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Sohal 1

Anupamdeep k Sohal
History 134
June 28, 2015
Professor Kimberly
What can I, as an historian of the ancient world, learn and apply from the history
of my ancient ancestors to my own role in contributing to and acting responsibly for the
betterment of society? I had chosen to talk about religion, morals, and traditions, to
answer this question. For this question I also need to have at least three different
civilizations that we had covered in throughout the course, which will help me support
my answer.
Religion is a great topic to talk about when you want to learn about the history of
our ancient ancestors, because throughout the course, we have learned that religion
mattered a lot back them. Having a religion was important, when fighting wars, or even
having a faith and sticking to that community with same faith. While talking about
religion there were three regions are which were followed by our ancient ancestors
backs them. The three main religions were Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
As we read in the module 10 that Christianity became the official
religion of the Roman Empire and was by accepted more and more rulers throughout
Europe. From this we can learn that people started to believe more and more because
who they followed had believed in the same religion. Some people had believed to

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follow all the rules to Christianity while others didnt, which is affecting us now, because
still half follow the rules and half do not. Perpetua, I await you; but see that serpent bite
you not. And I said: it shall not hurt me, in the name of Jesus Christ according to
module 10, article titled The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity 203. Reading this
I have learned that people had a strong faith in Christianity, and they would rely on
Christ to keep them safe. Religion and culture shape every single aspect of civilization
as it existed, exists, and will exist in the future according to This is why it is
important for us to learn from the history.
The next religion I am going to talk about is Islam. Islam is the religion of the
Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet
of Allah according to the google dictionary. Throughout the semester we have learned
about the religion of Islam, where Mohammad was the prophet of Islam. He is
considered the founder of Islam. He came to think of himself and his mission as one
similar to prophets and messengers who had preceded him in announcing the existence
of the one God, Allah. Allah, "the God," was the same God worshiped by the Christians
and Jews, according to the module 13, article titled Islam from the Beginning To 1300.
Reading this quote we can answer the question, that religion was similar, but the rules
were different. If you decided to follow Islam, then you had to follow the rules, and stick
to the same community.
The last religion I am going to talk about is Judaism. Judaism is one of the
oldest monotheistic religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East.
Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an
example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world according to google dictionary.

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This quote represents how the religion is important when talking about history, because
every religion has its own unique ways to show what kind of religion it truly is. Judaism
is the oldest religion and it shows that they believe in God, who has chosen his people
to follow his rules, and to set examples for the future people. As the Ark was thought to
contain the living presence of God, bringing it to Jerusalem would have made the city
both a political and religious center of considerable importance This is from the module
3, article titled Israel. Reading this we can consider that the traditions and the morality of
this religion was to expand their city, by political and religious ways.
The three religions I talked about, with three outside resources, and three from
the modules, they represent their own rules, own ways, and own community. Having a
religion back then, was because it was the only way to show that in their life, there was
someone who they can rely on, and also who they can share their feelings. Having a
belief was an important thing because it kept, both the military, and household people to
think that there is hope. Islam was founded by Muhammad, who did everything in his
power to show his people that he is a messenger of God. Christianity was the official
religion in the Roman Empire which meant that there were less people who believed in
other religions, also which made one big community. Judaism is the oldest religions,
which many believed in; also they believed that God had chosen his people, to follow
his rules, and morality. To answer the question completely I would say that religion is a
great way to learn about the background of our ancestors, because there was rules,
morality, traditions, and a reason to keep on going with the faith in God.

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Work Cited

"Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2015.

"Internet History Sourcebooks Project." Internet History Sourcebooks Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June
"Islam, Muhammad, Prophet Of Islam." Islam, Muhammad, Prophet Of Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June
"Israel." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2015.
"Torah." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 June 2015.
"Why Is Religion and Culture Important to World History?" Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 28
June 2015.

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