Lesson Plan 2b 3b Week 2

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Lesson Plan

Teachers Name: Annette Jardon, Natalie Brentano,

Kassandra Knoff, Emily Guerin

Dates: 6-23-2015, 6-24-2015, 6-25-2015

Grade/Level: 2B, 3B

Lesson Title: Have you travelled?

Content Objectives: Students will be able to state their past experience or lack of past experience.
Students will be able to ask others about their past experiences.

Language Objectives:


1) Talk about past experience

I have + (past participle)

2) Talk about lack of past experience

I have not + (past participle)

3) Ask about the past experiences of others

Have you + (past participle)

Review Vocabulary (if


New Vocabulary

Signal Words
I have
I have not
Have you

By the end of the lesson, students will:

-State their past experiences using the form I have + (past participle)
-State their lack of past experience using the form I have not + (past participle)
-Ask others about their experiences using the form Have you + (past participle)

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations:

While the theme of the lesson is travel, students may not have a lot of experience travelling since
Korean high school students usually dont have a lot of time to travel.
Country and city names often sound similar in Korean and English, but are still considerably different,
so students may have problems remembering the American pronunciation of locations.

Projector and screen for the PowerPoint, a deck of cards with the names and pictures of locations
instead of numbers

Lesson Sequence:



The teacher will

Present a PowerPoint about where they have
travelled and where they have not travelled but
would like to go

The students will

Listen attentively

Foreseeable Problems
Students may not be attentive

Possible Solutions
Ask students to repeat what has been said
Ask students to interpret what has been said into

Formative Assessment
Ask students to summarize what has been said


The teacher will

Explain the present perfect
Lead students through practice conjugations
Ask students to repeat example sentences

The students will

Complete the conjugation table orally
Repeat the example sentences

Foreseeable Problems
Students may not understand how to conjugate
Students may not repeat the example questions

Possible Solutions
Explain the conjugation in a different way
Give examples of the conjugation
Ask students to repeat again until everyone
Call on students individually if needed

Formative Assessment
Accuracy of practice conjugations, accuracy and completeness when repeating example sentences




The teacher will

Explain how to play Go Fish: Past Experiences
Split the class into groups of four or five
Walk around to answer questions, check
pronunciation, etc. during the game
Ask students to speak in English if they are
using Korean
Give individual feedback
Foreseeable Problems
Students may struggle with the grammar form
Students may use Korean instead of English
Students may fall back to the sayings used last
week in Go Fish: Destination Version

The students will

Play Go Fish (four for a match)
When they want to ask for a card use the form
Have you been to?
If they have a card to give to someone, say, I have
been to
If they do not have a card to give, say, I have not
been to
Enjoy themselves
Possible Solutions
Teachers will assist with grammar when necessary
Teachers will remind students to use English if they
hear Korean
Remind students of the new phrases if they fall
back into the old phrases

Formative Assessment
Completeness and accuracy in using the present perfect during Go Fish


The teacher will

Review challenging pronunciations identified
while walking around
Have students break into pairs and talk about
where they have been
Have pairs present their partners answers to
the class
Ask additional questions based on student
Foreseeable Problems
Students may have problems answering the
Students may still be excited from the game
and have problems focusing

The students will

Repeat the words presented for pronunciation
Talk to their partners about where they have been
Tell the class where their partners have been
Answer additional questions

Possible Solutions
Repeat questions
Be patient and give students time to think about
their answers
Rephrase questions if necessary
Have the entire class repeat key phrases to
encourage participation and focus

Summative Assessment
Accuracy and completeness of answers to questions, accuracy of pronunciation, accuracy and
completeness when saying where their partner has travelled

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