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Paterson University
College of Education

Teacher Candidate Name: Lilly Ryden School: Garfield Middle School Grade: 8th Date of Lesson: 10/23/2014

Topic: News Sources Concept: Compare and Contrast
Essential Question(s): How do varying news sources alter our views and perceptions?

Learning objective(s):
Assessment(s): (rubric attached)

Questions to be asked throughout the lesson:
Distinguish between multiple
news sources including blogs,
Analyze how a text makes
What is Ebola? How deadly is it?
news articles, and newscasts.
connections among and
distinctions between individuals,
What is a blog? A news article? A newscast?
Compare and contract
ideas, or events (e.g., through
information from three distinct
comparisons, analogies, or
What are some examples of blogs? News articles? Newscasts?
news sources that all discuss
the same topic.
How are blogs, news articles, and newscasts similar? How are they

Judge the advantages and
Evaluate the advantages and
Which of these three news sources is the most useful/informative?
disadvantages to relying on
disadvantages of using different
blogs, news articles, and
mediums (e.g., print or digital
newscasts for
text, video, multimedia) to
Which of the three news sources would you rather go to for
present a particular topic or
information? Why?

Are news outlets important/necessary to society?
Compose an informative blog
entry on a topic of choice.

Write informative/explanatory

texts to examine a topic and

convey ideas, concepts, and

information through the
selection, organization, and
analysis of relevant content.
Apply knowledge of language to
understand how language
functions in different contexts,

to make effective choices for

meaning or style, and to
comprehend more fully when
reading or listening.

Teacher Resources: Pinterest (for planning ideas),

gear-ritual-n230206,, there will also be an Ebola
video but that will be chosen on Wednesday night in order to ensure the most up-to-date video information, Smart Board or Power Point presentation (will have
Power Point presentation prepared in case Smart Board is not functional)
Academic Vocabulary: Blog, News Article, Newscast
Materials: Student graphic organizers, one news article, one blog post, one newscast video, pens/pencils, highlighters.
Technology: Smart Board, Power Point
Groupings: Mixed ability groups of about 3 or 4
Student prior knowledge needed: Prior to this lesson, students will have used a triple Venn diagram; they will also have some prior knowledge on the differences
between blogs, news articles, and newscasts.
Co-Teaching Strategy(s): One teach, one assist

Teaching and Learning

What questions will you ask? What will you do, say, and/or
What will students do? What tools will students use? Where in the
write? What tools will you use?
classroom are the students? How will students be grouped?
ENGAGE (5 mins) The teacher will engage the class by asking them a series of Students will be at their desks during this time. They will participate by
questions related to Ebola. This will then lead into a
answering the questions about Ebola. During this time they may turn and
discussion about various news sources (blogs, articles, and talk to discuss their thoughts with one another.
newscasts) and if different sources provide different


EXPLORE (20 mins) After the questioning has been completed, the teacher will Students will remain at their desks during this time. They will be asked to
then begin to explain what a blog, new article, and
take notes in their notebooks as the teacher is speaking. Students will also
newscast each are. The teacher will then move on to
be asked to think of examples of blogs, news articles, and newscasts
discuss the similarities and differences between blogs,
through the turn and talk technique. They may ask any questions they
news articles, and newscasts, showing brief examples
have during this time and may also discuss questions with their partners
(screenshots) of each of the three sources.
during their turn and talk moments.
EXPLAIN (30 mins) The teacher will split the class into groups of about three or Students will be split into groups of about three or four. They will be given
four. Venn diagrams and highlighters will be handed out at Venn diagrams and highlighters but may not use them until after they have
this point, but students will be instructed not to use either viewed the video newscast. Once the diagrams and highlighters have been
yet. The teacher will then play the video newscast on Ebola distributed, the students will watch a video newscast related to Ebola. The
for the class (just to view.) The teacher will replay the video first time they watch it will be just for observational purposes, the second
newscast so that the students may then take notes on it.
time they watch they may take notes. After this, students will receive
Copies of the blog post and news article will be distributed copies of the blog post and news article. They will then begin to read both
to the class. The teachers will circulate as the students read and compare and contrast the information that is being presented to them
the blog and article and fill in their Venn diagrams. Once
from all three sources. After this, student groups will be asked to construct

EXTEND (5 mins)


the groups have completed their Venn diagrams, the class

will collaboratively fill one in on the Smart Board. A picture
will be taken once the Venn diagram is completed so that
students can receive printed copies of the collaborative
The teacher will assign homework to the class. The
assignment will be to write an informative blog entry about
a topic of choice. The homework will be due in class the
following day. Students will be informed that the best
student blog will be featured on the newly created student
blog on the Multimedia Journalism website.
Evaluation of students will occur throughout the lesson by
both the teacher and cooperating teachers.

a collaborative Venn diagram on the Smart board based on their findings.

Students will receive printed copies of the collaborative Venn diagrams.

Students will be seated at their desks. They will be provided with written
and verbal instructions on how to complete/write an informative blog
entry on a topic of their choice.

Students will be evaluated during the engage, explore, explain, and extend
portions of the lesson. During these portions, student learning will be
evaluated through student monitoring, questioning, and participation.
Students will also be evaluated using the rubric.

Differentiated Instruction:
Various visuals (Power Point, pictures within the Power Point, video, etc.) will be used throughout the lesson in order to facilitate learning.
Students will be provided with Venn Diagrams and copies of the blog post and news article.
Students will be provided with printouts of the collaborative Venn diagram.
Students will be broken up into mixed ability groups during the group activity.
Students will be provided with written, verbal, and visual directions for completing their group activity and homework.
*******Analysis of Student Learning and Reflection To be completed AFTER lesson implementation*******
Students were able to
How can I improve upon this lesson and what are the implications for future lessons and my own professional development?



Routinely provides useful
ideas when participating
in the group and in
classroom discussion.

Group Focus

Student consistently stays

focused on the task and
what needs to be done.

Understanding of Key

Student fully understands

what blogs, news articles,
and newscasts are; also
understands the
similarities and
differences between each

Compare & Contrast

Student is able to
successfully compare and
contrast the information
from each source and
completely fills their
Venn diagram.

Blog Entry

Student successfully
conveys and discusses
their topic. Their piece
has a strong voice and
their writing is coherent
and logical.

Usually provides useful
ideas when participating
in the group and in
classroom discussion.

Student focuses on the

task and what needs to be
done most of the time.
Student understands what
blogs, news articles, and
newscasts are; also
understands the
similarities and
differences between each
source - with at least 80%
Student is able to
compare and contrast
most of the information
from each source and
completely fills their
Venn diagram.
Student conveys and
discusses their topic with
some success. Their piece
has a strong voice and
their writing is coherent
and logical.

Sometimes provides
useful ideas when
participating in the group
and in classroom

Rarely or never provides

useful ideas when
participating in the group
and in classroom
discussion. May also
refuse to participate.

Student focuses on the

task some of the time.
Other group members
must sometimes remind
this person to stay ontask.
Student understands what
blogs, news articles, and
newscasts are; also
understands the
similarities and
differences between each
source - with at least 60%
Student is able to
compare and contrast
some of the information
from each source and
somewhat fills their Venn
Student conveys and
discusses their topic with
some success. Their piece
may lack in voice,
coherence, or logic.

Student rarely focuses on

the task and what needs to
be done. He/she lets
others do the work.
Student understands what
blogs, news articles, and
newscasts are; also
understands the
similarities and
differences between each
source - with less than
60% accuracy.
Student is not able to
successfully compare and
contrast the information
from each source and
does not fill their Venn
Student conveys and
discusses their topic with
little success. Their piece
may lack in voice,
coherence, or logic.

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