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Charmaine Rodgers- HIS 153

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My name is Helen and I am the daughter of a farmer in the Great Depression in rural
American. I have one brother and one sister we all share in our chores. My family has owned this
farm since the Civil War or at least thats what grandma always said. As soon as I wake up my
brother and I walk to watering hole to get water then we gather eggs for mother to make us
breakfast. One egg a piece some bread with syrup. I am wearing homemade clothes and hand me
down from my sister who is older. We have a 10 mile walk to school which is in the nearby
town. School is nice but if its not talking about helping the crops grow quicker or how to make
the rain come faster I really dont listen. Once we make it home its time for the fieldwork. My
father has been in the fields since sunrise and I hate to see him work so hard. Sometimes I help
my mother sew clothes or wash by hand our clothes. Once we finish the field we do our
homework or lessons as we call it we eat dinner. Dinner is always good with green beans and
tomatoes sometimes we have pork or beef but we never go without something. Every day is like
this the days we dont go to school we get to go hunting with my father. I can shoot a gun, skin
animals and swim like a fish. Sometimes we go to our neighbors land were they have a radio and
we dance the night away. Everyone helps each other out here one time the neighbors was close to
losing their farm but we all got together and raised the money. Tomorrow there is a barn dance
where the whole county gets together. I love it because I can square dance so well my father
taught me. The last dance I caught my sister necking with the boy from across the lake but I
didnt tell mother she just owes me a favor. I think Johnny likes me if he was to ask me to go for
a walk or get some ice cream I might say yes but he hasnt yet. Daddy said President Roosevelt
is going to be sending help for us poor farmers I wonder how many people he is sending to help
with the crops.

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