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Ancient Greece Review

Define or Identify the following: When you identify something make sure
you have three details that answer the questions who, what, when, where,
why, and/or how.

1. Alexander the Great 11. Olympus

2. Alexandria 12. Parthenon

3. Aristotle 13. Peloponnesian War

4. Athens 14. Pericles

5. Hellenistic 15. Pheidippides

6. Herodotus 16. Polis and Acropolis

7. Homer 17. Pythagoras

8. Knossos 18. Socrates

9. Macedonia 19. Sophocles

10. Mycenae 20. Thermopylae

Using your notes, answer the following questions:


22. What were the two major features of the geography of Greece and how
did it effect the development of civilization there?

23. How was Homer’s version of the Trojan War different from what actually

24. Describe the four kinds of government found in the Greek city-states.




25. Who urged Athens to build a navy and why?

e. Did it pay off? Explain:

26. Compare and Contrast Sparta and Athens.

f. Similarities (3):

g. Differences (3 things about Sparta and 3 about Athens):

27. Explain how Plato’s republic undermined democracy and influenced

later governments.

28. What did Philip of Macedon do?

h. Who was his famous son?

29. What areas did Alexander’s empire cover?

30. What type of culture was spread throughout his empire, it means “to
imitate Greeks”?

31. Which city was the center of the Hellenistic world?

32. Explain what Plato’s republic said about the following and to be able to
put it into real world terms using examples from day to day life.

a. that society and power should be organized,

b. his view of the soul and its three parts,

c. the three forms that can be found in the Wizard of Oz.

33. What were the contributions of the Greeks to Western Civilization?

a. Minoans

b. Myceneans

c. Athens

d. Sparta

e. Alexander and the Hellenistic Age

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