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K5 Science Endorsement GPS Lesson Plan


Rocks and Minerals Lesson 3



Blackwell Elementary

Concept Properties of Rocks and

Lesson Essential Questions

What are the physical attributes of rocks and minerals?

Georgia Performance Standard

S3P2. Students will investigate the physical attributes of
rocks and soils.
b. Recognize the physical attributes of rocks and minerals using observation
(shape, color, texture) measurement, and simple tests (hardness)

Safety Considerations
Do not put rocks and minerals near computers or
electronic devices.
Do not put rocks in your mouth.
The Learning Plan:
Provide 1 mineral for each student to examine with hands. Touch each rock.
Ask students how does it feel and what do you see ? Ask students to tell you
as many adjectives as a class that they can think of to describe the minerals.
Ask students if they can work together to compile all the adjectives into
major categories. Pass around 1 mineral and have students describe the

color, shape of crystals, luster, hardness, and texture of that mineral

Students will have 2 different stations to explore the attributes of minerals
Station 1: State that one attribute of a mineral is determining the color
through a streak test. Let students rub a variety of different minerals across
tile and blow the extra powder away. Ask students what was the color of the
streak? Was the streak the same as the color of the mineral?
Station 2: Provide students with a variety of minerals and students will use
their 4 senses to record the attributes of the various minerals: touch-texture,
luster-shiny, not shiny, measure minerals with rulers and scales, and desribe
the shapes of the crystals of the minerals. Students will record their findings
of the attributes in 3rd Grade Mineral Management recording sheet. Discuss
with teams/partners what they learned about the minerals and what
questions they still have
Title of the Lesson: Rocks and Mineral Lesson 3
Lesson Logistics/Materials: Students will work in small groups and
Opening/Hook/Initial Focus:
Pass out a mineral and ask students to use hands lenses to describe what
they see and use as many adjectives as possible to describe their rock.
Work Session:
Students will have 2 different stations to explore the attributes of minerals
Station 1: State that one attribute of a mineral is determining the color
through a streak test. Let students rub a variety of different minerals across
tile and blow the extra powder away. Ask students what was the color of the
streak? Was the streak the same as the color of the mineral?
Station 2: Provide students with a variety of minerals and students will use
their 4 senses to record the attributes of the various minerals: touch-texture,
luster-shiny, not shiny, measure minerals with rulers and scales, and desribe
the shapes of the crystals of the minerals. Students will record their findings
of the attributes in 3rd Grade Mineral Management recording sheet. Discuss
with teams/partners what they learned about the minerals and what

questions they still have

Have students turn and tell a partner what they learned today about
the physical attributes of a mineral.
Then have students choose 1 mineral to draw and record the
properties of the mineral in their science journals including streak
test results as well as describing the luster, shape, and texture of
the mineral.

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