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A brief history of Java:

Java was initially started off as a task to develop a language for digital
devices like set top boxes, televisions, etc.
James Gosling was the person who initiated the Java programming language
and it was initially called OAK which later changed to JAVA.
Java was developed at Sun Micro Systems and the first version of Java [JDK
1.0] released in 1996 and since then it has been released with upgrades with Java
SE 8 being the latest. Today java is a part of Oracle after it bought over Sun Micro

What is Java?
Java is a programming language and also a platform. A platform is a
hardware/software environment in which a program runs.
Java technology consists of the following things:


compiler converts the java program into a byte code.

And this compiler will be independent of the Operating

At run time byte code will be converted into a low level machine understandable
code by the JVM. This byte code will be platform independent code and can run on
any platform making Java platform independent.

Procedural Programming VS Object Oriented

Procedural Programming approach is where the computer does things in a step by
step fashion. In this programs are written as a sequence of programs. So it follows a
top down approach and would form a large program.

Object oriented programming

approach has objects which is a
component of a program which performs some actions and also can interact with
other elements of the program.

What can we do with Java?

Java is used everywhere, it is seen in everyday life in the desktop
applications, web applications, enterprise applications, mobile phones, embedded
systems [robotics, smart systems, etc.]. So we can broadly classify the Java
applications to be as:

Standalone Applications: Desktop Applications like calculator, media

player etc.

Web Applications: Web sites where an application runs on the server

side and creates dynamic pages on the clients.

Enterprise Applications: Applications that are distributed in nature and

runs across machines, for example banking solutions.

Mobile Applications: Applications which run on mobile phones and

tablets and use another version of Java called J2ME.

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