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CHARTING BODY FLUIDS “Coach” C Consistency Ti: How The Fatient is Tolerating It. CARE OF THE CHRONICALLY ILL CHILD 3X Decline in mortality rate increases in number of children with special health care needs. rn F hile’ ( Maximize independence while minimizing ‘Pr Fecue on chide elie AN atsooa oR age. $x Family Centered Care: ‘Aseeoe family response to lncoe Involve famiy in care asi fay procs ‘arowen ard develogman Y Promote, Maintain, or Restore Health. ¢ Most Common Chronic Childhood Conditions — 2 1, Reapiratory (Asthma) aa ip 2. Specch and Bensory 5 impairments jrinne da actuate 3, Merital and Nervous $< Hospitalization — Baie Wer aNde card tr ae ares ers & maintain routines * Respect family's expertise in care of child * Be attentive to parents’ or caregiver's input are conferences for planning & eharing mutual concerns ‘# Encourage independence and self-care Nursing Education Conoutants, ne RIGHT SIDED® FAILURE (Cor Pulmonale) © May be secondary to chronic pulmonary ° Fatigue a problems (COPD) eT Feripheral Venous Pressure Distended Jugular i Veing ° Ascites © Anorexia & Complaints of © Enlarged p Liver & Spleen Gl Distress (Hepatosplenomegaly) § WelgntiGain * Dependent Edema tsa eanseniconucwasi nc PRELOAD AND AFTERLOAD Afterload: Resistance left ventricle must overcome to circulate blood Pressure from volume of blood in ventricles at end of diastole (end diastolic pressure) Increased in: Increased in: Hypertension Hypervolermia Vasoconstriction Regurgitation of cyiten TAfterload = cardiac valves Heart Failure fT Cardiac workload FB onsrving Caicaton on - Reduces number of pathogens - Referred to as “Clean technique” - Used in administration of: Medications Enemas Tube feedings Daily hygiene Hand Hygiene is number 4 MEDICAL ASEPSIS~ - Eliminates all pathogens - Referred to as “Oterile technique” - Used in: Dressing changes Catheterizations Surgical Procedures SURGICAL ASEPSIS - MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (MI) - - CORONARY OCCLUSION - - Pain: - - eS udelan Onset HEART ATIACK Substernal Crushing Tightness Severe Unrelieved by Nitro May Radiate To: Back Neck Jaw/Tooth = Dyspnea Shoulder - Syncope (LBP) Arm - Nausea - Vomiting - Extreme Weakness THO, IV Meds - Diaphoresis Monitor ~ Denial is Dietary Restrictions Common a INA‘ Cholesterol, -T Pulse " 1 Caffeine PCI? Surgery? Pacemaker? ~ Changes in ST segment LEFT SIDED Y FAILURE * Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea Qa © Restlessness * Elevated Pulmonary as - Capillary Wedge wa > * Confusion Pressure * Orthopnea * Pulmonary Congestion - Cough 3 * Tachycardia - Crackles - Wheezes Exertional - Blood-Tinged Dyspnea Sputum * Fatigue ~ Tachypnea © Cyanosis LDL/HDL Want LOW (J 100mg/al) = or it will lower you into the ground. Low Deneity Liproprotein Want HIGH (fT 40mg/dl) = for patient to feel healthy. High Deneity Liproprotein BEB orurcing eavcoron conounante ne To Calculate Heart Rate: Count the number of “R” waves in 6 seconds. (6 large blocks X's 10 = 1 min rate) = Wwe @ peretie MHEMONE W_DEFECTS MNEMONIC

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