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Sohal 1

Anupamdeep K Sohal
History 134
May 24, 2015
Professor Kimberly Lark

Greek life
Reading the articles about the Greek Society I had chosen to live in the Sparta because I am a
married woman and I am married to a soldier of Sparta. He is off to war and I have two kids who
I have to take care off. We own a little property, but like it said in the article Women in Sparta
had a better lot than in other Greek city-states. In Sparta they could own property which they
often gained through dowries and inheritances. In fact, women became amongst the richest
members of society, as their men were killed in the many wars, and eventually controlled 2/5th
of Spartan land. In addition, Spartan women could also move around with reasonable freedom,
they could enjoy athletics (done in the nude like men), and even drink wine. All of these
freedoms would have been unacceptable in other Greek poleis. My kids are 10 and 12 years old
and I am about 40 years old and my husband is 45 years old. My kids are getting older and they
are going to join the war at 20 and their training is very hard. All I can say right now is I am
scared, but my kids are both boys who is good and I am happy that they will fight for their city.
My name is Anita and my kids names are Justin and Rocky. They are very smart kids and they
help out with the household. I do farming in my property and I live in a middle class where I am
very satisfied with the outcome of our life. I have reasonable freedom and so do my kids, they go
to school to learn. I stay at home and take care of the house and do manly work. I am happy that

Sohal 1

my husband is at war because he is making our family proud. We are treated very nicely at this
society because we have enough freedom and our system is democracy. Democracy can be hard
because in the other society the Athenian have the right to say whatever they want. I am very
happy living here and I hope to live like this until I die.

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