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Lesson Teaching Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Doyin Ayoola

Instructor: Doyin Ayoola
School: Blackwell Elementary

Grade: 3

Lesson Topic: Magnets S3P2

Write a brief summary or blog of your experiences teaching this lesson,
addressing the following questions:

What went well? What did not go well?

What went really well was that once students started working
and doing experiments with the magnets they caught on really
quickly to what was attracted to magnets and what was not
attracted to magnets. What also went well was that students
were asked to chart what was attracted to and not attracted to
magnets so they could really see the difference and similarities
between all the different materials and discuss it within their
groups. Also, it was really good lesson at helping students with
the misconception that everything that is silver or metal is
attracted to magnets.
The only thing that did not go as well is that I didnt think there
were enough variety of materials that were and were not
attracted to magnets for students to test and I didnt feel like
each individual student got enough time to test out the objects
on their own.

How well were the lessons student performance objectives

Very well, because students were able to really determine that all
objects made of iron are attracted to magnets. It helped that
they were able to discuss what was and was not attracted to
magnets with students and as a whole class with teacher

Did classroom activity center on science understanding, inquiry,

and sense-making by all students?

Yes, it was focused on students understanding on what is and is not

attracted to magnets and it allowed them to use inquiry and sense

making through a hands on activity where they got to test out and
observe what is and is not attracted to magnets.

Did your scientific content knowledge enable you to support

students construction of knowledge and understanding of
important scientific concepts and processes?
Yes, I had great background knowledge of what magnets were
and were not attracted to so I was able to support my students
knowledge and understanding of important concepts and
processes on what is and is not attracted to magnets.

When you have the opportunity to re-teach this lesson, what will
you do differently (strategies, teaching tools, assessments, etc.)
to improve student learning for all students?
If I were to do this differently I think that I would have enough
different objects and enough magnets so that all students could
get a chance to one on one participate with the different objects
and do the testing with the magnets. I did not feel that every
student got enough chances to test with the magnets because
there was not enough materials and not enough variety of
different objects. So I would also make sure to either buy or get
donated a better variety of objects that would and would not be
attracted to magnets to give students a wider range of objects to
observe and test with magnets.

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