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Introduction to Personality Theory


A useful theory should be falsifiable, that is, it must generate research that can either confirm or

disconfirm its maior tenets. A theory that cannot be falsified is little more than armchair speculation.


A usefut theory of personality must also be able to organire information; that is, it should makes
what is currently known about personality. lt should be able to fit current research data into an

intelligible framework and to integrate new information into its structure. ln short, a useful theory
should be able to organize and explain observations gleaned from research.


A useful theory should guide the actions of researchers and other practitioners. Theories are
practical tools that guide a road map for makng day-to-day decisions. Parents, teachers,
businesspeople, counselors, and therapist must make daily decisions about issues for which no ready-

made set of answers exist, Theories may provide some answers.


A usefut theory is intemally consistefi and includes operational definitions that define concepts
in terms of specific operations to be carried out by the obsewer. That is, an operational definition
defines units in terms of observable events or behaviors that can be rneasured.

6. When two theories

are equal on the first five criteria, then the more parsimonious, or simpler one is



Dimensions for a Concept of Humanfi

Personality theorists have had different conceptions of human nature, and the authors use six
dimensions for comparing these conceptions. These dimensions include determinism versus free choice,
pessimism versus optimism, causality yersus teleology, consciotts versus unconscious determinants of
behavior, biological yersus social influencF on personality, and uniquencs vetsult slmilaritles among


Research in Personality TheorY

Personality theories, like other theories, are based on systematic research that allows for the prediction
of events. ln researching human behavior, personality theorists often use various measuring procedures,
which must be both reliable and valid. Rethbility refers to a measuring instrument's consistency and
includes test-retest reliability and internal consistency. Valklity refers to the accuracy or truthfulness of
test and includes predictive validity and construct validi$.


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