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Final Project

The final assignment brings together and incorporates the components that have been taught during the
course to a topic of the students choice. Create a brochure, newsletter, magazine or manual.
Technical demonstration of the Photoshop effects and Illustrator drawing capabilities will be asked.
The final assignment shall be submitted to me in electronic format as an email attachment. Please make
sure you package your file in InDesign, place the PDF inside the same folder along with the fonts and
To prevent any file corruption, either zipped or compress your folder. If email is not an option, the final
assignment can be uploaded onto the Langara server.
Please note, an email needs to be sent to me notifying that your assignment is on this server)
All grades needs to be submitted by
The following criteria is required in the final project:
1. Minimum four pages.
2. Any size of paper, your discretion
3. Minimum of 2 columns, set text in the columns
4. Create text frames
5. Show an example of text threads from column to column
6. Place text in file (Placeholder text or Greeking is acceptable).
7. Show an example of a text wrap
8. Place high resolution images onlyOnly 200 to 300 ppi resolution of images is accepted. Link images.
9. All images needs to be CMYK or Grayscale. No RGB images allowed.
10. All images are either saved as a Tiff, EPS or PSD files.
11. Show an example of a clipping path on one of the images used.
12. Show an example of Photoshop Layer Styles (you need to include your PSD file in your images folder)
13. Show an example of a bleed. Have either an image or a colour bleeding off at least one page
14. Create a logo in Illustrator and place this vector logo in your document.
15. Show an example of the use of Master Pages (ie Page Number, Title, Name, etc)
16. Show an example of either or both Paragraph and Character Styles
17. Show an example of Tabs.
18. Place any web url or hyperlink of your choice in the InDesign file.
19. Export a PDF and place this same PDF into your package folder
20. Package & zip your files into a folder. (Folder should include InDesign file, fonts, & linked images)
Remove any unnecessary text & picture boxes. Extra marks given for creativity.

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