Shapes Lesson Plan

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Darcy Ledford

Lesson Cycle
Lesson Title/Topic:
Have you seen that shape before?
Target Concept:
Determine how to distinguish the two dimensional shapes circle, triangle, square, and rectangle
by the number of sides and corners. The student will know the name of each shape, be able to
sort and group like shapes, and be able to verbally express why the shapes are different from one
TEKS 111.2 Mathematics, Kindergarten
(6) Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to

analyze attributes of two dimensional shapes and three dimensional solids to develop
generalizations about their properties. The student is expected to:
(A) identify two dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares
as special rectangles;
Lesson Objectives:


When given 10 two dimensional

shapes, the student will be able to
accurately name and determine
the number of corresponding
sides and corners with 90%

Each student will be able to identify a rectangle, square,

circle, and triangle. They will be able to verbally express
how many sides and corners each shape has. They will be
able to relate the shape to real life items. The teacher will
be able to hold up a shape, and the students will be able to
name and count each side and corner, and then they
students will be able to provide at least 2 real life items that
match that shape.

Construction paper
Glue Sticks
Clear boxes
Paint brushes

Picture of shapes
Pictures of real life objects
Shapes to be buried in flour
Worksheets to be colored

Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will:
Focus/Mental Set:
The teacher will have small plastic
containers with flour in them. Hidden in
the flower, there will be four shape a
square, rectangle, circle, and triangle.
The teacher will assign the students to a
partner. Each pair of students will get a
container and a small paint brush.
The teacher will tell the students that
they are on a very important and
delicate search in order to start their
The teacher will ask the students to
make a few guesses as to what might be
hidden in the flower.
The teacher will tell the students to use
the paint brush to slowly move around
the flour in their container until they
have uncovered all four shapes.
After the pairs have come up with all of
their shapes, the teacher will have them
pull out the shapes and lay them on
their desk area for better examination.
The teacher will then ask the students
what they think that those objects are
and have they seen anything similar to
that shape before in their real life.

The student will:

Students will look at the boxes of
flower on the teacher's prep area, but
will take their seat in order to receive
The students will pair up with their
assigned partner and each pair will
receive an activity box and a paint
The students will have to guess at
what they think might be in the flour
prior to them searching. They will
raise their hand to call out their

They will then work in pairs to sweep

of the flower and search in their box
for what is hidden.
The students will uncover the shapes
as they find them, but they will leave
the shapes in the box uncovered.
The students will tell the teacher once
they have found their four objects.
The students will then be instructed to
remove the objects from the box and
place on their pair desk area to look at
and discuss.
The student will call out any real life
objects that match the shapes of those
that they have found in the flower.
This will transition the lesson into
teacher input.
The students will then go back to their
seats for the lesson on shapes.

Teacher Input:
The teacher will begin the lesson by
explaining that each shape has a
specific name and it is determined by
the number of sides and corners that
each shape has.
The teacher will have several different
sizes of each of the shapes square,
rectangle, triangle, and circle to display
on the overhead projector to show the
The teacher will say the name of the
shape, and the students will repeat the
name out loud three times.
They students will then turn and tell
their partner the name of the shape three
more times.
The teacher will have them count each
side with her and count each corner out
loud as a group.
The teacher will then direct them to find
the shape that they are discussing out of
their four shapes that they have from
the focus activity.
The teacher will ask the students to hold
the piece in the air for her to see, and
then they will all count each side and
corner again out loud using their real
life shape.
Once the teacher has shown several
different sizes of the shape, the teacher
will then ask again if any students have
any new ideas as to what in real life has
this shape.
The teacher will then show 3 different
pictures for each shape. The square
pictures will be of a pizza box, book,
and table. The rectangle will be a

The student will have their four

shapes from the focus activity, and
they will listen to the teacher explain
what a shape is. They will repeat out
loud, that the shape is determined by
the number of sides and corners.
The student will look at the shapes on
the overhead projector and see that the
teacher is explaining the name of the
The students will repeat the name of
the shape three times, and they will
turn and tell their partner the name of
the shape three more times.
The students will count with the
teacher out loud the number of sides
and corners.
The students will find the shape that
the teacher is talking about within
their four shapes from the prior
They will agree with the partner on
the shape, and then they will hold the
shape in the air for the teacher to see.
They will count each side out loud
together while looking at their shape,
and then they will count out loud
together the number of corners on
each shape.
The student will answer if the know
any objects in real life that is the same
shape as the one discussed.
The students will look at the three
pictures of real life objects that the
teacher is showing on the overhead.
The pizza box, book, and table. The
phone, bed, and computer. The slice

phone, bed, and computer. The triangle

will be a slice of pizza, a kite, and a
yield sign. The circle pictures will be a
whole pizza, a cup, and a quarter.
The students will say out loud the name
of the shape again three times. They
will then say how many sides and
corners each shape has out loud
together, then they will turn and tell
their partner.
The students will be asked again after
these examples, if they can think of
anything in real life that is the shape of
any of these that has not already been
The teacher will hold up one of the
shapes or pictures that the student was
shown and ask them to call out loud the
name of the shape. The teacher will
hold up the image of the pizza box. She
will then ask, what it this shape called.
The class will answer square.
The teacher will continue reviewing the
taught information until she is confident
that the material has been successfully

Guided Practice:
The teacher will have pre-printed
shapes on three separate colors of
construction paper. The colors will be
black, white, and orange.
The black sheet of paper will have a 7
by 3 inch rectangle, two small circles,
and two large triangles.
The white sheet will have a large square
7 by 7 inches and two circles.

of pizza, kite, and yield sign. The

whole pizza, cup, and quarter.
On each picture, the students will say
the name of the shape, and they will
count the sides and corners.
They will say the shape name for each
item three more times out loud, then
they will turn and tell their partner
what the name is.
The students will answer again if they
have any other new ideas of real life
shapes that we have not said yet.
The students will answer out loud for
the remaining shapes, how many
sides, and how many corners.
The students will then answer out
loud as a group the name of the shape
when the teacher takes turns holding
them up or any of the pictures that the
teacher went over.
This will aid in determining if there
are any shapes that need to be

Students will gather their materials

and wait for instruction from the
They will listen to the instructions
given by the teacher.
The students will then review their
three sheets of their construction
paper to find the shapes that the
teacher is describing.

The orange sheet will have a small

triangle and two small pentagons.
The teacher will hand each student one
of the three different construction paper
sheets, a pair of scissors, and a glue
The teacher will explain that we are
going to make something fun
completely out of shapes. (Penguin)
The teacher will start the guided
The teacher will ask the students to find
on their three pieces of paper the largest
square and hold it in the air. Once the
students have pointed out the correct
shape, the teacher will then instruct the
students to cut the shape out. The
teacher will continue this process in this
order: The large black rectangle - the
face of the penguin, the large white
circles - the eyes of the penguin, the
small black circles - the small parts of
the eyes, the large black triangles - the
wings of the penguin, the orange
triangle -the nose of the penguin, the
orange pentagons - the feet of the

They will find first the body of the

penguin which is the large white
Once the correct shape has been
found, they will hold the page up in
the air to get the teacher's approval.
The student will then proceed to cut
out the shape.
This will continue until the students
have cut out and assembled each
shape into the appropriate placement
given by the teacher. The shapes will
include the white square, black
rectangle, 2 black triangles, 2 large
white circles, 2 small black circles,
one small orange triangle, and 2 small
The large rectangle will be glued
above the large square. The two large
triangles will be glued to the sides of
the large white square, the large white
circles will be glued on the black
rectangle, the small black circles will
be glued on the large white circles, the
orange triangle will be glued on the
top of the white square, and the
orange pentagons will be glued to the
bottom of the white square.
Once all of the shapes have been cut
and glued together, the students will
see that they have made a penguin out
of the shapes.
The student will then hang their
penguins on the class wall, and they
will take them home to parents at the
end of the week to show that they
have been working on shapes.

Independent Practice:
The teacher will give each student a
color worksheet. The worksheet will
have a color guide showing the students
what color each shape should be
The teachers will direct students to
complete the picture by color coding
the shapes to find an additional hidden
The secret picture once complete is a
house and a front yard.
The teacher will walk around the room,
monitoring student progress. The
teacher will offer guidance if she sees a
student struggling or completing the
activity incorrectly.

The students will receive their

worksheet and crayons.

The student will study the shape/color

key to see if they have any questions
on what shapes should be colored
what specific color.

The student will start with one shape,

and color all of them their designated
color. For example, they will need to
find all of the circles in the picture
and color them the correct color based
off the key on the page.

Once the student have completed the

coloring of all of the circles, they will
then move on to the next shape and
repeat the process.

They will continue until they have

colored in all of the shapes and then
revealed the secret image in the

The teacher will ask the following questions
and walk around to monitor the pairs of
students and their discussions:
A. What one thing did you learn today?
B. What was the most difficult concept in
todays lesson?
C. What should I review further in our
next lesson?

The student will answer questions with a

shoulder buddy bringing the lesson to a close.



The students will be given a large

random shaped paper and a stack of
several different sizes of each shape.
The students will work to arrange all of
the shapes in the limited space without
overlapping. This will work on their
synthesis ability. They will have to
think about the space requirement for
each shape, and how they can fit them
together in the limited space. They
would then compare the layouts to the
other students doing enrichment
activities to determine how and why the
different arrangements worked using
the same space and shape shapes.

The teacher will help those who are

struggling with the concept of shapes
by having them manipulate shapes
using wood rods.
The teacher will show them that once
a shape is made, they can count the
sides and corners to help determine
the name of the shape.
The teacher will have a video that
sings about shapes. The teacher will
then use the child to make a shape
using their body or using the other
children in the reteach station.

Any modifications will follow the individual childs IEP.

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