Readinglist PHYS216 W15

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Queens University Faculty of Arts & Science

PHYS 216: Introduction to Astrophysics
Final Examination: XX April 2015
Time: 3.0 hours

Instructor: S. Courteau

Instructions: Closed book exam. A pen, pencil, and an eraser is

all you need. Answers are to be recorded on the question paper.
The exam includes 10 pages which must be handed in whole to
the examination proctor.
The material for this exam is copyrighted and is for the sole use
of students registered in PHYS 216 and writing this exam. This
material shall not be distributed or disseminated. Failure to abide
by these conditions is a breach of copyright and may also constitute a breach of academic integrity under the University Senates
Academic Integrity Policy Statement.

Your NAME:

Best of success with this and all of your other exams.

Have a great summer!

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Course textbook:
Carroll & Ostlie, An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, 2nd Edition
1 All of it
2 Eqs 2.11, 2.17, 2.37 and 2.4 should be familiar to you in a qualitative
3 All of it
4 Eq. 4.30 should be familiar to you
5 All of it
6 All of it
8 pp. 202-208, 219-228
9 Eqs. 9.13, 9.15, 9.18, 9.34 should be familiar to you
10 pp. 284-315 (qualitative understanding)
11 Use mostly the course notes
12 All of it
13 All of it
15 Use mostly the course notes
16 Use mostly the course notes
17 Use mostly the course notes
24 All of it
25 All of it (skip 25.3)
27 All of it

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