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Project Information #1

-form a group by next class and general topic /

application. List group members and their
respective backgrounds and areas of interest.
-maximum three members per group (I recommend
group of one or two if you feel confident).
-a least two methods of simulation must performed
to verify the controller Simulink form from class
and numerical simulation using a language such as
M-file or C/C++. (*ideally)
-simulations must be tested for model uncertainty,
disturbances, and noise.
-the control method must be carefully compared to
some other technique, and the tradeoffs noted
(*ideally) PID, gain scheduling.
Restricted set of Matlab / Simulink toolboxes allowed
Control system toolbox, basic Simulink / Stateflow
elements, SeDuMi/Yalmip (linear matrix inequalities
LMI), Symbolic Math (Maple).
Simulink toolboxes for data acquisition and control
prototyping (RTW, etc.), distributed, are allowed.

Fuzzy, neural network, MPC, LMI Control, Nonlinear

Control, Robust Control, Mu-Analyis / synthesis
toolboxes etc. are not allowed. If in doubt ask me.
Models can be used from other papers, but they
must be dynamic models in state-variable form
dx/dt = f(x,u)
y = g(x,u)
x, u, y are vectors
can also have discrete-time
x[k+1] = x[k] + f(x[k],u[k])
hybrid systems, differential-alegbraic equations
(DAEs), PDEs are also fine. If in doubt ask me.
Simulink model block sets or Simulink models from
papers are not allowed.
All other toolboxes are subject to instructor approval.

Basically just mathematics and basic control

toolboxes are allowed, so that the students really
learn the techniques from a fundamental perspective
Actually, for research I dont recommend using
toolboxes unless absolutely necessary -- avoid black

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