch and multi CPU systems). Importxport Assistant. Engineering repeated processes or large projects. « Design of function blocks with visualised data in WinCC using the high level. structured control language (SCL). Inclusion of messaging function (Alarm_8P). Creating OPC links between PCS7 and extemal applicationseg: MS Excel. Advanced handling of PCS7 OS Block icons. Designing customised Block icons for Automation ‘System (AS) blocks. Faceplate designer. Designing customised faceplates for Automation System (AS) blocks. « Process object view allows editing without changing tools, AS runtime can be reduced by up to 30%. New SFC type for CFC. XC Version Cross Checker to compare CFCISFC. Microsoft SQL server increases performance up to 100%. Alam priorities. Visual Basic scripts for WinCC. Number of loops per plant increases to approx 60,000. Mixed configurations are permitted, e.g. with V5.x andV6.1 ‘automation systems. and V6.1 OSIES stations Discussion ‘of new features included in Version 6.1. Windows XP. New OS maintenance station. Gigabit Ethernet. Central archive server for process values and messages. Sats os ya 0S site Lian jl ates oT yg Eig lyalys 1) PCST jj ostétal sso Sialgs yo 6499 Gl abl 2 Sy 18 JyES purge lel oly 15 JS leislés 9S i> yo 9 cau! VE.O, 1351 21S JLB! Pe el hE la odus Y 0S lus shy 2490 Ciygiay A> 90 Lfaigy GoW S31 0045 G0 2997 RAI g3S olAB sla oud ch jgaT 1 yLublae aA yb BS jl plac yas g yal SS CLeUb! BILD 9 siguyolS SS anise igijlgo « SCADA XP UNE « 2000 :98 «85 jgaiy 9 Se 957 sales 2B oleSlad 0499 ol 13S lol aiT8 JyeS 5 ly aggepen UT jl Guy s PCSTAPPS 10599 05 291 oo Osos? Sz 65 yl ySI5 jl ows wT lye PCSTAPPS2 ty 9jbb 5 yal samaigns ual yb Jobe yy cil Fe — jay ca PCS 7 | PROCESS CONTROL en 10993 cline Access to OS client over IntranetvInternet(O- New process modelanguages: Chinese (simplified) Italian; Spanish. Wireless LAN for OS Client and Remote Access to an Engineering, Station using via Remote Desktop or pcAnywhere. Version Trail to compare multiprojects, projects or libraries and compliance with FDA requirements, Security to prevent unauthorized access to data or corruption of data, including safe access over the new PCS 7 OS Web option and compliance with FDA requirements. Considerations of add-on packages for PCS7 eg SIMATIC Batch, Route ControiDiscussion of migration for existing version 4.02 or 5.x projects to version 6.1. + Full migration + Operator Station migration « Minimal changes to existing projects « Effect on dynamic response for closed-loop control « SFC migration: check for change in runtime behaviour « SIMATIC Batch iw Maxum n Il Operation & Maintenance | (€burs@ Code: PA-MAXS) T 0.98 gl gine OBsis os yt « Introduction to Chromatography 9 ILS smh alS 9 slagS « Clas 0593 cl Why can a blend of components be separated and detected Scan! Clee g II ol yeg Maxum ji I Sorte as a combination of single peaks. ASB yy ae Cayo Yat 8S Maxum IS Parameters for optional separation 03 40 tig, 1 Cul EZCHFOM 41381 @3 @sSy9 « MAXUM — Physical Structure and Electronic Design ty Analytical functions 9 Gite gio 05 Galpd! Gly e599 uHl Maxum Il csutyig 18 1 S709 6 case pa leislee GUBIS . Cal oad Gol yb aibl Go Hardware modules, electronic, analytical Maintenance alge Sebo OLSIUS lye Senses Al Soilog S$ + The Workstation and Structure of the Software SESE RUSE Devices for networking Configure the PC dial Workstation Software ES 9 jlulay GSisSo yl S18 0,90 04 lal > aaalgs sul oad ottyel gules JS ya aS Ly Le! = Networking Ly Maxum s1,S9itep 8 canslgs asalgs 9 ca5gcT Addresses, IP, LOOP, Unit 000 9 eyaalS «01S NS ciulas 0 yAins solto Oy Ethernet, DataNET sus CAN Boards « MAXUM — Database cele Pe gy MAXUM table editor MMI, online operation W/O tables, alarms The *.amd file, backup and restore + Operating Off-line with EZ-Chrom Software Application ‘Sequences, methods Peak tables and integration parameters sayga glgiens » Documentation Data sheet, nonmenclature « Valves and their Maintenance Mode! 50 Model 11 Siemens Liquid Injection Valve + Development of a Method Applets and use of detectors Column switching Electronic pressure regulators and flow adjustment + Detector Maintenance Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) Flame lonisation Detector (FID) Flame Photometer Detector (FPD) STS t ‘System Training ELOP II Engineering ©) System Training ELOP II Maintenance System Training ELOP II Engineering 2399 clgins « Norm IEC 61131-3,Description of function blooks,type of data and variables. = Hardware configuration and system overview for design of the HIMA-PES H41q/51q, «Function and central module and lf module block discretion. .« System overview and design of the HIMA PES. . Implementation of YO modules, connection of variables to VO modules. « Stracture of ELOP Il and projects, «Function blocks of HIMA.generally and according V/O. = Offine-test,code genarate,code comparison,Code/Run-Version. «Cabinet layout, Codegenerator, Online-Test, Forcing. « Exercise 1: 2003, Exercise 2: 20038 FB, Connectors. «Loading and starting of the HIMA-PES. «Analog F6217, Analog F6214 (HA-RTES) «Copy of object, archiving and back ups of projects. « Safety function and fault reaction. « Exercise 3: 2003Z FB, Offiine-Test, Reload. «System diagnostic: Display, Control-panel, System-variables. = Exercise 4: flash-signal (VAR-GLOBAL), Exercise 5: FIRSTVALUE. = Application-Project, Step-sequences, «Exercise 6: Step-sequence "Automatic door entrance", Creating a new project «Diagnostic display, CPU error code analyze fault message and explanation. « Exchange of HIBUS & CPU module & I/O card during operation. « Exercise7: F-Value with Import of variables using EXCEL. = useing Ethemet for connecting the PADT and Wizcon HMI to HIMA CPU. = Data communication with HIPRO-N HIPRO-S and Ethernet protocoles (Hardware asignment, communication monitoring in master PES, Slave and master PES,..... «= Data communication with Profibus-DP (Hardware asignment, use the GSD file, Communication with S7 & PCS7,...) = Data communication with modbus (Hardware asignment.variable as ‘communicate in slave-PES, connecting the two HIMA rack with modbus,"programing a HIMA pes as Modbus Master” = Hima OPC use for Data communication GB aias os yh PLC Hima itis eats 25 J 04 05 tia np 2181 py ld! glo AyISG 9 Sica Stable cot lastly cal ytiy aga yo Sena Ly ilar ads I pS1s8 090 9855 Let ELOP-Il j1381 5 jl yayS oatital sls 25>. ELOP y9 (lo aaby ete’) uine Coban Glgil b gsgy LuAT . iio Cygio oy pile HIMA prisnss o5jlane 9 cig HIMA s1j61 + Cuuilgy sags Gl ody SleUlbl ~ E LPO Il ca joss 9 ylgS 099 Sigg sla Sats last cola la ey sat las YL) olaaSI8 aijgel 189 cel ies? 00 Sy liv 0S alesse? cass 235 Go 9 Cul ej tial gr gs ode) Sy uighe oy cgase HIMA-PES cide 9 js) o0by, ouizae S40 138 Ly H41G/HE 1G potas Saeko PY = ja System Training ELOP II Maintenance 0999 lgiow « Inistalation of ELOP II Norm IEC 61131-3, Program organisation units, type of data and variables, pyramid of Safety System ELOP-II screen, operating, elements, settings « System overview and design of the HIMA PES = Power supply and voltage distribution, = Cpu & Important I/O card description. « Hardware configuration & Libraries & recourse type « Structure of ELOP II and projects. = Founction of Central & VO module. « Code generation of user program. «= Loadoing and starting of the HIMA-PES. + Online-Test Forcing of I/O circuits. «= Diagnostic display, Fault messages and explanation « Minor modification on program. = Explanation about system documentation « Excange of modules during operation. «= User of project documentation. « Notes for operation of a safety-related PES. + Archiving and restoring of project. « Exsercise:Edit on user program and load in CPU & check it OSS OS yh 5 Sails sales yljgsT tS 2499 oe laa la JES 9 18 aa gla O15 09 5 yadiho 9 omar post Cage JES Joly 98,15. acs gl patio g ep etna Oui Y Coby! ote! 595 Sy 9 ol Gase sia o> a )S4y 9 ul ue ( HIMA,DCS, HM) ahd ls Shs ots st outy cet = E LPO I es ass 9 539830599 Sou aS gla OSes last Le eat Uy SARS Sy i jgeT 099 ul SJI98S 9 Cl poss Cage OS 269i 0.335 0 O3aT 1 6293 go p15 daly S295 Slotbol Jolt asks iS 3 j9oT 0 acho HP jg) F ® Alen-Bradley| * PLC-5S/SLC Fundamentals +r Advanced Maintenance and Troubleshooting +» SLC 500 Programming v= RS logix 500 Advanced Programming soya glyine - Understanding Programmable Controller Systems. «Identifying Common Hardware Components of Processors « Identifying Hardware Components of /O Systems. « Identifying If Configurations - Getting Started with Programming Systems - Changing the Radix (Base) of a Number. - Setting Up Communications between a Programming System and a Processor. - Identifying PLC-5 System Addresses. - Identifying SLC 500 System Addresses. s Interpreting Ladder Logic. - Interpreting Timer On Delay (TON) Instructions. « Interpreting Count Up(CTU) Instructions. UU Fundamental Staal LAS slo ann sp 6! Baio ye 0 6399 Ue! 34 obSI8 cul ost al yb ss Ooty JUS eass eB OARS YES la pin OAS st0l9s 029839 sisS 0 JS aigh2 0ai03j15.tue 552, bali UgatSims 9 cagliito Gla sisT yd J pS ppl yy Stilgs 0 RSLOgix ,1}81 5 JotSeosinoglle a, dig ostisial iS ya se 9958 Sualgs cabs Ly RSLOGiX 500 L 8S junds Ly Ladder jibio aatsyy oighz 0S Sls Sig U olyae olse iS buss Sy Crygin by 2499 Lis97 SLC5OO pptungn 5 cleat YPLC 5 higya U2 9S Gals2l 9 Clty ya CSI Ol D9 0 0S aso 05 9h ola L938 Job 59 clas SAS nan jlslOoty Ja0S 39S taoy99 Ul Uoyiideco Sapliss TagrrctcnonbyyaliSusasl ams platl 5199 2 Ly 25 la Salad OSS Sl ea hal ol cua 9 aes QudgHtgT lis 9Slac JolS andar 9 gies ootiy AB OSS JABS pa yy ji eb! lS Stl ses oobi forry acke P= jay ADVANCED maintenance & TROUBLESHOOTING (Course Code: CCPS45) NN @ terry ray gs glgine BSS os yh Troubleshooting RSLogix 500 projects containing the following Glael vais gay 9 Gulag giao 0S lus aspects: RSLOgix 41381 2 jl g xxi 025 tia, SLE 500 DH+Communications Sigh pls 093 ypl y9 duly S35 yo oak Program Flow and Interrupt Routines STI Routines Silas! Dil Routines 95sT98 lly Hel 0S GH S18 Ly 099 oe! » Troubleshooting RSLogix 500 projects containing the following al yl yyy al als? 0 | yal ad slg iS aspects: a0 9 59d Gly os ols Glaudgi 9 29: 0 Fault Routines 39 Uae Yplb oUiSuha 9 2,5 Ijx0 be ays-2 Immediate /O Update Instructions js’caas ia oil ty SLOSOD gin calae’y Lal Shift Register Instructions Maal gle jtsbe gl SLs «yal ab Clygiins Sequencer Instructions fag 0S S39 paki 9 Qa a8 ly (is) - Troubleshooting RSLogix 500 projects containing the following Gulp51 Cabw Sao glayljpl yogSbg8 2 Sine ee d Addressing M Instruct Sa ee aoe Indirect and Indexed Addressing Message Instructions eihjgaT 1Ss95 png RS View $2,138 (5.909 PID Instruct e —— RSLogix 500 projects containing the followit Sel aes See SUS «estat Pa projects containing the folowing ee er cay din eytiblen ape . fa 8Sais g DH Y yas 8, Sibyl So Remote 1/0 Addressing s gr ee Discrete Data Transfers on a Remote I/O Link Block Transfers on a Remote VO Link On day 4, students will also learn and apply preventative maintenance and troubleshooting strategies. S888 Ge eye ly gays WO elu MY — jay Identifying SLC 500 System Components. - Getting Started with RSLogix 500 Software. - Communicating with an SLC 500 Processor. - Creating a New Project. . Determining Addresses and Assigning Symbols. - Drafting Ladder Logic. - Selecting and Programming Bit Instructions. - Entering, Editing, and Verifying Ladder Logic. - Determining Program Flow and Creating Subroutines. - Selecting and Programming Timer Instructions. Selecting and Programming Counter Instructions. - Entering and Searching for Documentation. - Organizing the Data Table. - Selecting and Programming Math Instructions - Selecting and Programming Data Handling Instructions. - Selecting and Programming Comparison Instructions. - Testing a Project. - Configuring and Previewing a Project Report. yf Saal ge lee Cttyyes 9 ae ly ulasSl yb 0589 ur wAljugazeS SLC 500 033512 59 Sp 390 aby JL ps jl oaldial 9 ols la Seo sly |) il go.a@s ye silyl ly Abb ye RSLogix 500 by pS 9 28 Saalgd aley! baby Sy ol Sl)8 0493 9) 67 9 O88 0313 alae quaseds Ci jugas by oS ead dy la ojoyy ly lg ue OS ath aaelgs 1393 ytS 0 RSLogix 500 (Sigy Baty ba 49 lS S69 0593 Ul JS UH dy UolS wshy jls 390 $5,148 stinsl cual Oly yobais! 85 815) 0 j Aaya Go BOLI |) wl 48 9,5 fy lye iio WIySI8 « Cul oa. oats gle weihio dot yy Yau? uty Le IgT a2T wySIS lanl 1S! ostatal & 0Jgy2 utulesT 9 Ladder _djgT yo Cass 51 6288 su SLC 500 Sele PE jay B ae AG Ht vadley | eggs clyine Setting Up an SLC 500 System on a DH+Network. _ Planning Program Flow Strategies. Programming Selectable Timed Interrupt Routines. - Programming Discrete Input Interrupt Routines. - Programming Fault Routines. Applying Immediate VO Update Instrutions. - Programming Shift Register Instructions. Programming Sequencer Instructions. Applying Indirect and Indexed Addressing. - Programming a Message Instruction for DH+ Communications. _ Programmings Sequencer Instructions. - Assigning SLC 500 Remote I/O Addresses. - Configuring an SLC 500 System for Discrete Data Transfers on a Remote lO Link. - Configuring an SLC 500 System for Block Transfers on a Remote VO Link, OBS oS yh oni pias hus Coby Unblg? oy SLY 05 roll Sa Say 9 quai leg Ladder salto aly gle dba igayy VO cstb\eiy 9 DH* 5 1)¢ SLC5O0 aisanenn SS CS pi 0493 ual y3 24 9513 staat Se? 5U letslee wLays: delay, slay 0199 cel Ladder Jahic gle ejay ommgi 9 GiyiuS esti! & SLC5OO gl ena ly 85 py 1335 20 pal Ly RSLOQIX J1581 ps 29750 Baba! Egdse esi? 6,89 cel Caigae DH gla Sajlaye & ( gl Sut JIS) networking is ly cgay, WO extbiss! g yaguade SLC5SOO SKB jloy gle Gr Sy OASIS ay! sialg3 8 20 Ly RSLOQIX 41351 p59 SLC 500 S38 ye ybuiT Ly eagaz, VO cutblaiyl g DH# 0S 55 J sy 8 pin gli ib gay Bole ald g 9 OS) Cas ell glgal jolt gg yy ols slo ly cigazy VO Sead Cael MY — jay + Operations and Maintenance ay ano enn B Operation & Maintenance (Course Code: 3500 ) 2598 lgioe ISIS os pa 3500 Operations and Maintenance 49 0S Stiawe aay jl Adiad GT 9493 gy! wlablio A hands-on course for anyone involved with operating and 3500 oly cue le tan gulag 9 Citas maintaining a 3500 Monitoring System. Topics include overview J tobe Jolt le Equdge.riime IS oy Jgbine of hardware components, rack configuration, operator display HFACK gay oS 5 « Gy j81 cada jal yogiad software, data acquisition software, and system troubleshooting 9 SleUbh ABS 1581 ey « 9M yl Utd JIA ys and maintenance. Workshops include practice with ‘ive’ monitors 2998 g0 Ci jane 9 aaa ols ase and racks. Class sizes are kept small to ensure that students have the opportunity to fully explore the capabilities of the system. ol uy oh ge slgitiny 0993 cl ubljo elusiSI9> cage 98085 bya ty CBT SteUb! lass! yl Sts 0S HSI y2 Spb Cage « aanS ogo 1 oT hid 490 12 2979 Siz sgiislo pth gel oy 9.05 910 09> last Catia atalg> vylyuSt 38 0993 ce pla ule Siyygisita 49 3500 Si oii aan fs Clas 8S ca bal po (98 oll BLES 9 CUT 55 | cyglae Transducer le pam gre caus 9 ygile glalb ye Jb yl eotdtal JUST) lug spile ya JOIS yao go S ertutit cago Rim Host Port Test Utility j1 jl estat! 3500 Sx sgtste rack Y cibts 1 ‘puss hawgs (DDC) Dynamic Data Exchange 3500 Sa, gto Sel PE = jg Ye DeltaV Implementation | * DeltaV Systems Batch Implementation * DeltaV Implementation II ** DeltaV SIS Implementation = Ss «System Overview. Explorer. «Control Modules. Control Studio. «Motor Control «Regulatory Control WorkSpace «System Operation. Alarms & Process History View. «Sequential Function Charts. «Phase Logic. «Seour. 9 g9 glgios SAS oS pd DeltaV Operate jt oS GatyyiS cage 0499 wu! 095 cyl y3 aul Cuwlio 3103 ,S esta! Graphics sla gal Delta paiangan 5 jhe Olay JolS 9b oy salss gjssT 5 0499 oul Ua JolS ag yo saies aubgy ly piuaw Gla able? Cauilg ples pple JpS slesl sal 9 patina sats Sy OS G97 9 pata U9 SS ysigam aia See 8 Ly Glad! luo vols gh te 8S GIYSIS OS 56: Go slghtiay jonny Slelbl 45 S01 05 JS gla ana Cong 2ylg Lae sSBS GS pb) 7018 04934 7101 gla ong aclu PY = jay = 244 olaSs Transfer Data, MDB, Duap, Loap,Diconfig, Riconfig, Econfig. abl JSS «Online Builder Command: tsess, Iss, System Diagnostic, List value , Search in Program. = Online Builder Command: user disk, Shudas, set time Modify See RPE Program, Ltree, Create DB , Delete Segment,|/O Inhibition. « Explain About Sample Logic. «Review And Practise of training Items.(AC450) ine ‘0urse Code: Advani Controller 400) 0392 Glgine +» Course overview. » System overview. + Training equipment presentation + Signal flow, hardware-software-hardware. « Advant Station 100 ES, getting started + Data base handling w/FCB. + PC program structure. +» Review - Q/A session. + AMPL programming w/FCB. + Off line documentation » Generation and converting of Sourse code. » Operation of the process controller and PC programs. » Configuration and dimensioning with ONB. « Upload of Source code. + Monitoring and testing of application program. «Review - Q/A session. « Design of PC program, on-line, + Test and backup of application program. « Databases for analogue signals * Database and Program Extension (Redimensioning), + Documentation on line. » Review - Q/A session. + Database and Program Extension » Generation and converting of Sourse code. » Backtranslate to FCB. +» Database and Program Extension in FCB. + Off line documentation +» Generation of Source code from FCB and upload of data to controller. «Review - QA session, + Start of controller and program testing, » Safety backup and documentation. « Program handling, + Object control using functional units. » DAT communication between PC programs. + DAT communication between controllers. » Summary. » Evaluation. AC 400 Configuration and Programming ISS as yt SeispiSll qumaiga bjgsT Gage 099 wut vubly (50 silulae g pus ry imam 9 54>)! jel Je ty SigSh2 gl oul Cellbl abo 13905 ghoyly Stell MS Windows ys! at catetib! « yusgyy Jas stlaa! aobyy g94Sy15 og) utijgeT 0593 wu! Soe oxsjlw 4 400 etd yduy yeas AMPL uss Functional oto erry cael Fe = jg) @ | (Course Codie: Advant Controller 160) a - > 2b ssygs glgins «Introduction into Hard- and Firmware. « Introduction into AS 100ES and its main functions. « Configuration of the DB Part. + Generation of application programs. « Test functions. «Data communication via Advant Fieldbus 100 incl. event sets. + Multiprocessing and redundancy Batis os pb agi gl ean» Guise 9 wilulne slo paige Sess yasga col pass ane eSo9h2 glo telbl « phlio jlog0) gl oul Cle} MS Windows gl ay let! « ume JS laa Sal jl asttiel 095 & QlySl)A 695 oelys 9.11j81 Cada b JS S982 9 AS100 ES Gandign 3548 yolyd Ly AC 160,181 op Sacls PIE jay TOCeie re Centum CS 3000 FUNDAMENTAL. ¥+ Centum CS 3000 ENGINEERING ry Centum CS 3000 MAINTENANCE ** ProSafe me AN TS ler oats os yt CENTUM & 05 ils gly ulS sab 89 0599 wel 2 jUb oS olSius jfast JIS ay Stuy 9 CS3O00 CENTUM CS 3000 issu jl qlee ostitul shal 0a Pl pbs 13 Shhh Sail 3490.19 gl ool Stell barge oh ol SL “abby 013 BS 9 gy oils Slaal WSIS 0S cul 028 Zalsb ul a398 oy 0499 cul agus las yi1S 9 «sl uly UBla las oy JS Ly sini otsT CENTUM CS 3000 clu Fo — jay © 1099 Glgias CS3000 FUNDAMENTALS FOR OPERATION 1st 2nd ‘rd 4th sth CENTUM C5300 System Overview and Configuration, Description of Hardware Panel Operation Part 1 User Security Basic Tag Features & Securty Standard Operation Panel Regulatory Control Functions, ‘Sequence Control Function ‘Window Panel Operation Part 2 System Status Display Process / Historical Report Laboratory Work for Operators Laboratory Work Familiarization on CS3000 different Components, Laboratory Work: ‘Operation Exercise On Operation Panels Part 1 Labortory Work: Operation Exercise on Feedback and ‘Sequence Control Laboratory Work: ‘Operation Exercise on Operation Panels Part 2 Laboratory Work for Operators ro (Course Code: 3KEG) GBatis os yt giao Ly ugh oobi OS ilusige gly 0393 Cul CENTUM CS3000 ima 53 Ud 9 seit Sal Sao Mile yo Jh8 ty Sle bel 9 gl eal la 9399.49 Seb OL SIS Subl 0358 CS pb niga lo 0499 gail SS lsat (Sls alae say! S982 ul e818 0499 wel Ob JS dduskw 9 ligiosgb o» CENTUM CS3000 y.xs Alas lll Jad leat 9 U5 Shae yo aS 0 8h aclu Fe — jg) @ CS3000 ENGINEERING CENTUM CS3000 System specication, Laboratory Work: 1st Project creation, and attribute utity Project creation and Project, Project common defntion ‘common defition FCS confguration,JO module configuration, Laboratory Work Software switches configuration, Message FCS configuration, 2nd definition, Control drawing bullderRegulatory _VOMbdiule defnintion, and conto function defnion Regulatory contro! generation sea Te8t function Sequence Labortory Work: Control definition Sequence exercises ‘an HS configuration Laboratory Work Windows configuration. HIS bulder definition Laboratory Work: 5th Graphic builder Graphics generation fy __ MAINTENANCE ] GIS cas yt o31jsy giao 0S la cums 9 ylusige ely CENTUM CS3000 petus jus8 9 sles subs ge JS oly 51 Uk 9 mage gla 0399 bub Baas yl SIs subly abbly Jats tbl Sha! OLWSLS oS Saul 9b GaLjb gl 398 ey 0499 cul CENTUM CS3000 5,181 cw 5937 53 9 past lasiiT Ss GNjal Cuad g rgb LAT 9 dackup procedures le cidac 45/9 ediy8e Lp Ly bah! Clyne Gel PE = jg 19998 Glgios CS3000 MAINTENANCE Coan ke) Poet ce tia) GENTUM CS2000 System Configuration, Laboratory Work: 1st HIS Hardware &Saftware, Daly Checking _HIS Components Check-up of HIS System Maintenance Funetion Replacement of HIS Components . Laboratory Work and FOS Hareare Confusion FCS Component Checkup Daly sonecing once: Replacemant of FOS Components ‘81d Troubleshooting Labortory Work: (Course Codie: PROSAFE) » Welcome and course introduction. « Refresher: What is Safety? « Exercise: Define the Safety aspects of a project « Presentation of the results by each team. ProSafe -RS safety engineering training 2399 Glgiow + Explanation of the working flow related to a Safey Project. « Exercise: The FDS and C&E, the creation of a Functional Diagram. «Presentation of the results by each team. = Transform the FLD in a ProSafe-RS configuration; typicals; specials. = Exercise: Creating the ProSafe-RS system. = Presentation of the results by each team. » Exercise: Continue exercise day 2. + Relation to other Systems (DCS). = Exercise: Implementing the interfaces to other systems, + Presentation of the results by each team = Evaluation. Gas cs yt og yz JS casgn «ous yg aes 3 oly ols Y cabal — gyal hols Y JalS tal Leet — logic ybyj oy aug cab 9 Sg pS! DCS y ulail ProSafe-RS prissa Saat ogy casi —1 bala 9 Let catyb -F ane cing ln ail cele PE jg A BIGET IS G3 Tob pees GL tj plojsy om cen (Salboys ogee Sable — By — Gabo ssjal— JABS) sla oy ge Jolt atente ein soem a AETC, Professional Technical Training Executor for Aghajari Gas Injection Project, AAs Below: Instrument & Control Systems, Electrical, Mechanics & Operations Courses. (SIEMENS) Js la ieee sti 967 05.952 oh aaa gS 9 guage GS yt AETC, Training Executor of SIEMENS Instrument & Control Systems for Petroleum Engineering & Development Co. Fa oh = (YOKOGAWA & SIEMENS) J sis sts piss sSjgalo5gue tsa YJB edie es st estate eeptiletinlemrreine eid a Ae IS ashen ibemratnnaripe dansrmsstan dowteteoee ob Ste Baha Sys adna le Sea aba ata = , Training Executor of YOKOGAWA & SIEMENS Instrument & Control Systems for ‘South Pars Gas Complex Co, vate ( YOKOGAWA & SIEMENS ) J iss ls piesa 5.98] 95.952 otal IS 9 cd 5 yt AETC, Training Executor of YOKOGAWA & SIEMENS Instrument & Control Systems for Pars Oil & Gas Co, (SIEMENS) J jis sls aisane yijgel oh gn lye! Od Ol plas 9 AIgl glad os yt ‘AETC, Training Executor of SIEWENS Instrument & Control Systems for Iranian Oil Pipeline & Telecommunication Co. Ol (SIEMENS ) Js ols ssa 55 951059 92 FS UE olla Gblae AETO, Training Executor of SIEMENS Instrument & Control Systems for Iranian Gas Transmission Co. Sederrctins. Vata eet al mie ae wekoweny eataie een cl omni ‘yan Eimoeanat Training eae Ae ca eto dase conswry leensTilllall ax igtieet enews: lag! 55 GULoll Gay Gl® CaS pt Ui, jgoT Srizles o Ko lt ob ote Fe set ett da est Sipletas SIEMENS ll esd le ES pt dul oye UbdzeT oils cbdpeT eablas SIEMENS 61° sta ows ‘ola SIMPRENTIS as pt ao es OD ati HyeT oats say Satis VESTAS 2s pa "So 3000 3030 6 eet, eaten babes AI Gib GLO GH geT Gyo eet 2 Ula) oS pt sie i le bJpal pre Sr 2 2'i9 ALT he tga Aang Pee or Pra

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