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Charmaine Rodgers - HIS 153

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In the history books sports has always found itself meaning more than just a way for the
public to amuse themselves thru competitive activity it attaches to the politic, social and cultural
environment of the world like Joe Louis versus Max Schmeling. These fighters actually fought
two times with Schmeling winning the first contest in the ninth round while Joe Louis won the
second bout. The political and socially value of the second bout outweighs any bout many say to
this day. Throughout life sometimes opposite forces meet in the arena of sports and these
opposite forces were the democratic way of life of America versus Nazi Germany dictatorship of
Adolf Hitler.
Yet, by 1942, no African American was more beloved among both white and black
Americans than heavyweight champion Joe Louis. Exemplifying the plight of so many African
Americans who migrated to northern and Midwestern cities in hope of a better life, Louiss rise
to stardom represented the African American dream. Louis, however, was also an icon of
American victory. (Sklaroff)1 Joe Louis moved to Detroit from Alabama pursing boxing in an
attempt to be successful in life. Before his first bout with max Schmeling Louis was 23-0. Louis
was known has the Brown Bomber and is always considered to be the first African American that
was a countrywide hero to the nation. Because of the time in history with the Great Depression
Louis decided instead of joining gangs he chose boxing. Louis had little schooling and as a teen
took on odd jobs in order to help out his mother and siblings. The family eventually relocated to
Detroit where Louis found work as a laborer at the River Rouge plant of the Ford Motor
Company. ( Boxing was his gift and many people recognized the talent which
1 Sklaroff, Lauren Rebecca. Black Culture and the New Deal: The Quest for Civil Rights in the
Roosevelt Era. Chapel Hill: The university of North Carolina Press, 2009. ebook.

2" A&E (2015): 1-4. website.

Rodgers 2

is why he was embraced by people black and white. With the backing of mainstream press Louis
proved many right by being the number one contender in the heavyweight class plus in 1935 the
Associated Press honored Louis with Athlete of the Year.
Max Schmeling was a boxer from Germany who held the world champion belt from 1930 to
1932. Boxing was virtually unknown in Germany at the time, but Schmeling's father had seen
the sport in his travels. In his early teenage years, Max saw a film of a heavyweight
championship fight between Jack Dempsey and Georges Carpenter. ( Max fought
many fighters in Europe and Germany but knew to get to the top he had to come to America
where most of the best fighters were considered to be. Max was not on anybody radar when he
arrived in New York City. Max went on to beat opponent after opponent to get the reputation as a
very capable and dangerous fighter in America. Many Americans had grown to like Max for his
skills but another man would change Americas perception of Max and any Germany person
around the world and that man was Adolf Hitler. Max upon going back to Germany won the
majority of his fights in his homeland but the press seemed to be changing their direction in
terms of Max. The ironic part is Max was not part of the Nazi Party and did not believe in the
racial superiority of Germans but he was proud to be German. It was not about how good he
could fight or he more quickly it started to focus on Are you a Nazi or not?
The first fight between these two men was on June 19, 1936 at Yankee Stadium. The bout was
sold out and the referee was a famed man named Arthur Donovan. Joe Louis was said to have
not taking very seriously his training for the bout. He was to have found a new sport by the name
of golf and was found to be playing golf many times he should have been training. Max was

3 "People and Events." PBS (2005). website.

Rodgers 3

different he worked hard and did what any boxer should do take time to study his opponent to
find any weakness. Apparently Max found some weaknesses because with Schmeling ahead on
the scorecard and Schmeling applying pressure with jobs to Joe Louis eye which was battered
and bruised Max score a body blow that sent Louis to the canvas. It was a shock to the American
people and the American pride many have said men and women could be seen crying in the
streets after the bout. On the other hand it is reported that Adolf Hitler himself contacted
Schmeling wife with flowers and a note.
After the bout Max was sure he would get a shot at the title belt that James Braddock held
but talks fell through because many feared if the title belt went to Nazi Germany Hitler would
make sure it would never return. Instead Louis fought Braddock and won but refused to be
crowned champion until he had a rematch with Max and the Battle of the Century is made. By
the time of the new bout in 1938 Hitler had taken over Austria and Nazi propaganda was pushing
Max has the great Aryan hope. The bout was again at Yankee Stadium on June 22, 1938 it was
attended by over 70,000 fans. NBC radio announcer Clem McCarthy delivered the blow-byblow account of the fight, which lasted just two minutes and four seconds. But it was a historic
milestone one that an estimated 70 million people listened to on their radios. ( 4
Superstars and fans alike made the ticket receipts to be over a million dollars which was huge for
the sport and the economy of America. Joe Louis won in the first round by putting Max to the
canvas three times before his corner threw in the towel.
As a result of the fight Joe Louis was heralded as an American hero but the press still used racial
overtones to describe him in his victory. For Max he lost the support of Hitler and even angered

4 "The Fight of the century:Louis vs Schmeling." (2006). website.

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him by helping two Jewish boys. Both ended up serving in World War 2. Max participated in
more dangerous activity than Louis but even so they both still served their country thru trying
times. Joe Louis and Max Schmeling became friends outside of the ring until Louis death in
1981. They had a movie made about their bouts and relationship which is actually very good.
Max ended up being a pallbearer at Louis funeral so that can a little about how close they
actually got.
In conclusion. Joe Louis and Max Schemling were boxers who love the sport of boxing
but because of the times they lived in it was not just a boxing match it was a battle of good
versus evil. It was democracy against a dictator it was World War two just in the boxing ring.
Over the years sporting event become bigger than life and this was one of those times.

Rodgers 5

"" A&E (2015): 1-4. website. "The Fight of the century:Louis vs Schmeling." (2006). website. "People and Events." PBS (2005). website.
Sklaroff, Lauren Rebecca. Black Culture and the New Deal: The Quest for Civil Rights
in the Roosevelt Era. Chapel Hill: The university of North Carolina Press, 2009.

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