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Joe Rice
LITR 630
June 29, 2015
Wiki Lesson Written Component
According to Sanden & Darragh (2011), A wiki is just one example of a socially based or
Web 2.0 technology that can be implemented to meet new literacy needs of todays students
(NCTE, 2008). A wiki is a communally generated website on which anyone is free to add,
change, or delete content, sharing the responsibility for its growth amongst all of its contributors
(Mindel, 2006). (p. 9)
The purpose of this lesson is for students to learn to identify nouns, categorize nouns
(into person, place, or thing), and use nouns in sentences using technology resources. As a
whole-class and in small groups, students will engage in a lesson designed on a Wiki page.
Students will watch a short introduction video, actively participate in a lesson on the SMART
Board, complete an activity on PowerPoint, play an online game, sort word cards into categories,
and then go on a noun hunt around the classroom or school. All of these activities are linked and
embedded into the Wiki page.
ILA Standards
This assignment meets Standard 1.2 because I am able to see how technology changes
over time and how reading and writing development, processes, and components are now
dependent on technology. Therefore, I have designed this lesson so that students have to
navigate a Wiki website. The lesson is also aimed at teaching students a fundamental component
of language (nouns). Standard 2.2 is demonstrated through varied instructional approaches that


help students with word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and readingwriting connections. Students have to know how to compose sentences to communicate their
thoughts. Students learn that nouns are important words that are necessary in every sentence. I
use a video, SMART Lesson, PowerPoint activity, online game, word card sort and record
activity and assessment, and a word hunt. I engage students in whole-group, small-group, and
one-on-one (as necessary) activities. In the lesson, I use a wide range of texts (2.3) including
digital texts (SMART board, PowerPoint, online game, and online game) and traditional print
(such as on the word sort activity and noun hunt). I followed the JCPS curriculum map and
framework, as well as the CCSS to design the lesson and instructional practices to impact
students knowledge. I had to first refer to the JCPS Kindergarten curriculum map to know what
the district describes that kindergarten students should master in literacy. I decided to go with
this lesson on nouns because I thought that I would be able to design a lesson on nouns using the
Wiki page. As mentioned previously, I have designed this lesson to optimize students use of
traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and writing instruction (standard 5.1).
Students will use the SMART board, iPads, computers, paper, and laminated word cards in
activities to teach them the learning targets.
ISTE Standards
Students are meeting ISTE Standard 1.c Use models and simulations to explore complex
systems and issues because they are following models in guided practice to learn the complex
building blocks of language, specifically parts of a sentence focused on nouns. Students use
SMART Board technology, PowerPoint, a video, and an online game to explore and learn about
nouns. Students meet Standard 2.a Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or
others employing a variety of digital environments and media because they are using a variety of


digital tools to interact and collaborate with their peers to meet the learning target of the lesson.
Students will use the Wiki page, SMART Board, PowerPoint, video, online game, and a word
card sort. Students are meeting ISTE Standard 3.b Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate,
synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media because they are
learning information by locating nouns in sentences and evaluating if words are nouns from the
same variety of sources listed for previous standards. Students are also meeting Standard 4.c
Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions because they are
learning tools to guide them through analyzing sentences and identifying nouns so they can make
informed decisions when they are communicating through written or oral means.
I certainly had to meet KTS 6.1 Uses available technology to design and plan instruction
because it was essential that I take into account the developmental appropriateness and skill level
of kindergarten students and my schools available technology resources when I was designing
my lesson. I planned to use computers, iPads, and the SMART Board as well as PowerPoint and
online internet activities. I implemented KTS 6.2 Uses available technology to implement
instruction that facilitates student learning because planned the instruction using the previously
mentioned technology resources and put into place supports that would ensure that all of my
students are able to engage in the lesson and read the target goal. I designed the lesson with
whole-group parts in which I modeled (I do/we do), partner and small group activities in which I
gave students opportunities to collaborate with each other with guidance (we do/you do), and an
independent activity to assess how they students are able to meet the learning target after the
lesson (you do). I also have a full time assistant in my classroom that I am able to use in addition
to myself to support those struggling students one-on-one or in small groups. KTS 6.5 is


demonstrated at the most basic level due to the nature of the students development level in
regards to technology. I used the technology to support implementing 6.5 Demonstrates ethical
and legal use of technology because I provide the students with a safe, secure, and equitable
classroom environment by guiding them through every step of their use of technology. These
kindergarten students are learning how to use these technology tools for the first time. I meet
this standard by modeling and monitoring students while they are using the technology.
Literature and Technology
In order to better meet the ever-changing needs of their learners, teachers need to access
their students digital funds of knowledge (Moll, Amanti, Neff, & Gonzalez, 1992) to harness
this wealth of technological skill in the pursuit of literacy growth. (Sanden & Darragh, 2011, p.
6). I think this quote captures the essence of the necessity of keeping up to date and relevant to
the needs of students, especially in the realm of technology, content, and pedagogy. As I was
creating this lesson and contemplating what content to cover and the best ways to engage the
students in the lesson, I took the Sanden & Darragh article to heart. I was especially drawn to one
of the questions the authors present in their framework for evaluation, 5. In what ways can
teachers use of wikis aid in developing literacy strategies for managing different types of text in
a variety of contexts? (2011, p. 15). I had to decide on how to use the sharing capabilities of the
wiki to provide students with different types of texts and in different modes. This is an
especially interesting task with kindergarten students because using a wiki does require basic
computing skills and knowledge. I chose to expose students to links and downloads to activities
on the SMART Board, PowerPoint, and PDFs. I also included an embedded video and online
game. Students have some experience with technology when they get to kindergarten in most


cases. However, we have to start with a foundational knowledge when regarding formal
education and technology.
In designing this lesson, I demonstrated all three areas of TPACK to show that I can use
technology, content knowledge, and pedagogy. I began by searching for ways that other
kindergarten teachers have used a wiki to teach a lesson. I gathered some ideas and then chose to
cover the content CCSS standard L.K.1b Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs as my main
learning target. I was then able to find, create, and modify different digital and print medias to
build a lesson following research based and technology infused instructional strategies, mainly a
gradual release framework (I do, We do, You do). The technology portion was very fun to use in
the lesson because I know how children, especially kinders, love to watch videos, play on the
SMART Board, and online games. All of the technology pieces (computers, iPads, Wiki,
SMART Board, PowerPoint, online video, and online game) play a vital role in engaging the
students in research-based pedagogical activities (I do, We do, You do) to help them learn about
the content (nouns).
Common Core State Standards
The main CCSS standard that students will master through this lesson is L.K.1b Use
frequently occurring nouns and verbs because all of the activities help students learn how to
identify nouns and use nouns in sentences. Additional CCSS Standards being addressed are
RF.K.4 Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding because students are using
different types of text that are on their level to complete the activities such as words on the
screen during the online game as well as words on the word card sorts. RL.K.10 and RI.K.10
Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding are met because


students will recite the learning targets at the beginning of the lesson and have a quick discussion
at the beginning of the lesson by being introduced to nouns and making connections to the
content. W.K.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided resources to answer a question is addressed because students
will have to take the information they learn from the various activities and resources in the
lesson, such as how to identify if a word is a noun and how to categorize nouns, and complete an
assessment demonstrating their mastery level of the skill. Another main standard being
addressed in this lesson is L.K.5a Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to
gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. Students will have to sort nouns into the
main categories of person, place, or thing. With then nature of kindergarten, SL.K.1a Follow
agree-upon rules for discussions is a continuous standard that is addressed all year long by
teaching students the appropriate ways to interact in social and learning situations. Students will
engage in whole-group, small group or pairs, and individual activities.


Sanden, S., & Darragh, J. (2011). Wiki use in the 21st-century literacy classroom: A framework
for evaluation. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(1), 6-20.

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