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In role, announce that there is a great war coming. A war between the Giants, Knights and Wizards of this land, and
that in this war there are 3 battle moves you must learn.
Teach the groups the 3 moves:

The Giant - Stomp feet like a giant saying 'Fee Fee Fo Fum'.


The Knight - Thrust forward with a sword saying 'En guard!'


The Wizard - Twirl magic wand in air saying 'Shazzam!'

In this war, in a similar way to Rock, Papers, Scissors, the Giants beat Knights, Knights beat Wizards, and Wizards
beat Giants.
Give groups a moment to decide which move they will use in the first battle, and then announce the battle will
commence in 3....2....1....
This should be followed by each groups move.
Play as many rounds as appropriate.

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