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Introduction to HTML

HTML of Hyper Text Markup Language is the standard which is used by World Wide Web
documents. We use a program to view documents. It is not a programming language even though
it is termed as a language. The basic element of an HTML page and therefore any document on
the Web is ASCII text. HTML uses what is called a tag and it is represented by the angle brackets
< and >. Any text which is contained by the angle brackets is considered as an HTML tag by
the browser and interpreted accordingly. Since HTML uses ASCII text, the Web documents are
delivered over the network such that they are not platform dependent. Hence only a Web browser
is required which can interpret HTML files irrespective of whether it is running on a machine
using windows or UNIX or Macintosh or on any other operating system or hardware platform.
HTML mainly contains two tags. These are the followings:
Container Tags
Those tags which have the form <TAG> and </TAG> are called container tags. They hold, or
contain, the text and other HTML elements between the two tags. The <TITLE>, <HTML>,
<HEAD>, and <BODY> tags are all container tags.
The syntax for container tags is
<TAG> Text or other HTML elements go here </TAG>
For Example:
<TITLE> Horizontal Line </TITLE>
<p>The rest of this is just more text</p>

Empty Tags
Some tags that do not require </> tags are called empty tags. An example of this is the <HR> or
horizontal rule tag. This tag draws a line across the width of your document. Consider the
following listing
<TITLE> Horizontal Line </TITLE>
The following is a horizontal line:
The rest of this is just more text

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