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Training Program Plan

Edith Falcon-Ortega
June 22, 2015.
Natasha Spellman


Training Program Plan

Many teachers have difficulty having strategies that can work in the classroom
where their students are engaged in learning. It is important that students are engaged in their
learning for them to excel in their skills and improve. This training will provide teachers
different techniques that they can use in the classroom for their students to participate, and learn.
We will focus on the Dr. Spencer Kagans Structures that allow the teachers to improve their
skills in their classroom. Our goal is that through this training program teachers can use different
structures to evaluate, teach, and engage the students. The training objectives are to update the
teachers with structure knowledge to expand their teaching skills in the classroom, for students to
improve their learning. This program is intended to produce a positive impact on the adult
learners (teachers). It is extra work to learn the structures, but once teachers know the
structures, teaching is easier. The traditional teacher does most of the talking and is the hardest
working person in the class. Structures reverse that. The teacher still provides instruction, but
then sets students to work in teams, so students do the talking and the work. Using the structures
becomes automatic, and teaching becomes more of a joy because students are so much more
engaged and eager to learn. (Kagan, 2008) We want the educators to feel prepared and use these
structures to interact with students and to grab the attention of the students. Once students can
engage in the lesson provided by the instructor they will be able to learn more because of their
interest in what they are learning. Dr. Spencer Kagan has more than two hundred and fifty
structures that can be implemented and learned form. These structures are essential to the
education of the students in our classroom through social skills, cooperation, and many more.


This training can be useful for any educator for any age group. The training program will benefit
the teacher, student, and school.
Needs Analysis
Our training will begin with a group session that will establish the teachings of the educators. In
the group sessions, we will demonstrate and teach the educators the structures that they can use
in their classrooms. Working in groups is increasingly popular as a form of assessment.
("Effective group work," ) They will collaborate with other instructors to practice, and learn what
was taught. This brings us to the next part that this training program has which is the job and task
analysis. The Job Task Analysis (JTA) is the most widely accepted and nationally used process
for determining valid job content and employment requirements. ("The job task,") The job and
task analysis will be a set of structures that the educators choose to incorporate in their classroom
from what they learned in the training so far. They will plan a course that they will teach using
the structures of their choosing. They will conduct, and evaluate the results of their students, and
their learning. This brings us to another technique that we will use which is observation.
Observational techniques are an important aspect of many action research studies and of case
studies whether undertaken by participants or outsiders. (Hannan & Kelly, 2006 ) We need to
observe the trainee perform the structures learned, and the trainee needs to observe the reaction
of their students once performing what was taught and learned.
Once all of these techniques have been put in place for this training program, we will
conduct one last technique. The last technique is questionnaires. The questionnaire is a
structured technique for collecting primary data in a marketing survey. It is a series of written or
verbal questions for which the respondent provides answers. A well-designed questionnaire
motivates the respondent to provide complete and accurate information. ("Questionnaire


design," 1999-2010) These questions will provide us with the information needed to confirm the
learning of the trainee. These four techniques used in this training will help the educators gain a
firsthand experience of what the training is all about. They will also start incorporating their
learning in their work. That is what we are targeting.
There is a budget for this program. We want the budget to cover every aspect of this
training program provided to all educators assisting it. These are the expenses for the budget.

Personnel- The personnel will be paid for their services of an 8-week period.

Fringe benefits- The fringe benefits will cover the cost of food and drinks.

External staff- Will be the trainees that are receiving this training and will be paid extra hours
of work.

Materials- The materials of this training program are basic such as paper, pencils, and coloring

Technical support- The technical support will be needed for any issues with projectors or
computer issues for the presentations.

Equipment- The equipment needed will be provided by the facility that is a projector to
present a presentation.

Travel- The program will be provided in the school that the teachers work.

Facilities- The facility will be the school that is providing the program.

Supplies- Team Tub is only $15, and we will only need one as part of a demonstration.


Miscellaneous- We will have an open budget for miscellaneous or things that can come up last
This budget will include the expenses of the things listed above and will be covered by
these four income sources that we can receive.

Donations- we will gain donations from the community as we prepare a donation program for
the education of the teachers in the schools. The parents and families can donate for this
training. Also, we will have restaurants from the community around the school donate food
and drinks for the training of the teachers.

Grants- There is a grant that we can receive from the Department of Education that is
offering the amount of $500,000. For more information visit the link|Employment%2C

Government- Government grants that will be used to pay for the training program.

Miscellaneous- The school extra money for the education of their teachers and extra time
Staffing Plan
The staff needs different types of requirements to attend the training program. For this
training program to work, and to provide a positive impact to the trainees the educators need:
o To be able to work with a large group of students, have their teacher certification, and
knows strategies to help students perform their work in the classroom.


o The trainee needs to have Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons available for training
after work. From 4-5pm. This program can cover up to 20 educators.
o The internal resource is the trainer provided in this training program.
o The external resources are the strategies provided by Dr. Spencer Kagan site.
o The additional resources that are needed will be videos showing how students work
with each strategy.
o The strategy to fill the resources gap will be for the trainee to perform the strategy
themselves and see how they react.
o There will be a staff performance evaluation. This evaluation will consist of their
involvement in the training, the incorporation of what was learned, and the answers
provided after questioning.
Stakeholders and Goals

Stakeholders (minimum of five)

Partnership goal

Ways to build support


To have the support of providing a

training program to the teachers,
that will gain experience and
knowledge. This knowledge will
help the students learning and
abilities. It will transfer to school
performance and achievements in
the long run.

Meet with the principal and

provide the training program plan.
Express the benefits of having the
training in her school as well with
other stakeholders supporting the
training program.

Assistance Principal

To support the training program

that will help the school on state
testing. Because of the knowledge
that the students will receive,
thanks to the skills gained by the
teachers attending the training

With other stakeholders

supporting the training program,
we will discuss the importance
and the benefits of having the
training and how the future will be
with statistics of the outcomes.


Provide good relationships with

the administrators, to promote the
training program for the best of
the students, teachers, and

By discussing the training

program, with its potentials, and
benefits we will convince the
administrators that this training
program will benefit the teachers
and students education and
learning skills.

Lead Teachers

Collaborate with other members

of the school, to work with each
other into incorporating what was
learned and how much it can
benefit the students and the

Speaking to lead teachers and

providing collaboration to what the
training program is about in order
to gain support. This way these
lead teachers can see what the
training program can benefit
themselves and other teachers to
teach their classes. Also, for the
students to engage and learn.


To support the training program to

train the teachers to have better
teaching skills. This training will
help the students learn and
engage more.

Notifying the parents of a training

program that will benefit their
children education will be the best
way to build support for this


Communication Plan
In our communication plan, we will provide the trainees much information about the
training to get them interested. These different ways of communication will help the training
program in many ways. Everyone in the training program will be able to have a great
communication environment. We will provide different ways of communication which will start
out with an email providing a marketing flyer that will provide the information about the training
such as time, location, and what it is. This marketing flyer will include our slogan that is: Lets
engage! We will also send a memo informing the instructors on how helpful this training can be
and the benefits to the organization and the students involved. We will also be creating a
Facebook page where we can establish an open line of communication for the trainer and
trainees only. We will be able to ask and easily answer any questions presented to us. It will be a


great way to communicate throughout the whole training program. There are many benefits that
are offered to the trainees in this training program. Some of the benefits that we can provide to
them are classroom management. These strategies will provide the educators to place them in the
classroom and engage students. These strategies reduce issues in the classroom among students,
and you can give control to the noise level as well. With these strategies, each educator will be
able to have more control of their class, and that will help them perform all the activities that
they have planned for the day for the students to learn. The other benefit is the engagement the
students will receive. This will help them learn and socialize more than before. The educator will
be able to evaluate their students on what they are learning because the students will be more
vocal about their learning in the classroom by using these strategies. These strategies will impact
the trainees because of the techniques that they will be using in the classroom. It will be a
positive impact once they put it into practice. The trainee will leave the training program feeling
confident that they will accomplish a lot with what they learned in the training. One of the
promotional materials that the trainees can use is the online magazine published by Dr. Spencer
Kagan. They will be able to read articles about what we are learning in the training program. You
can learn about encouragement, engagement, evaluations, frequent processing, grades,
curriculum, class building, common core and much more. Our communication plan for this
training program will be effective before the training starts. This way we have the trainee
interested in the training and informed. We will continue to have open communication
throughout the training. This will help the trainee feel comfortable and know that we will be
available for any of the questions or concerns they may have. We want everyone to feel
comfortable and ready to learn. This is a training program designed to help each adult learner
gain knowledge and skills. We want to help them improve as much as possible. We will also


encourage in-person communication. We will like to explain personally and see what they need
guidance. We have an open policy if the trainee wants to ask in a group session or privately, we
will be available for their needs. Another form of in-person communication will be meetings.
Meetings are great for communication in many ways. This will help us know what questions the
trainee has, and we can evaluate their engagement to the training. We will also provide emails as
a form of communication. Everyone can use each others email to communicate and collaborate
with each other. This is our communications plan. We will have many methods of
communication that will facilitate the needs of the trainee and the trainer. With the use of social
media, face to face communication, group sessions, meetings and other methods we are positive
that the communication will be active. Not only active but will allow the training to be positive
and educational for all of the adult learners assisting it. This communication plan will allow
everyone a way to communicate and feel comfortable doing so. This is not only with the trainer
but with each other.
Program Evaluation
This program will be evaluated in different ways. First we will provide a questionnaire,
about different strategies that the teachers use in the classroom to teach. In this questionnaire we
will evaluate their knowledge before the training. That will help shape the training into providing
strategies that they do not know about or different ways to use the strategies that they know
already. We will also evaluate during the training with questions that the trainee makes or
answers that they provide. Another way to evaluate the adult learner will be to go to their
classroom and evaluate how they are incorporating their learning in their work. Lastly, we will
evaluate the adult learner at the end of the program where they will answer a questionnaire about
their learning and their learning experience. In this evaluation, we will measure their interest for



the training program, their overall learning, and motivation to continue incorporating the
strategies to the classroom. We will provide a survey also to evaluate the overall success of the
training program.
These evaluations are essential to the training program. It can help the training become
better by providing what the adult learner needs to learn and grow with skills. These are the skills
that will help them in their daily work. The individuals that will handle overseeing the program
evaluation will be the trainer and the leaders of the organization. Each evaluation has a purpose.
The evaluation purpose is to tell the trainer where they need to adjust in the training program.
What they need to teach in the training program. If the trainee is learning from the training
program, and how successful the training was. The metrics that are going to be measure are
performance, success, and overall satisfaction. The satisfaction can be from the trainee on the
learning and the results that the school will gain. The data collected from each evaluation will
help the trainers know if their training is effective or not. If they need to adjust anything to the
group of adult learners needs. This evaluation plan will simple and helpful to see the results
wanted in the long run.



Effective group work. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Hannan, A., & Kelly, P. (2006). Observation techniques. Retrieved from
Kagan, S. (2008). Kagan structures simply put. Retrieved from
Kagan online magazine. (2015). Retrieved from
Teacher tools. (2015). Retrieved from
The job task analysis (jta) process . (n.d.). Retrieved from
Questionnaire design. (1999-2010). Retrieved from
View grant opportunity. (2015, June 9). Retrieved from|Employment, Labor and Training

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