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university of alkhairat

University of alkhairat is one of the university of berbasic islam which is

popular enough in town . unisa founded in the year 1967 and now located
in prince road;street in no ponigoro 39, under colour of education of religion
of islam, hence in opening religion faculty, [is] later;then caught up opening
of public like education faculty faculty of agriculture faculty of economics
and teachership and last in the year 2008 opening faculty of medicines
at the moment unisa led [by] mr. olek of lukman tahir as fmr rector of
amirudin karim as rector 1mr. of iskandar as rector sponsor 2 and mr of
gapar malo as rector proxy 3
unisa have instructor staff and of admistrasi more or less 100 person, and
so do have student more or less 1000 person which in this time still
experience study and so do collegiate mengasilikan which have worked [in]
various institution [in] sulteng provinsi
unisa have to shar facility, like officeblock, study, laboratorium,komputer,
agriculture laboratory and doctor laboratory, hospital, library every faculty
unit and continue to be [done/conducted] [by] development of study room
and of fasiliatas other, besides unisa also have farm plantation of
agriculture for the width of 150 hectare [in] walatana ,

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