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1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................3
2.0 RATIONALE.........................................................................................................4
3.0 CURRICULUM.....................................................................................................5
3.1 Needs Analysis.................................................................................................5
3.2 The philosophy.................................................................................................6
3.3 Vision and Mission........................................................................................ .7
3.4 Objective...........................................................................................................7
3.5 Learning Outcomes.......................................................................................... 7
3.6 Contents........................................................................................................... 8
3.7 Methodology...................................................................................................13
3.8 Evaluation........................................................................................................16
4.0 ADMINISTRATION............................................................................................18
4.1 Course Schedule..............................................................................................18
4.2 Venue...............................................................................................................19
4.3 Facilities..........................................................................................................19
4.4 Facilitators.......................................................................................................20
5.0 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................24
APPENDIX A.......................................................................................................25
A.1 Questionnaire.................................................................................................25
a) Need Analysis b) Evaluation.............................................................................
A.2 Instructional Plan........................................................................................ ..32

APPENDIX B........................................................................................................34
B.1 Financial Report..............................................................................................34
B.2 Testimony ........................................................................................................35

CourseDesign-EDU 555 (Easy Learning Chemistry Camp) | 2

Chemistry is one of the science subject that really important for pure sciences student.
Students know science is hard to begin with and they need to work hard to do well.
Based on the SPM result analysis, result for chemistry subject is not really good years by
years especially for student in rural area. Maybe it occur due of their poor learning techniques
to study and answer the question and also their mind set about chemistry subject which is
really difficult to understand. Indirectly, it will make their motivation become decline during
exam especially for SPM candidates. So, there is a need to embark on a major program to
popularise this subject. In order to make the chemistry subject interesting and easy to learn,
we will organize an event to increase the self-esteem among the student and expose to them
to learn the chemistry in interesting way and also show the best technique to answer the
question during examination by the best teacher we invited.
Chemistry Educators Club (CEC) will conduct programme named as "Easy Learning
Chemistry". This program will be held at Uitm Seksyen 17/ intec. This program is expecting
to be attended by 100 students from five different school. Our target is the student form 5
whose from the school in the area of Selangor. The committee consists of 40 facilitators and 3
speakers. The purpose of this program is to overcome the problem by providing motivation
and learning technique besides that we also want to attract students to know the importance
of chemistry subject and help them to motivate to score this subject for their SPM
examination. We strongly believe that this program will give many benefits to the students
who participate.

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The Easy Learning Chemistry camp is targeting the students from upper
secondary school which are Form 5. The students are from five different schools
in Selangor which are Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seksyen 18, Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Tasik Kesuma, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
Dusun Nanding, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tiram Jaya, and Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Telok Datok .We expect that each school will involve as
twenty students from each school will be participate in this program. The reason
we are targeting on this group because the level of interest in Chemistry subject
are lower. This shows that the competitiveness among the students at that
school are not achieving the standards or bench marks. Therefore the main
objective of doing this camp is to stimulate the students learning in Chemistry.
Moreover, this program also held to give chances to the students to
become closer with chemistry. This is because there are so many interesting
activities and games that will be conducted during the day. This camp also can
make them become more familiar with the science phenomenon that happen
around them and their surrounding which they actually did not realized. By
engaging them with simple activity that are related to science phenomenon they
also can develop their thinking skills. Both in lower order thinking and higher
order thinking.

Besides, this program also will address learning problems in Chemistry subject and
helps them to improve their learning process by exposed them to the effective study skills.
The participants are actually requiring guidance from more experienced people. Furthermore,
during this program we also provide motivational talks from expertise, to provide motivation
and awareness to the students so that they will be able to motivate and reflect themselves do
regarding to their past performances.
Sometime, some students fail to manage their time, so during this camp, we are
proposing the best learning time for students who are difficult to learn and how to score A in
this subjects. This program will be exposing the participants to the effective skills such as
memorizing, to study and to understand the Chemistry subject in order to get the good result
in Chemistry examination.Lastly, we hope that the participant will be more motivated,
enthusiastic and have good academic skills after joining this program.

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Chemistry Educators Club (CEC) organization had doing a survey to students of
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dusun Nanding. This survey had been distributed to

our respondents which are 60 students of form 5 students. This survey is focus on the
Chemistry subject which regarding the students problem and perceptions about this subject.
Therefore, our organization had come out with a suitable survey in order to analyses the
students need and to give an idea on how to overcome the problems that students face in
learning Chemistry. This survey consists of two parts, which is for the part A is about the
students background and the part b is about students perception towards learning science.
Based on the result from the survey, we can see the results the respondents of this
school do not get a good results for their past Chemistry examination. These maybe occur due
to the lack of interest among the respondents to learn Chemistry which shows from the result
of this survey which most of the respondents also state that they not interest to learn
Chemistry. Therefore, it is in line with our objective which is to stimulate students interest in
Chemistry subject. In order to achieve this target, we have come out with the forum that can
give motivation to the student and also will increase their self esteem towards the Chemistry.
Apart from that, most of the respondents said that Chemistry is boring because of
they hard to remember the facts. From this finding, we come out with the activity which is
the several games to give them an idea on how to relate the facts in Chemistry with the games
they play. This activity also can correct the misunderstanding among students which they
think Chemistry is boring and difficult. The facilitators will show demonstration to the
student relate to the particular topic in the form 4 and form 5 in the open booth. Besides, in
the slot 3 , student will be exposed about the technique answering question paper and also the
easy method to memorize facts or formula in Chemistry subject.

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According to the National Education Philosophy, education in Malaysia is
an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a
holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are
intellectually, spiritually, emotionally

effort is designed to produce Malaysian

citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral
standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of
personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and
betterment of the family physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm
belief in and devotion to God.

This committees focuses on the community service and education by held a school
programs and participating in many activity related to help student for their academic,
especially for Chemistry subject. Furthermore, it gives students the opportunity to meet with
like-minded peers, while improving themselves both professionally and personally. The club
provides a variety of intellectual guest speakers to guide students on their path to professional
success. This club is meant to be fun; as well as, educational.

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Give students a broad understanding of the processes, concepts and structures and finally
prepare students for the further to pursuit of graduate or for careers in chemistry sciences.
Engaging students in activities to further their own knowledge in Chemistry, to explore the
wonders of the Chemistry and pass that knowledge onto others so that they may also learn
and enjoy.
The objectives of the programme are to:

improve the students achievement in Chemistry subject

increase students interest in Chemistry subject
motivate students to learn and score Chemistry subject
introduce to the students the effective study skills in Chemistry subject
expose students the easy ways to capture the concepts of Chemistry


At the end of this programme, students should be able to

improve their grades in Chemistry subject

apply the concepts that are used in learning Chemistry
imply the skills they have learnt to study Chemistry

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This program has three slots which are consist of Motivation Talk, Chem-Open Booth and
Chem Fun Clinic. Each slots in this program related with the objectives of this program.
1. Motivation Talk
This slot conducted to increase the motivation of the students to score well for the upcoming
SPM examination. This slot will be divided into two sessions. The speaker of the first session
is Pn Rohani bt Haji Saad from Excel Training

& Consultancy (M) Sdn Bhd. She will be

talking about the importance to score well in the SPM examination for choosing their path
after SPM examination. For the second session, we invited Azali Azlan which is the best
student for SPM in 2007. He will talking about his experience when facing the stress for SPM
examination. His also can share his experience on the effective way to cover all the subjects
in SPM examination. This slot will be conducted in INTEC old library.
2. Chem Open booth
We provide 10 booth and each of them conducted by two facilitator from the organization.
All these booth will show to student the fun by learning chemistry, so they will learn as play
the games. Besides the game, we also provide the experiment and demonstration in order to
give student idea and explanation about the particular chapter they learn in the class. It will
make them more clearly understand, and if they understand and feel happy learn the
chemistry, they will easy to remember the facts that they have learn. After they learn and play
the games, they also can choose to answer the quiz that provide by facilitator.
Booth 1
a) Game: Periodic Table Trend War
Purpose: To teach students periodic trends regarding the properties of elements.
Materials: 1 die, index cards with main group element symbols written on them (one
element per card), a list of trends written on the board numbered from 1 - 6. Trends
should include such things as ionization energy, electronegativity, atomic radius and ionic
Radius. This game need student place in group of 4-5.

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b) Demonstration: Ion Formation

Facilitators will explain and show the demonstration about the Ion Formation by using the the
different size of ball.

Booth 2
a) Game: White Board Races
Purpose: Students work individually or in pairs to solve problems at a small whiteboard,
while competing against other students. They need to answer the question give by the
facilitator. The winners will get present.

b) Demonstration: Crystal Lattice Formation.

Facilitators will show the demonstration by using the plasticine and also the marble.

Booth 3
a) Game: Marble Madness
Purpose: Students will begin to understand the principle of ionic bonding and electron
transfer as they transfer marbles to one another in order to satisfy the conditions stated by
the facilitator.
Materials: 1 small cup for each students, four marbles for half of the students (the other
half of the students get no marbles just an empty cup)

b) Demonstration: Matter

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Facilitators will show the different types of particles which is an atom, molecule and ion by
using the plasticine that comes from different size and clour. Facilitator will shape the
plasticine with the suitable size and shape with the characteristic of particle.

Booth 4
a) Game: Ion Poker
Purpose: This game is designed to help students learn how to use the periodic table as a
tool to determine anion and cation oxidation states.
Materials: Pennies, Index cards with s and p block elements written on them.

Booth 5
a) Game: Card game
The aim is to lose all the cards.Each player starts with 10 cards, the remaining cards are
placed on the table.The deck is made up of 100 cards, the number of cards is not critical. The
top card of the deck is revealed and the first player tries to form a chemical bond between the
first card on the deck and as many, up to three, of his/her cards, as possible. For example, If
the first card on the deck is boron the player can elect to throw the following cards if they had
them in their hand:
- a nitrogen atom
- an oxygen and a fluorine atom
- three fluorine atoms
or any other combination that will successfully take boron's three electrons.
Helium and neon are wild cards and can be thrown out at any time during the game.
If a player can not successfully react any of the atoms in their hand with the deck then they
pick up the bottom card from the deck.

Booth 6

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a) Demonstration : Volcanic eruption

Facilitators will stimulate a real volcanic eruption, as an example of an acid-base reaction.
The chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid)
produces carbon dioxide gas, which forms bubbles in the dishwashing detergent. The
chemicals are non-toxic (though not tasty).
Materials: 3 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, empty
20-oz drink bottle, deep plate or a pan, gel food coloring, dishwashing detergent,
baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (dilute acetic acid)

Booth 7
a) Demonstration/experiment : Properties of metal
For this acctivity, facilitators will use pennies, nails, and a few simple household
ingredients to explore some of the properties of metals. This will demonstrates
several chemical processes .
Materials: 20-30 dull pennies, 1/4 cup white vinegar (dilute acetic acid), 1
teaspoon salt (NaCl), 1 shallow, clear glass or plastic bowl (not metal), 1-2 clean
steel screws or nails, water measuring spoons and paper towels.
Booth 8
a) Demonstration : Density Column
Facilitators will make a density column with many liquid layers using common
household liquids. The liquid is pour from most-dense to least-dense.
Materials: corn syrup or pancake syrup, liquid dishwashing soap, water (can be
colored with food coloring), vegetable oil, rubbing alcohol (can be colored with
food coloring) and lamp oil.

Booth 9
a) Game: Chemical equilibrium
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Facilitators will explain about the chemical equilibrium and student should
answer the question by paly the snake puzzle provided.

Booth 10

a) Quiz
Facilitators will give quiz to students about the certain topic in Chemistry and if they wrong
answer the question, facilitators will guide the student the correct the answer and explain
more details about it

3. Chem-Fun Clinic
For this slot, we provide the module for the students. This slot will be conducted by Mr Lee
Kuan Yuin from He will teach the students the effective way to tackle the
Chemistry question. We will focus on the crucial topic of Chemistry topic for the SPM
syllabus. He also will teach the easy way to memorize all the important note needed for their
SPM examination. This slot will be conducted in the INTEC old library.


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The Easy Learning Chemistry camp will be held one whole day and it will be on Saturday
during their middle of school break which is on 18 June 2016. This camp is designed to the
Form 5 students which will sit for SPM examination with an achievement of B and below.
They are also categorized as intermediate

students and their level of performance are

moderateIt involving 100 students from five different school and it will be twenty
representatives from each school, 40 facilitators, a motivator , an excellent students and an
excellent Chemistry. The students will be divided 10 persons per group where there is 10
groups on doing the activities during this camp. There are three slots that will be run during
the day which are motivation and talk, Chem-Open booth and also Chem Fun Clinic. The
method used in the programmed is student- directed where they are fully conducting the
activities while the facilitators act as the instructor some times. This can be done through the
group discussion, cooperative learning, and gaming. All participants will experienced these
method themselves when they are involved in the activities.The activities include are:

This kind of slot requires speaker or motivator. So, we decided to invite two
speakers to talk during this slot. In Slot 1 we invite a consultant from Excel Training &
Consultancy (M) Sdn Bhd, Puan Rohani Hj Saad. The content of this session is to give
motivations to students and increase their awareness in learning at once. However, we also
decided to have a sharing session in Slot 2 by having a speaker who is from the best student
in SPM, Azali Azlan who is also having an experience in learning this subject. At this


the speaker will share the interesting things in exploring the Chemistry based on his
experiences. Also, he will teach the students about the strategy to have an effective study and
memorizing techniques especially the concepts during learning Chemistry.

2.Chem-Open Booth

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This Chem-Open Booth will involve ten(10) booths that will conducted by
two facilitators at each booth. At this afternoon session, all students are divided by 10
groups which involve 10 students per group. We are having some fun and interesting
activities and games that related to Chemistry subject so that they will be more
interested to explore what is those subject really useful and meant for them.

3. Chem Fun Clinic

Since it is the last slot, we have provide some modules that including the
common Chemistry SPM questions, past year questions, tutorials and some easy concept in
learning question. We have made all that in a booklet, It will be given



students that participate in this program. Since the program is in Easy Learning area, so we
like to invite one of the founder of, Mr Lee Kuan Yuin. As an excellent and
innovative teacher, he can give some tips of effective learning in Chemistry. He will discuss
the module with the students that we have given to him to be review and revise a week before
the program is held.

3.7.1 Group discussion

The discussion will be conducted during Chem-Open booth session, where
each group will be conducted by two facilitators. Since there are 40 facilitators
therefore, two facilitator will conduct 10 students in one group. So in this session
there will be 20 facilitators since there are about 10 booths. The other 20
facilitators will be in each group and will help for what they need, The objective
of group discussion is to build up a good relation between the participants and
the facilitators, develop understanding and construct the team spirit among the
participants. In addition, the participants also will be able to develop and
improve their thinking skill from the group activities that they will join. Besides
that, the group activities also can increase the participants confident level.

3.7.2 Guidance by Facilitators

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During the camp, the facilitators act as the guidance for each group they
had been assigned. There are only certain activities that need the facilitators to
involve in such as the activity of doing simple experiments, demonstration and
3.7.3 Motivation Talk
There will be two session of motivation talk. From the two speaker invited,
they will give motivation to the students about the key success to be become a
good student and can score all the subject. The speaker can give positive impact
to the self esteem of the student and indirectly, it can give student spirits to
learn and do the best for their study.
3.7.4 Closing Session
Closing session is an important activity to get the participants feedback
about the effectiveness of the programmed. In this activity, the participants will
have to give their opinion or sharing their experiences or any ideas about the
programmed. After that, the participants should be able to reflect themselves
about the positive changes that will affect themselves after the programmed

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As we know, evaluation is very important for all the program or event, it will become as
a tool or prove for us to know whether our objective and learning outcome achieved. So, for
this program we construct and made evaluation by provide the questionnaire, do observation
and also by the sharing session.
All the participants are required to answer the questionnaire that will be provided
during closing session. The question set comprised of three section which is Section A,
Section B and Section C. In the Section A, participant need to answer about their
background . The questions are about the students gender, race, and the student's result in
past Chemistry examination. Based on all this information, we can get some background of
participants and their achievement in the Chemistry subject. Besides, we also provide the
question to ask them whether they feel Chemistry subject is difficult or not and also whether
they interest with that subject. It is crucial to ask because from that information we can know
whether their perception is positive or negative towards this subject after they joint all the
slot. It can become as the line for us to know either our program achieve our objective or not.
In the sections B, we provide the liker type question which is students need to choose
one of the statements comprised of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly
disagree . We divide this section in three part, which is part A is about all the three slot, part B
the facilitator and lastly for Part C the students outcome after participate this program. All of
these can be as a feedback for us for this program.
It can be as a medium for us to know the weakness and strength of the program. The
evaluation is more focus about the feedback of participant from all the three slots which are
"talk/ motivation", Chem-Open Booth and Chem Fun Clinic. Besides, we also focus on
the feedback of participants toward the facilitator, it really important because the facilitator
have the important role during the program, they need to guide participant and explain many
things about the Chemistry subject especially during "Chem-Open Booth" slot.
Other than that, this evaluation are as a medium for the participant to summarize what
they have learn and get from all the three slot, we provided the comment and suggestion
space in the questionnaire for participant in order they can expressed what they get and learn
and also what they want for the upcoming program. From that, we can make the comment
and the suggestion as the reference for our next programme and event.
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Observation also can be as on of the important evaluation, because from there we can see
the cooperation of the student, student attention during all the three slot, and also the reaction
of the student along the program.
All the facilitators become an observer in that day, especially for the Open Booth
programme. Facilitators will show demonstration/ experiment and also provide the game to
the student. Based on the game play by the students, facilitator can observe either the student
can understand and apply the Chemistry concept.

Sharing session
At the closing session, a few students from each school need to share their opinion and
feedback throughout this program. They also can share their experience, for example what
they like about this program and what the positive change occur in themselves after join this
Through this, we can make their sharing session as the evaluation for us for this program.
We can know either the program achieve the goal and learning objective as state on this
course design.


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8.00 8.30 am

the arrival of the students and registration

8.30 10.30 am

Slot1 : Motivation talk

10.30 12.30 pm

Slot 2 : Chem-open Booth

12.30 1.00 pm


2.00 3.00 pm

(continue)Slot 2 : Chem-open Booth

3.00 5.00 pm

Slot 3 : Chem-fun Clinic and sharing


5.00 5.30 pm

Tea time and return to school

We choose Uitm Seksyen 17/intec as a venue for our program because it is easy
for us to do activity, especially for the open booth activity it need for us to use
the large space and do a lot of activity which require many material. Besides, it
more easy for all the student whose comes from five school to attend because
CourseDesign-EDU 555 (Easy Learning Chemistry Camp) | 18

this campus not far from their school, indirectly it will save our budget. Besides
that, this campus provide a variety of facilities which is prayer place, dining
room, lecture hall and so on. We believed that our program will run smoothly by
using this venue for the program.

These are the facilities that provide resort:

Lodging (Tent)
Bathroom (Male/Female)
Lecture Hall
Dining Room
Prayer Place

INTEC old library.

This program, it will be assist by 40 facilitators. All the facilitators had been train very
well and they have an expertise in this area as well as have a good background.
The range of our facilitators are 22-26 years old. Besides, most of them from
facilitator in Prisma under Science and Mathematics society in Faculty of

CourseDesign-EDU 555 (Easy Learning Chemistry Camp) | 19

They will facilitate the students who participate these camp. Some of them work
directly and some work indirectly. For example half of the number of facilitators will involve
during the program run. And the other work before and after the program are held. Besides
that, we will also invited 3 speakers to give motivation talks during the session that will
occupy Slot 1 and Slot 2 also in the clinic session. (Refer to the programs schedule)
Also, they will act as consult to the students during the activities abd games on ChemOpen Booth session. They will guide the students with professional and try to get involve in
every situation. Within all of these help from our facilitators, we hope that our program will
be successful in helping the SPM candidates for this year and the next.
Profiles of the facilitator :


President of Chemistry Educators Club (CEC)

B.Ed (Hons) Science Chemistry
UiTM Shah Alam

Muhammad Rafiuddin
Rahimi Bin Mazlan

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Secretary of Chemistry Educators Club (CEC)

B.Ed (Hons) Science Chemistry
UiTM Shah Alam

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Event Manager of Easy Learning Chemistry

B.Ed (Hons) Science Chemistry
UiTM Shah Alam

Fatin Nabihah Binti Khalil


Profile of Speakers

SPEAKER 1 ( Motivation Slot 1)
Academic and Professional Qualifications:

BA Hons SMEs, 1998


Senior Training Consultant

Excel Training & Consultancy (M) Sdn Bhd

CourseDesign-EDU 555 (Easy Learning Chemistry Camp) | 22

Puan Rohani Binti Hj.

(Under the guidance Motivational Consultant

Dato 'Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah)


2007 2011

Training Consultant (Part Time)

Mind Development Institute (INMIND)

2000 - 2011

SPEAKER 2 ( Sharing Session Talk Slot 2)

Best Student SPM 2007 with 21A - Best SPM Records

Azali Azlan

SPEAKER 3 ( Chem Fun Clinic)


Subjects taught: Chemistry Form 5


: Bachelor of Science and Computer

with Education (Chemistry)


: 8 years


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Achievement :

Excellent Service Award 2005

Innovative Teacher Award Silver Level (Johan)

Innovative Teacher Award at the National Level

(runner-up) 2009
Excellent Service Award 2010
Participation in lectures / courses / seminars:
Speakers (Creative and Innovative Program in
R & D) in Tambun Smk 2010
Senior coach Red Crescent Society
Coach Saving Society Malaysia
Interviewed by EDUWEBTV (WebTV Ministry
of Education) 2009

As the conclusion, this program will be held UiTM Campus Seksyen 17 which involving
100 students from the school in Selangor. This program is conducted to improve the
motivation of the students to prepare them for the upcoming SPM examination and to help
the students with the Chemistry subject. In this program, we focus on the interactive learning
in Chemistry subject. We hope this can help them to increase their interest in Chemistry
subject. This is because the students think that Chemistry subject is boring and hard to tackle
subject. We want to increase their interest towards the Chemistry subject. We also think the
need of the students when conducting this experiment, most of them said that they are unable
to remembered the important note of Chemistry subject and lack of effective study skill. So in

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this program, we provided them with the clinic on how to answer the examination question
and teach them the effective way to remembered the important point in the Chemistry subject.
We hope that we able to achieve our objectives of this program and we hope that this program
can give the positive impact to the students who participate in this program. We also hope
that this program can be conducted in future again.

1. Questionnaire Question



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Instruction: Please tick (/) or an appropriate answer in the box provided.
1. Gender : Male
2. Race :




1. Are you interested to learn Chemistry? yes

4. Are you feel Chemistry is difficult subject ? Yes




1. Do you like Chemistry?

2. Do you enjoy learning Chemistry?
3. Do you think Chemistry is a killer subject?

4. Your range of your result in sciences subject for your past examination?
80 100
79 70
69 60
< 60
5. Which is learning science approach that you think the most effective?
Through games
By reading book
Through experiment

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6. Why do you think many students said that science experiment is boring?
Hard to understand the theory and definition
Do not how to relate the chemistry toward the nature and things surrounding

Please tick (/) only the one of the answer below.










I feel learning Chemistry is



I feel learning Chemistry is



Chemistry is hard for me to


14. What are your suggestions to make the students interested learning science?

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B) Questionnaire for the evaluation.

Section A:Demographic Profile.
Instruction: Please tick (/) in the box provided
2. Gender : Male
3. Race :




4. Are you interested to learn Chemistry? yes

4. Are you feel Chemistry is difficult subject ? yes



Section B: Students response AFTER all the 3 slot end.

Instruction: Please rate the program and tick ( / ) in the box provided

Part A: Slot evaluation

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I feel motivated after this slot


I want to get A's in the


chemistry and other subject


I have an idea on how to study

in the effective way


I will always do revision after


ii)Chem-Open Booth








I enjoyed with all the game that

prepared by this slot







this slot

I realized the interesting of the

Chemistry subject by this slot


I learn many topic by this slot






Chemistry after this slot

iii)Chem Fun Clinic








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I know the technique to answer

the question of an examination


I can remember the particular

facts and formula in the easy


I think Chemistry subject is not

very difficult to learn


I gain new experience by this







Chemistry after this slot

Part B: Facilitators of this program.









The facilitators are kind and



Facilitators are easy to reach


The facilitators are good in







explanation in the slots.


The facilitators very helpful

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Part C: Outcomes student get from this program.









I can apply the concepts in



I become more interest in

Chemistry Subject

I could have high self-esteem

and motivation through the


I can study Chemistry in

interesting and easy way

Section C: Students Comment and Suggestion

Instruction: Please write your suggestions and comments in the space provided.

2. Suggestion:

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Slot 1 : motivational talk
The students will be gathered in the INTEC old library. The will sit according to the their
school. We have provided the seat for each of the students.
Session 1
Speaker, Pn Rohani bt Haji Saad from Excel Training

& Consultancy (M) Sdn Bhd.

will be introduced by the moderator. She will give motivational talk for about 1 hour. She will
giving the talk to improve the motivation of the students for the upcoming SPM examination.
She also talk about the path that the students can choose after SPM.
Session 2
Speaker, Azali Azlan which is the best student for SPM in 2007 will be introduced by the
moderator. He will give his talk for about 1 hour. He will sharing his experience on how he
facing the stress during SPM examination. He also will shared his study skill on how to
tackle all the subject in SPM examination.
Slot 2 : Chem-Open Booth
The students will be divided into 10 groups. Each group will have a representative from each
school. From now, they will doing this slot as a group. The facilitators has setup 10 booth on
the INTEC field. There will be a few facilitator assigned to each of the booth to carry the
experiment or the activity on each of the booth. Each booth only can have maximum number
of 1 group at a time. Each of the booth have the own activity which is related to Chemistry
subject. The facilitators will demonstrated the activity and the students also can observed and
try the activity. The students need to go to the booth according to the turn that have been
given to them.
Slot 3 : Chem-Fun Clinic
the students is gathered in INTEC old library. The students sits according to their group on
their specific table. The facilitators will give them the modules that have been prepared. The
teacher, Mr

Lee Kuan Yuin from is introduced by the facilitator. He will

conducted the clinic for about 2 hours. He will teach the students on how the effective way to
answer the examination paper according the modules provided. He also will teach the
CourseDesign-EDU 555 (Easy Learning Chemistry Camp) | 32

effective way to memorize the important point in Chemistry subject. We give freedom to him
on how he want to conduct this session.

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B.1 Financial Report
Financial Implications



Per unit



1. Allocation for



RM50 * 10 booths


RM 4.00/per pax
RM 6.00/per pax





2x Lunch


RM 4.00
RM 6.00
RM 8.50


RM8.50/per pax



Facilitators fees



RM 30*40 facilitators



Guest speaker


RM150 * 3





RM 30 * 1


and reports

Faculty of Education





# NET TOTAL 3731.00
(The differences
vetween the total and
the sponsorships)

B. 2 Testimony of previous Easy Learning Chemistry 2014

CourseDesign-EDU 555 (Easy Learning Chemistry Camp) | 34

Students and School


Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan
Abdul Aziz Shah (Integ)
At first we were not good in Chemistry
subjects, but since we participate the 'Easy
Learning Chemistry' camp, it really helped us
not only in these subjects, but also in other
subjects because the concept is the same.
thank you!

Sekolah Agama Menengah Muhammadiah

We are trying to do the best as we found
much that we have learned from this camp.
The camp also helped us in organizing our
daily learning activities. In addition, it gives a
deep impression that we can deliver
something to our friends who did not
participate in this program.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pandan

We feel lucky because we can take 'Easy
Learning Chemistry' Camp! it is very timely
way our learning. We are grateful for the
partnership is given, we hope that this camp
can continue and can produce many
innovative and excellent students.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sungai

This is the best camp! it's really fulfilling to
our current SPM ago .. we really appreciate
the sacrifices sister and brother were also
speakers who struggle success of this camp.

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