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Bulk storage: Data can be stored in the large volumes according to the sizing of

the warehouse. It depends on the organization what kind and amount of data
they required to store or the future use.
Accurate and grounded: Another property of the data stored at the
warehouses is that the data is accurate and grounded containing all the
practically possible theories and techniques. We can say that essence of the
related field is stored at the warehousing. Number of technologies is involved
in preserving the data which make it discrete, effective dimensional.
Future perception: Warehousing was officially introduced in 2002 and it is
becoming famous day by day. At present there are many organizations
especially larger one having own warehouses .for preserving different types of
data. The advanced engineers and programmer area working to set online
warehousing systems to make the access of data more efficient and quicker.
Warehousing is one of the most effective techniques for saving the large and
dynamic amount of data.

3. Differentiate between Data Integration and Transformation.

web service clients :- The web service client is applications that use or consume, Web
methods. Its easy to write Web services. Writing Web service clients is even easier, thanks
to some high-level support lent by the .NET Framework class library (FCL) and a codegenerator named Wsdl.exe. If we have a WSDL contract describing a Web service (or the
URL of a DISCO file that points to a WSDL contract) we can be making calls to that Web
service in no time.

4. What is Neural Network? Explain in brief.

IIS Request Processing Models:- Worker process isolation mode is the new IIS request
processing model. In this application isolation mode, you can group Web applications into
application pools, through which we can apply configuration settings to the worker
processes that service those applications. An application pool corresponds to one request
routing queue within HTTP.sys and one or more worker processes.

Enrollment No.- 1205024747 Paper Code : MC0088


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