Park and Lo

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Natalie Brentano

C&T 491
Dr. Cho/Dr. Peter
10 June 2015
Review of Park & Lo
1. The purpose of this article being written is because the authors examine the influence of
theoretical considerations of language and globalization that is brought to attention by the
Koreans. Through the analysis of transnationalism in Korea, we are able to understand that
there are different perspectives on sociolinguistics when viewed on the global scale. Park and
Lo weigh the good and the bad within the educational movement, and the influence that this
has had on Korean identity.
2. When viewing the commodification of a language from the neoliberal perspective, it can
be viewed as a benefitial change within the Korean culture because of the positive influence
that it has had upon breaking the traditional ideas about learning English, and other
languages. This idea can be seen as a marketable skill that any common citizen can quickly
become acclimated to. With the increased interest in learning English within South Korea is
influenced by the mindset of increasing globalization and neolibral mentality that has been
established within Korean society.

3. The English language in Korean society is a result of the influence that the United States
brought with them at the time of the Korean war. Now, the relationship that the United States
and South Korea share has been futher bonded by the desire and need to be proficient within
the English language is closely related to social and educational status. Additionally the
influence on Korean culture is found in mostly every point in Korean society, some major
examples of this are, business and education. Also, the need and desire to learn English is
highly influenced upon what one's future job may be in the Korean job market.
4. The social and cultural context of Korea plays a major role in the creation of lesson plans
because of the shifting impressions that Koreans have on their place within the world. They
hold the idea that one cannot find good linguistic education within Korea, thus this has
influenced many parents to send their children abroad to other countires to gain a linguisitic
competence within English. Due to this, the structure of Korean families has ben altered,
while the importance of knowing one's native culture has been deminished. Thus, it is
important to learn the balance between the importance of language while making sure that
Korean culture is brought to light in spite of the emphasis placed upon learning the English
5. The narrow focus that has been placed on Koreans learning the English language have a
postivive and negative effect on students who study abroad. Due to the relationship of
language and social class status that is constantly changing, students have a different
perspective of studying abroad because of the changes in educational mentality and the way
that information is brought to attention. Additionally, the positive effects include the idea of a
better acquistion of linguistic ability and it raises the imporance of becoming multilingual.

But, on the other side of this argument multilingualism presents the issue that the native
language and culture are not as important as the language they were sent abroad to learn.

6. When comparing the article to my experience here at Kyunghwa, it presented the idea that
those who studied abroad are more confident in their English skills, but they presented some
signs of not valuing their own culture and heritage, in the sense that they no longer consider
themselves to be a "Korean". Additionally, while their English is far more advanced than
other students, they present themselves as outliers because they are sometimes older, and
have trouble making friends within their classes. Not only this but those students who
have studied abroad consider themselves to be a world citizen, and have desires to go live and
work abroad. I think that this article presented the ideas that I have seen
and experienced during my time here at Kyunghwa.

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