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Plan with

Teachers Statement

Managing a Classroom for Student Achievement

Ms. Espinoza
When I applied for the TMATE program, I included a quote on my application essay. I
wanted to have meaning in what I was submitting to them. According to James L. Hughes,
author of Mistakes in Teaching, shares a quote from J.R. Blakiston, If a teacher at all times keep
a high aim steadily before him, and struggle incessantly to retain it in spite of repeated failures,
his very mistakes, carefully noted and thoughtfully corrected, will lead to gradual improvement
and ultimate excellence (1846). I will reflect on it as I begin my journey to becoming an
effective teacher in the classroom. I want to improve as a teacher, ensure students their learning
and keep them safe. By creating a classroom management notebook, it will foster a meaningful
environment that is consistent and predictable for my students. They will understand the purpose
of the classroom procedures, their responsibilities, and the importance of achieving success by
working together.

Table of Contents:

Cover Page
Teachers Statement
2015-2016 SY Checklists
Post-it notes: Ideas & Reminders
Teacher Introduction Script
Procedure Script
Morning Routine Script
Classroom Procedures
Lesson Plans
Newsletter Template
Teacher Resources

Before the First Day of School

Review Scripts
Review Classroom Management Procedures
Student supplies and books
Seating arrangements
Procedures posted in the appropriate areas
Review Lesson Plans
Afterschool Dismissals: car pool rides, copy of the
student emergency card & afterschool program rides
First Day Procedures See Front Office
Meet office staff, nurse, counselor, & custodians
Fire Drill & Tornado Drill posted
Classroom Flags
_______________________ ________________

2015-2016 SY Checklist:
Items to collect from students
Student Name





Add. Stu.


Good Morning, my name is Ms. Espinoza. I will be your teacher. I want share a little about
myself. I have four children. Their ages range from 20, 16, 14, and 7. I enjoy having my older
girls and my younger son. I can still watch fun children movies. If you look on the wall, I have
my college degree and a picture of my family. I enjoy spending time with them. I care about
them very much. My oldest daughter graduated high school; she is going to TCC to become a
school teacher. She is working on her academic and professional goals. I would like to help you
create positive school goals.
An important part of being successful is learning procedures. Procedures are steps to complete a
task. As a teacher, I have many tasks to complete. Examples of those are making sure each of
you is successful and you are ready to go on to the next grade level. Procedures help us enjoy our
instructional learning in the classroom without any surprises or chaos.
Stand up by your desk. When I say Class, class, you say Yes! Yes! I say, Class, class.
(Pause) Students reply, Yes! Yes! When I say Star, you say, Students! I say, Star
(Pause) Students reply, Students!
Go ahead and have a set. This is one of our procedures. You will have classwork that requires
you to work by yourself and in groups. When I want to get your attention, I will say Class,
class or Students. I will go over that more with you in a little bit. Procedures are positive and
easy to do. We will practice them daily in the classroom.

In our classroom, we will be learning the purpose of having classroom procedures. I want
everyone to know what to do in the classroom. A procedure creates a safe, comfortable, and
consistent learning environment. These are not rules. They are steps to help you complete
different tasks during your school day.
Although I am excited to be your teacher this year, we need to go over the procedures during the
first weeks of school. I have planned a fun and purposeful year for you. We need to work
together in following the procedures each day.
I am very proud to have all of you. I believe each of you can learn the procedures.

Teri Norris, an experienced teacher of 25 years, created her First Day of School plan, pg. 277 (Wong,
2014). She was successful with it for five years. I am using her script as a guide to help start the new
school year. As each new school year starts, I can revise my script. (Wong, 2014)

Lets talk about the Morning Routine. Class starts for each one as you walk into the classroom.
Every day that you walk into the classroom, there is a Morning Routine. Its for all of you. The
moment you step into the room, you will go to your locker, take your class folder out of your
backpack, hang up your sweater and backpack, and put the class folder in the blue crate.
Let me have Joey, Matt, Lucy, and Sara show us the Morning Routine. (pause)
Does everyone understand the Mourning Routine? Using the pre-made craft sticks with names,
call on a few students to repeat the Morning Routine.
All of you are Fantastic! Fantastic! Show the students the movement by pretending to fan yourself
while saying the word Fantastic.
You will go directly to your seat to start the Sponge Activity after completing those steps. The
Sponge Activity is located on the Agenda Wall. (point) You will have a daily composition book
for your Sponge Activity.
Each morning, I want the Morning Routine done in a quiet manner. You should be working
quietly on the Sponge Activity. While Ms. Espinoza is greeting students at the classroom door,
you work independently. This is not a time to talk to your classmates or me. When you follow
the Morning Routine, Ms. Espinoza can complete other morning tasks.
Before we go any further, you have class folders on your desk. This is important; it is a part of
your Morning Routine. Go ahead and put it in your backpack.
We are going to do the Morning Routine as a class. You are sitting in groups of four. I will call
on one table at a time. Quietly stand up, push your chair in, take your backpack, and walk to
stand in line.
In a softer voice, say lets give ourselves a finger clap for lining up so quietly. Show the
students the finger clap affirmation. Students only use their right and left index finger to make a
Open the classroom door. Wait for my signal first. In a quiet manner, you will walk into the
hallway and line up against the wall. Everyone will stand with their hands by their side waiting
for my signal to walk into the classroom. You and I will say Good Morning. Then go back to
your seat in a quiet manner. When I say a quiet manner that means no one should be talking.
Please walk into the hallway. (pause) Signal the students start entering the class with the
morning greeting.
Wow! Wow! Show the students how to do the Wow! affirmation. Students hold up their hands
forming the letter W with their fingers. The O is the students face.
As you are walking into the classroom quietly, what is the first thing you do at the classroom
door? (greet)

After you greet the teacher, take your folder out of your backpack. Your backpack and sweater
will go into your locker. Before you hang it on the hook, make sure you have everything you
need. You will not be allowed to go to your locker until the end of day. After you unpack your
backpack, what do you do? (take the class folder to the blue crate)
Call on one table group at a time to finish the morning routine. Are there any questions about the
Morning Routine? Let me have everyone stand up and do a Standing O. Show the student to hold
up their arms over their head to make a O. Now, you are going to do your Sponge Activity.
Begin the Sponge Activity and allow 15 minutes.
Please put your Sponge Activity aside. Does anyone have questions about what to do during the
Morning Routine?
You did an awesome job following the steps of the Morning Routine. Thank you! Lookin Good!
Lookin Good! Show students how to do the affirmation.

Teri Norris, an experienced teacher of 25 years created her First Day of School plan, pg. 277 (Wong,
2014). She was successful with it for five years. I am using her script as a guide to help start the new
school year. As each new school year starts, I can revise my script. (Wong, 2014)

Class Procedures

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Morning Routine

When classroom procedures are introduced during the first few weeks of school and throughout
the year, it creates a comfortable learning environment (Wong & Wong, 2014). Students start
their day with purpose as soon as they walk into to the classroom. I will teach the importance of
following a morning routine by providing the students with examples of large groups of people
who do these routines together such as athletic teams, bands, and community workers. For
instance, many athletes warm up before practice and games to enhance their performance and
prevent injuries. They do a cool down after their workout. The benefits of a cool down is reducing
muscle soreness and increasing their range of movement. I want students to understand how
important it is to practice these routines daily. It is going to enhance their student performance for
academic achievement. I will teach the routine by posting a copy in the appropriate place near the
door entrance. One of the ways to practice the morning routine is having some students
demonstrate each procedure. I will have them practice as a whole group. Therefore, students will
enter the classroom and know what is already expected from them daily. I can reteach any of the
procedures or adjust them at any time for success.

Morning Routine


Enter Quietly

Empty backpack

Coat & backpack in your locker

Class folder in the blue crate

Ready for Sponge Activity

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Daily Agenda

Practicing consistency in the classroom is displaying a daily agenda in the same location during
the school year. Students are more successful in the classroom, because they will know what is
happening each day. Using a job wheel, the students can become more involved with the
classroom running smooth. I will encourage them to make suggestions on what they would like to
see on the job wheel and daily agenda. This process will build their self-confidence and develop
the sense of contribution in the class as a whole group. I will teach this procedure by having them
check here after the morning routine. The agenda is going to tell us what is going to happen every
day, throughout the day, and without any surprises.

Daily Agenda
Class Schedule

Objective: Identify the parts of a plant



Independent reading; sight words, small groups



Simple Machinary, pg. 105-110







Learning the two's

Ozone color: Red ; Inside Go Noodle

11:50am Social Studies Writing a budget



Computer Lab in Rm 104



pg. 77-82



End of the day procedures

Sponge Activity:

Job Wheel
Line Leader
Door Holder
Paper Passer
Paper Collector
Teacher Assistant
Pencil Sharpner
Date Changer
Light Monitor
C-Lab/Lib. Folder Monitor
Date Changer
Daily Agenda

Class Calendar










Line Leader

Door Holder

Date changer

Light Monitor

Job Wheel Flutter of Helpers

Paper Passer

Job Wheel





Date changer

Daily Agenda

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: End of Day Routine

The end of day routine is very important in how the students will leave the room. With using
the Wong book, I will go over each procedure one at a time such as cleaning the room, getting
their things ready, and lining up for outside. For example, I will share about the custodians who
work very hard to keep our building clean. When they come into our room afterschool, we
should help by picking up pencils, crayons, and cut paper off the floor. I want the student to
gain an appreciation for entering and leaving a classroom every day. Besides putting their
items away, they need to collect their personal belongings: backpack, sweater or jacket, and
student folder with homework. When students forget their glasses or homework, parents will
have to wait until I am finished with dismissals or go to the office to request a custodian to
meet them at the classroom. I will teach them everything has a place.

End of Day Routine

Check your desk and floor area

Put your class materials neatly away in your desk

Get your belongings from your locker

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Opening Assignment

In addition to teaching the students about the daily agenda, I will explain the opening
assignment. I will show them where to find the Sponge Activity on the agenda board.
I will have them practice coming into the classroom and looking at the board right
away. This procedure is going to help students stay on task. Its going to teach them
how to develop the skill of working assignments independently. I can walk students
struggling to work independently as many as times needed. Some examples of a
Sponge Activity are handwriting practice, a daily math review, journal prompt or silent
reading assignment. These will be less than 10 minutes, stretching a lesson plan for
more understanding, the application of a concept, mind-engaging activity, or review of
curriculum material.

Class Schedule

Objective: Identify the parts of a plant


Reading Independent reading; sight words, small groups


Spelling Simple Machinary, pg. 105-110



Learning the two's


Recess Ozone color: Red ; Inside Go Noodle




11:50am Social Studies Writing a budget


Specials Computer Lab in Rm 104


Science pg. 77-82


Dismissal End of the day procedures

Sponge Activity:

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Outside Dismissal

Many times, all students who are being picked up by an afterschool center, they will need to
learn how to walk down the hall to the cafeteria or gym safely. If I am working 1st and 2nd
grade students, I will provide more time to show them this procedure. The lower grade
students walking in a busy hallway might need more time to learn their designated pick up
area. Outside dismissal is very important for all us. It only takes a few minutes for students to
walk away with their rider. I will go over the procedure as many times needed for students to
understand that they need to stand with me at our designated dismissal area outside. Students
must wait for me to acknowledge and release them to a parent or car pool individual. Until I
have become familiar with every students afterschool pick up, students must be patient in
group area.

Outside Dismissal Routine

Quietly line up by table groups

Walk in a line outside

Wait together at the dismissal area

Stand with the teacher until you have been dismissed

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Class folder

The classroom folder is going to be one of the main communications for the students,
family, and teacher. Using a pocket folder with brads, I can insert a few protector sheets
to keep brief overviews of discipline procedures, calendar, information sheet of why it is
important to ready daily, an individual protector sheet with mini Velcro, and a lunch
menu. For example, I will teach and notify parents the protector sheet with Velcro will
be used to send school notes and school funds for PTO/PTA. On the left hand side of
the folder, I will label it Keep in Folder. The reading log can stay in the right inside
pocket folder all year.

Weekly Homework

Take your homework out of your class folder

Name on your paper

Assignment is complete

Put in the subject tray

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Replacing Dull Broken Pencils

I will show students where to find pencils. Exchanging a dull pencil for a sharpened
pencil without interrupting the class is going to save classroom instruction. I encourage
the teach steps of students holding a pencil above their head to signal me rather students
getting up out of their seats throughout a lesson.

Pencils Exchange Station

Hold the pencil slightly above your head

Wait for teachers signal

Walk quietly to the Exchange Station

Place dull pencil in the can and take one new pencil

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Class Discussions

Every student should participate in class to start to build their confidence. Students who
do not mind sharing in front of their classmates need help in waiting for their turn or
allowing others a chance to contribute to the discussion. Some of the positive ways to
enhance students participating in all content area are using a talking tool for students to
toss gently around the room, pulling craft sticks to call on students, drawing names out of
a fish bowl. This will help students to focus more on the speaker. It is hard to hold
discussions when students are waving their hands and calling on the teacher. Class
discussions are a great way to bring closure to a lesson.

Class Discussion

Students it at their desks or carpet area

Teacher will choose the Talking Tool

Student will wait for the Talking Tool in his or her possession

Student will share and gently toss to the next student

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Working Groups

Working in large or small groups will help students to be a part of an active
learning environment. Every student will have a part in the assignment. I will save
time in forming groups to avoid chaos and students being left out. It is important
to change up the groups to allow them to work with every classmate. It helps
develop their social skills in the classroom. Students can build a support system
to uplift and help one another. I will set the learning centers to be considered as
work locations for the students. For example, the Reading center can be set up
with more cushions or bean bags to make a comfortable learning group location.
I will teach procedures in working in groups such as explain the activity, forming
groups, releasing them into their groups, and guiding them to end their activity.

Working in Groups

Teacher explains the group activity

Teacher forms groups and release members to their groups

Groups working together

Ending the activity

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Cultivating Social Skills

Being successful in the classroom is teaching students social skills. I will take the
time to show students the basic social skills such as listening, helping others,
being respectful, and using quiet voices. These few examples of social skills will
help students to be more productive in the classroom. This is something they
can use daily and into adulthood. Many students may not have been introduced
to displaying good manners. With teaching, rehearsing, and reinforcing, I will
help the students to create a safe learning environment. I can share the benefits
of practicing good social skills. For examples, students can enhance their
decision making, peer relations, communication, and problem solving. This
example poster can be placed in the student folder as a reminder.

Social Skills to Work Cooperatively

Being Respectful

Helping others


Using quiet voices

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Classroom Visitors

I will teach the procedure on classroom visitors to teach students the classroom
will continue to run regularly during a planned or unplanned visit. During my
first year as a teacher, I will have classroom visitors to provide positive feedback
and recommendations. I will need to plan for visits by making sure the visitor
can observe by walking in the room without obstruction or sit comfortable in my
desk area or table area. I will introduce the visitor. I will provide examples of
visitors to my students. They should know every visitor is important in the
classroom. I will encourage them to stay on task and focus on the lesson plan.
Having frequent visitors will help me to always evaluate my effective classroom
management. If the students are doing a wonderful job every day, we will be
ready to welcome visitors.

Classroom Visitor

Welcome class visitor

Teacher and students continue the lesson plan

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Hallway Procedures

Hallway procedures are important when students are going from one location to
another. Many times certain grade level hallways are testing. Students going to the
library, music, art, or computer need to walk quietly down the halls. I will teach the
procedures to help students be successful. This is another procedure that will help to see
if I need to improve the classroom management procedure.

Hallway Procedures

Line up
Hands down by your side
Walk quietly with the teacher

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: Getting Students Attention

During active engagements, students can become loud. As I transition students to begin
instruction with their partner or group, I will use a variety of techniques. For instance, I
can say Clap twice if you can hear my voice. I can repeat that two to three times. Before
releasing students to go with the group members, I will explain the instruction to work in
a pairs by letting them know to wait for my signal to go with their group and listen for my
signal to go back to your seat.

Getting Students Attention

Clap twice if you can hear my voice

Teacher says Star, class says Students!

Teacher says Class, class, students say Yes! Yes!



Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: -_____________________

New Procedure: ____________________

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: -_____________________

New Procedure: ____________________

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: -_____________________

New Procedure: ____________________

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: -_____________________

New Procedure: ____________________

Teach, Rehearse, and Reinforce: -_____________________

New Procedure: ____________________


Evaluate Classroom Management:

1. Did I create a classroom management that can reflect the road map for what work is going
to be done.

2. Have you implemented the plan by teaching the procedures so that everyone knows what
to do?

3. Assess. What parts of the plan are successful? Are there areas that needed adjustment? Do
I need to reteach some of the procedures to manage the classroom?

Evaluate Classroom Management:

1. Did I create a classroom management that can reflect the road map for what work is going
to be done.

2. Have you implemented the plan by teaching the procedures so that everyone knows what
to do?

3. Assess. What parts of the plan are successful? Are there areas that needed adjustment? Do
I need to reteach some of the procedures to manage the classroom?

Evaluate Classroom Management:

1. Did I create a classroom management that can reflect the road map for what work is going
to be done.

2. Have you implemented the plan by teaching the procedures so that everyone knows what
to do?

3. Assess. What parts of the plan are successful? Are there areas that needed adjustment? Do
I need to reteach some of the procedures to manage the classroom?

Evaluate Classroom Management:

1. Did I create a classroom management that can reflect the road map for what work is going
to be done.

2. Have you implemented the plan by teaching the procedures so that everyone knows what
to do?

3. Assess. What parts of the plan are successful? Are there areas that needed adjustment? Do
I need to reteach some of the procedures to manage the classroom?


Hughes, J. L. (1846). Mistakes in Teaching. School Bulletin Publications(2d ed.). Syracuse,
N.Y., U.S: C.W. Bardeen trieved from
Wong, H. & Wong, R. (2014). The Classroom Management Book: Turn classroom chaos
into student achievement. We will show you how overnight. Mountain View, CA: Harry
K. Wong Publication
Thompson, J. (2013). The first-year teachers survival guide: Ready-to-use strategies, tools
and activities for meeting the challenges of each school (Third ed.).
Optima Fitness. (n.d.). Benefits Of a Warm up & Cool Down. Retrieved from

Teachers Resources

Lesson Plans

Newsletter & Calendar

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